Thursday, December 30, 2021

Fresh / Frozen Blueberries Need Extensive Washing and Checking during an season of the year, regardless of the source

 We checked and verified with the major growers of blueberries and other experts, and they confirmed that all blueberries are to be considered "highly-infested".  Contrary to other reports.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Who is checking up on the books in our schools for compliance with a Torahadik sprit?

 We have received numerous communications re: above issues, it seems that some schools are falling between the cracks. In at least one Girls school on Oak St, the Principal tells the teachers "you can leave, but we will not change the "Goyish hashkofah books".

Monday, December 20, 2021

From numerous emails by educated kosher consumers

 It has become pretty standard that many food items, i.e meat, fish, pre-checked vegies, etc are packaged in not completely transparent packaging.

The side that looks great is on top and does not look good is on the bottom in a colored tray.

The partially shriveled or brownish lettuce is packaged in a colorful bag, till one opens it and discovers the ........

Time to use clear plastic trays, clear plastic for packaged fruits and vegetables.

Most Lakewood food establishments are using eggs from the Amish in Pennsylvania that have roosters, and the food establishments are permitted to have the Goyim check the eggs, which it not in accordance with Halachah.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Ninety years, yet I never

 After the 93-year-old man in Italy got better in the hospital he was told to pay for the ventilator for one day and the old man started to cry.

The doctor advised him not to cry over the bill, what the old man said made all the doctors cry, the old man said I don't cry because of the money I have to pay I can pay all the money, I cried because I've been breathing God's air for 90 some years but I never have to pay anything for it,

But for using the ventilating the hospital for just one day I have to pay $5000.00, I realize now how much I owe God I never Thanked God for that before.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Updated: AKO Tried implementing, Star-k objected.

 Ako tried implementing that;

When a Hashgocha is removed because of kashrus violations, another Hashgocha should not certify.

Rabbi Pruzansky- Pushback


    A few weeks ago, I mentioned to a noted Israeli politician a conundrum that Orthodox rabbis face these days:  how can we show our love for every Jew, all our brothers and sisters of all levels of observance or non-obervance, and simultaneously uphold and defend the integrity of the Torah? It is an uneasy balance. Oftentimes, maintaining the Torah’s integrity and defending its moral system is perceived by offenders as unconscionable assaults on their dignity and humanity.

      A related question: is there a way to speak the hard truth without sounding insensitive? To that the obvious answer seems to be no, and that has caused many rabbis to color the truth, avoid certain topics altogether or, worst of all, try to revise the Torah, subtly or overtly. Thus, many embrace the new immorality “as the world we live in” without recognizing that their acquiescence is shaping and validating that “world.” And the effect on the laity, which is both a prime mover of these deviations as well as pressure points on the rabbinate, is devastating in terms of their fidelity to the Mesorah. Lacking forceful, unapologetic Torah guidance, their moral authorities have become Twitter or Facebook, the society at large, its loudest progressive voices, the secular culture and other anti-Torah outlets.  

    What has to be said that is not being said? Every month or so it seems, there is a public forum under Orthodox auspices that discusses the alphabet soup of moral transgressions, LGBT and the rest. The ground rules are always the same: the discussion can never be about halacha, Jewish values, or tradition, but can only encompass various ways in which we show acceptance, sensitivity, inclusion, etc. The discussion about halacha, Jewish values or tradition must wait until another time – a time which never comes. Sometimes the moderators will proclaim that those too are legitimate topics but “not our topic.” Whose topic is it? No one. When will it be discussed? Never.      


It is a bait and switch game, which results in only one voice being heard – call it the pro-sin forces – and those forces are featured, promoted and even honored by the Modern Orthodox, really neo-Conservative fringe. It has engendered the growing acceptance of same sex unions in the Modern Orthodox world, in which parents, relatives and friends are expected to shelve their values and celebrate the sin of the young couple. 

