Sunday, August 20, 2023

We are finally seeing a new trend in Shiduchim!

We have completed over the years a number of Shidduchim.

Many Rabbonim were very disturbed by the big פירצה בצניעות

כל כבודה בת מלך וכו

Of pictures of the prospective shidduch together with the resume. 

Recently some girls that we contacted about their Resume they said My Rav instructed me  "No pictures".

We hope more Rabbonim will instruct "No Pictures".

חן אישה על בעלה can not happen with a picture.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Long-Term Use of Acid Reflux Medications Linked to Higher Dementia Risk

 One can use a Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water twice a day and the reflux is gone.

No long-term issues.

California City Harasses Rabbi for Hosting Religious Gatherings in His Home

 California City Harasses Rabbi for Hosting Religious Gatherings in His Home-August 11, 2023

by Jorge Gomez • 5 min read

We sent a letter this week on behalf of Rabbi Levi Illulian. The City of Beverly Hills, California, is harassing and trying to prevent him from hosting religious gatherings in his home.

In June, city officials sent Rabbi Levi a “Notice of Violation” letter prohibiting all religious activity with non-residents at his property. However, the city allows other social gatherings of similar size in the same neighborhood. While neighbors can invite their relatives into their homes for a card game or dinner party, the city singles out Rabbi Levi for inviting friends and family to pray or celebrate Shabbat. The letter also threatens Rabbi Levi with civil and criminal proceedings.

Our attorneys are asking the city t. We explain that Rabbi Levi has a right under the First Amendment and federal law to worship in his home.

Rabbi Levi believes he has a religious obligation to make his home a sanctuary for God and hosts a variety of gatherings throughout the week to meet the religious needs of his family, neighbors, and friends. He has lived at the residence since October 2022 and hosted gatherings for months without incident.

The Orthodox Jewish faith requires adherents to observe the Sabbath—the Jewish day of rest that lasts from sundown on Friday evening through nightfall on Saturday night. During Shabbat, members traditionally join their family and friends to recite prayers and for meals prepared in accordance with their religious beliefs. Because their faith teaches to “make the Shabbat a delight,” many members of the Orthodox Jewish community tend to gather at the home of a family member or friend.  Additionally, many Jewish congregants cannot work or drive during the Sabbath.

Some neighbors complained about “parking, noise, and trash filling up.” But our letter sets the record straight. We point out that Rabbi Levi strives to keep his gatherings intimate and only invites people into his home as guests, not the general public. He even instructs guests to be courteous to others in the community. On days when people drive to his home, he tells them to park further away in order to avoid inconveniencing the neighbors.

The city itself conducted an investigation and concluded the neighbor’s complaints were unfounded and closed its case. But that hiatus was short-lived. The city reopened the investigation and is once again targeting Rabbi Levi, all because a few disgruntled and hostile residents don’t want him living out his faith.

City officials engaged in multiple stakeouts of the home over many hours, something one would only expect to happen in Orwellian novels or serious criminal investigations. The city even tallied the number of individuals and cars coming and going from the residence and photographed guests.

What the city is doing is wrong and illegal. The home is one of the most sacred and protected spaces for the free exercise of religion. As our letter explains:

“Rabbi Illulian’s right to engage in religious exercise at his Home with family or friends, free from government burden and interference, is fully protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000.”

The good news is that we regularly succeed when First Liberty answers the call to defend people of faith from these attacks. Our record includes essential wins for clients such as:

  • Congregation Toras Chaim, a small Jewish congregation that endured a five-year legal battle with Dallas, Texas, over alleged violations of parking regulations…even though members of the congregation do not drive on the Sabbath. First Liberty reached a settlement to secure a victory and stop the city’s harassment.
  • Heimish of Houston, a Jewish congregation, gathered for worship in a neighborhood home. The City of Houston, Texas, tried to use zoning laws to stop them from worshipping. First Liberty filed a lawsuit pointing out how discriminatory Houston’s restrictions were—and now the congregation is free to gather for service.

It’s unconscionable when government officials brazenly discriminate against Americans because of their religious beliefs. It’s time for Beverly Hills to stop harassing Rabbi Levi and acknowledge that he’s within his legal rights to engage in religious activities in his home. He should be able to worship in peace with his friends and family.


Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Crypto Currency

 The Monkey Business analogy. 

A lot of monkeys lived near a village. One day a merchant came to the village to buy the monkeys. He announced that he would buy the monkeys for 10.00 each. The villagers thought he was mad. Still, some people caught a few monkeys and gave them to the merchant and he gave them 10.00 for each monkey. This news spread like wildfire and more people caught more monkeys to sell to the merchant.

After a few days, the merchant announced that he would buy monkeys for 20.00 each. Even the lazy villagers now ran around to catch the remaining monkeys and sold them for 20.00 each. Then the merchant announced that he will buy monkeys for 50.00 each.

Then the merchant said he was going home for a week and when he returned he would buy monkeys for 50.00 each. He asked his employee to take care of the monkeys he bought. The merchant went home and the villagers were very sad as there were no more monkeys left for them to sell at 50.00 each.

Then the employee told them he will secretly sell them monkeys for 35.00 each. This news spread like wildfire. Since the merchant will buy monkeys for 50.00 each, there is a 1500 profit for each monkey. The next day the villagers made a queue near the monkey cage. The employee sold all the monkeys for 35.00 each. The rich bought monkeys in big lots. The poor borrowed money from money lenders and also bought monkeys.

