Sunday, February 18, 2024

What's worse- "Ignorance" or "apathy"?

  KCL say "We don't know & We don't care!  

(Re: How to run a successful Kashru$ Organization)

From a comment;

What’s the story with the Milchiger = Kosher? Corrupt Restaurant in Howell NJ behind Amazing Savings called Ottimo Cafe?
They have the KCL = Stands for Kosher? Corrupt?? Lousy no hashgocho? 

Do they have a mashgiach temidei, the one I saw who claimed to be the Mashgiach temedei looked like a Am Ha’aretz and a Shaygetz with a Pepsi Yamalka. When I spoke with the KCL, the guy who answered the phone realized I had a point, and I told him there are serious Kashruth violations in the KCL when a restaurant does not have hashgochoh temedis. He did not answer when I asked him how often does the KCL administrators make unannounced check ups at this establishment.

During the time I was there, one and a half hours,, no Jew/yid stepped foot in the kitchen and goor heimisher and chassidische yidden went there and ate. There was a large function in the back hall of this place. A simcha and who is asking questions? What a Shanda and scandel.

Who does bedikas Toylay’im at this establishment? Suggest people should be more vigilant when frequenting “Kosher” establishments who don’t have any standards for hashgochoh. May tghe KCl who I understand now, has no standards and is totally hefker.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Should Hashgochas enforce just Hashkofos or Kashrus as well? i.e. KCL

No imitation Bacon- just the real stuff

No imitation Crab & Shrimp- just the real stuff

No imitation butter (Margarine) at a Lakewood wedding.just the real treif butter

No Imitation dairy ice cream at Lakewood affairs.just real dairy stuff

No imitation non-kosher cheese just real treif cheese

No imitation "Manalapan-style kosher. KCL Recommended Manalapan chinese treif restaurant for 15 years

No imitation Mevushal wine-just real non-mevushal w/ goyim pourin & serving it out of the bottles

No imitation infestion- just fully infested

No imitation Non-Shomer Shabbos Mashgichim- even drunk mashgichim

No imitation kosher standards-just no kosher standards at all

No imitation kosher poultry and meat- Just from sources that don't meet the kashrus standards of  Hebrew National, R"L. 


If you pay KCL's service fee timely, everything is available in real life.

Only the demanding kosher consumer will decide on all kashrus standards.

A Non-Lakewood prominent Ruv at a KCL catered event said, 'll have a cup of water in a disposable cup, please.

That's correct he does not partake at KCL events.

The OU's position is that the Hashkofos are an integral part of giving a Hashgocha- Should a Hashgocha enforce only Hashkofos and not Kashrus, i.e. KCL? 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Alert only for the מדקדקי בכשרות למהדרין

 Attention to those that may have someone in a Hospital, health facility or other situation, an affair, Moisid,etc. should be aware that the meat & or poultry may not be up to their kashrus expectations.

The establishments and the food service are well meaning and are relying on certain organizations.

A kashrus Organization in Lakewood allows poultry and meat from establishments that מדקדקי בכשרות למהדרין, refrain  from using those brands.

The mere fact that it's called "Chasideshe Shechita" does not in itself justify it's acceptability.

Ask, ascertain not only what they are using today, verify what are all of the brands that the establishment uses.

Some are using that what ר' שניאור ז"ל would not allow, they are allowing brands that which does not even meet the kashrus standards of HEBREW NATIONAL brand.

It's alleged that if a brand pays the "slotting-fees", their brand is approved for Central Jersey.