      Anyone who wants to discuss Torah, Halacha, sin, immorality, mental illness or degeneracy is accused of endangering their lives, causing suicides (itself an indication of mental illness), bullying, insensitivity and cruelty. Consequently, the new immorality has cornered the market. Only they are allowed to speak. Only they are allowed to misinterpret the Torah as they wish. No one else is allowed to differ and whoever dares to sound a contrary word must be censored, ridiculed, silenced and canceled. Their cherished concept of “inclusion” excludes, castigates and bullies religious people and anyone who challenges their agenda. Enough.  

    To be sure, others suggest that we ignore them and not give them any more attention. But ignoring them has enabled them to dominate all discussions of morality, leaving many – especially impressionable youngsters – perplexed, experimenting in ways that ruin their lives, and rebelling against Torah norms.   

      The weird secular culture has permeated Jewish life as well. We are supposed to accept as true what we know to be false. We desperately need a Hans “Jewish” Anderson to shout that the emperor has no clothes. Here are the obvious truths that people have been intimidated into silence: same sex relations are Torah prohibitions regardless of the parties’ love for each other. Men are men and women are women. Boys are boys and girls are girls.  

    Those who struggle with this are suffering from a form of mental illness and the worst of all of society’s dysfunctions in the last decade has been the mainstreaming of mental illness. There is certainly no joy in noting this; indeed, it should evoke sadness and an abundance of compassion. Sure, gender dysphoria is real (true sufferers are infinitesimal in number) but it is a malady that should be treated, not indulged. That mental illness exists is an unfortunate reality, and sufferers should not be stigmatized, but nor should they be coddled or consecrated. And they deserve both our sympathy and common sense responses.     

If a boy thinks he’s cat, we get him help. Aside from Rav Nachman’s parable, we don’t put a bowl of milk before him on the floor every morning for fear that otherwise we will be labeled bigoted anti-felines or feline-phobes. Yet, today, it is considered decent and virtuous to encourage him to purr and to meow right along with him. This is insanity.

       Men cannot become pregnant. This is not controversial. This is normal. A tiny number of people believe such nonsense and they are very loud and aggressive. The rest of us ignore, smirk or roll our eyes but we need to do more than eye roll. We all know that woke is a bad joke but we have to speak up and strike a blow for sanity. Otherwise, the day will soon come when traditional morality will be deemed a form of mental illness and believers will be persecuted (if they aren’t already).

       The modern world tries to convince people that they are not what they are and they are what they are not. This is not an innocuous phenomenon. Abigail Shrier has well documented the catastrophe in her “Irreversible damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters” in which thousands of teenage girls are talking it into themselves today that they are really boys and then engaging in life-altering mutilation and sterilization. And when they regret it, it is too late. But they are succumbing to this claptrap because that is all they see on social media. There is no pushback, no voice for sanity, And this popular acceptance is itself an inevitable extension of Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s lament a half-century ago of society “defining deviancy down.” Even a self-described Rebbitzen recently declared herself to be neither a man nor a woman, whatever that means, by her own admission talking it into herself during the long Corona lockdown. This needs to be treated, not feted.   

Israeli Chevra Kadisha Alert-

 Reb Yisroel Kohn of the various Chasidim Chevra Kadisha(s) has an interesting financial game going.

When people that deposited the full purchase price of a plot call to arrange for a Kevurah, Rev Yisroel Kohn says "we don't have a record that you paid, please send us the $25,000.00 now.

It's a professional scam- stand your ground, keep your records, don't use him for the Matzaivah.

Thursday, December 09, 2021


Reb Ahron Kotler said;

"The truth must be heard,
                         Even if the public doesn't like the sound of it.
Whatever the circumstances, regardless of the consequences.
                    The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly & unequivocally".
(Quoted by Bunim-Ob"m)

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

מזל-טוב, מזל-טוב Greenwald Caterers has finally released themselves from the BMG's "KCL" Mafia

NOTE: Greenwald's Bais Faiga still has KCL, evidently Greenwald dropped KCL, not the other way around. "Check-mate".
מודעה למדקדקים בכשרות
Greenwald Caterers has finally been able to get rid of  BMG's   KCL.