The villagers took care of the monkeys and waited for the merchant to return. But nobody came. They ran to the employee. But he had already left too. The villagers then realized that they had bought the useless stray monkeys for 35.00 each and were unable to sell them.

I don’t know, but just like the villagers trading monkeys, scam crypto currency will bankrupt a lot of people and make a few people filthy rich.


Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Attention Fundraisers:

 Dear Fundraiser,

You called me for years; I was always responsive to your requests. It was habitual. Every year you called, every year I responded. A receipt was sent, I helped fellow Yidden, you were successful at your Job, I was doing my hishtadlus.

Hard times fell recently. You called. I didn’t pick up. You called again, I picked up and brushed you off. It’s Painful, super painful to say No. I’m hoping, or I say I was hoping that a professional like you will understand the lack of response and take as they say - the Hint. No, no hint taken.

You called again. Again. Again. Until I said outright I’m sorry I can’t give this year. All fine, right ? Out comes a letter stating that we have to be nice to you - the fundraisers. Fundraisers are just doing their job.

We should act like a mensch. Really? Want to act like a mentch? Take the social Que and understand that if somebody pushes you off a few times, that it might actually be a NO. Especially in these times. Especially if he always gave. Especially if you’re a professional and understand how to read people. After all, it is your job. My pain of saying NO is way more painful than you are receiving a NO.

It’s just your job to collect, it was my happiness and Simcha to have the ability to give. That simcha is not there now, albeit iy”h temporarily, but understand, truly understand, grasp it - a NO is not always necessarily spelled out as NO.

Supreme Court of New Jersey Opinions


New Jersey v. O’Donnell

Docket: A-17-22

Opinion Date: August 7, 2023

Judge: Stuart Rabner

Areas of Law: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, White Collar Crime

Defendant Jason O’Donnell was a candidate for mayor of Bayonne, New Jersey in 2018. During the campaign, he allegedly accepted $10,000 in cash in a paper Baskin- Robbins bag from an individual. The State argued that in exchange for the money, defendant promised to appoint the individual as tax counsel for the city. The State charged defendant under the bribery statute. Defendant did not win the election. He contended the applicable statute did not apply to him because it did not cover candidates who accepted improper payments but were not elected. 

        The trial court dismissed the indictment, finding that N.J.S.A. 2C:27-2(d) did not apply to defendant. The Appellate Division reversed. 

          The New Jersey Supreme Court affirmed: the bribery statute applied to any “person” who accepts an improper benefit -- incumbents, candidates who win, and candidates who lose. The statute also expressly states that it is no defense to a prosecution if a person “was not qualified to act.”

Sunday, August 06, 2023

United Hatzolah's President Eli Beer frying Schnitzel-a Must watch.


Kosher Tours to Iceland, etc.

 A Chasidish guest at a current kosher tour to Iceland asked who is in charge of checking the vegetables, etc for infestation issues?

The response; "we don't charge extra for the insects".

Kusher oich?, that would be extra!

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Rabbi Brezak

Rabbi Brezak


All clothing purchased in frum stores must be checked for Shatnez by a qualified testers affiliated with the International Shatnez testers Association



אב תשפ"ג

Shatnez Warning

Many instances of shatnez are found in garments produced and sold by Jewish-owned companies.

As an example, Fino Custom Clothiers is a Jewish-owned retail outlet that produces and sells men’s custom suits in New York and New Jersey, including Monsey and Lakewood. Over the past couple of weeks, laboratory results have verified that two of its suit styles (pictured below) have all been found to contain shatnez.

Obviously, one may not wear the pictured suits. Additionally, as with all Jewish-owned stores, all Fino Custom brand suits should be tested for shatnez before wearing.

These incidents underscore the severe problem of assuming that shatnez cannot occur in garments produced by Jewish-owned companies.

Please publicize!


ועד למשמרת שעטנז

Vaad L'Mishmeres Shatnez
64 Aspen Court, Lakewood
United States of America

You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from us.


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Update: Checking for infestation on fruits and vegetables

Rav Shmuel Felder of Lakewood BMG does not rely on any of the commercial Hashgochas for infestation issues. 

Rav Felder only eats vegetables and fruit that was checked by his wife. Therefore she has many years of hands on experience. 

Check with her what works best, each leaf, Shmatah bedikah, both, etc.?

One of the most reliable proven methods for checking for infestation in fruits and vegetables is the Shmatah Bedikah or thrip cloth method. One washes the fruits or vegetables and pours the water through a fine mesh cloth, and then they check the cloth over a lightbox for any evidence of insects. If one is not trained in identifying insects, merely using the Shmatah Bedikah is of no value as a surgeon having a fully equipped operating room but not experience in the surgery.

The method described involves washing fruits or vegetables, filtering the wash water through a fine mesh cloth, and then examining the cloth over a lightbox for the presence of insects. This method seems very practical and helpful in examining and detecting small insects that might not be easily seen on the fruit or vegetable.

Using a light box, the insects caught in the cloth become more visible because of the contrasting background. This would make it easier to see tiny insects like thrips that might otherwise be hard to notice.

As pointed out, knowledge and training about insects that might infest fruits and vegetables is essential. Otherwise, one might not recognize an infestation even if it's on the cloth.

It's also worth noting that this method might only catch some infestations. Some insects could still be present in the fruit or vegetable but not be dislodged by washing so they wouldn't be caught in the cloth. Therefore, while this method can help detect specific infestations, more is needed for all situations or pests.

As with any method of pest detection or control, it's always a good idea to consult with professionals or experts in the field for advice specific to your situation and your local area. They can provide information about common pests, effective detection methods, and strategies for prevention and control.