Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The kosher meat shortage, man made

The kosher Meat Shortage in the USA- Solution:

1-    The average of a non-veal beef Shechita in the USA should be as follows:
Glatt [including Bais-Yosef]- 12-18%
Non-Glatt 25-30%

2-    Additional personnel required for the non-glatt production is 1-2 additional boidkim or inspectors. Of course the non-glatt would require additional time & personnel for the deveining (treiboring) and salting.

3-    Kosher Consumers in the USA are 30-35% glatt, 65-70%  non-glatt.
4-    At the current glatt productions it would be very economical to utilize the additional 25-30% of the non-glatt.

5-    This would alleviate the meat shortage in a very short period of time of 2-3 weeks.
6-    This would also cause a glut in the kosher beef, which would bring down the price of beef to the kosher consumer.
7-    The Orthodox Union aka “OU” till a few years ago also certified non-glatt beef.

8-    It would be advantageous for the Supermarket chains across the USA to besiege the “OU” to step up to the plate and bring the cost of beef to the kosher consumer to a market more in line with other beef.

9-    The consumer in general is facing economic pressures at this time in being able to afford their basic shopping needs.
10  -The “OU” can do this on their own and they owe it to the kosher consumer.
11- It would eliminate or at least minimize the meat kashrus scandals.

                 Yehuda Shain

Glatt Kosher Meat Is Not All It Is Cut Out To Be!

Glatt Kosher Meat Is Not All It Is Cut Out To Be -By Marc Shapiro    Fri. Aug 18, 2006