Thursday, June 27, 2024

Lakewood oilum that "isn't makpid about kashrus" go to Cleveland summer camp!!!

"Lakewood isn't makpid about kashrus?"

That's right! That's why the Cleveland camp has no kashrus hashgocha, no pas-yisroel (only on shabbos) , etc.

Do you eat at home all that they are serving in the camp? NO!
Don't throw your children to the sharks.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Alert: Unlabeled canned goods, becomes labeled with a Hashgocha? CALIFORNIA DELIGHT AND DELIGHT BRAND ITEMS

Kashrus Alert: Unlabeled canned goods, becomes labeled with a Hashgocha?

Most hashgochas do not keep  a log of traceability for canned goods. Therefore when a packer purchases unlabeled canned goods at a good price & puts on his own label with the Hashgocha, the item is to be considered as non-certified kosher, which most kosher consumers will not accept.

It's alleged that the Delight Company (California Delight) or any other name they may use is a packer that purchases on the open marked "unlabeled canned goods' and labels them with labels that have a Hashgocha.

Of Course you'll find some of their product with a code that indicates a hashgocha, but a lot of the product is bought unlabeled & sold in areas where people don't check for codes.
Isn't it of interest that he is always cheaper, never runs out of product.

There may be others that are doing the same and the kosher certifiers via AKO should address this serious weakness in the system. Kashrus must be traceable from farm to fork.

Kashrus Updates and Alerts:

Red Bull drink was a non-acceptable product (CRC Chicago list) from a kashrus point.

Recently, a reputable kashrus expert from the USA, instituted changes, now the ones sold in the USA with a Hashgocha are acceptable. 

*    *    *    *    *    *    *

Dr. Pepper soda remains as a non-acceptable drink from a kashrus point, due to an ingredient in it, and there is no Bitul.

Monday, June 10, 2024

בן בועט ברבו ובאביו, ר"ל

 "I rely on R' Sholom Thumim et al" because I know him. 

Reb Moshe Feinstein has a Teshuva that those people  are considered a פושע !!!


It's a well known fact that highly respected Mashgiach Kashrus for many years

Reb Dovid Thumim, Z"L claimed that the KCL is a מכשיל את הרבים של בני תורה.


Thursday, June 06, 2024

A Cardinal Halacha is שמוע בן אחיכם

DE JA VU !!!!

We have recently seen again a letter signed by numerous Lakewood Rabbonim that may very well lack the cardinal rule of שמוע בן אחיכם.

That invalidates every one of the signatories from ruling or commenting on any of those issues.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Cause and Effect

הלכה ברורה ומשנה ברורה במקום אחד.'

תניא: 'רבי יוסי בן אלישע אומר: אם ראית דור שצרות רבות באות עליו - צא ובדוק בדייני ישראל, שכל פורענות שבאה לעולם לא באה אלא בשביל דייני ישראל,

שנאמר (מיכה ג ט) שמעו נא זאת ראשי בית יעקב וקציני בית ישראל המתעבים משפט ואת כל הישרה יעקשו [פסוק י] בנה ציון בדמים וירושלים בעולה [פסוק יא] ראשיה בשחד ישפטו וכהניה במחיר יורו ונביאיה בכסף יקסמו ועל ה' ישענו [לאמר הלוא ה' בקרבנו לא תבוא עלינו רעה] - רשעים הן, אלא שתלו בטחונם במי שאמר והיה העולם; לפיכך מביא הקדוש ברוך הוא עליהן שלש פורעניות כנגד שלש עבירות שבידם, שנאמר (מיכה ג יב) לכן בגללכם ציון שדה תחרש וירושלים עיין תהיה והר הבית לבמות יער ; ואין הקדוש ברוך הוא משרה שכינתו על ישראל עד שיכלו שופטים ושוטרים רעים מישראל, שנאמר (ישעיהו א כה) ואשיבה ידי עליך ואצרף כבר סגיך ואסירה כל בדיליך [פסוקכו] ואשיבה שפטיך כבראשונה ויעציך כבתחלה [אחרי כן יקרא לך עיר הצדק קריה נאמנה '

אמר רב פפא: אי בטלי יהירי - בטלי אמגושי אי בטלי דייני בטלי גזירפטי;

אי בטלי יהירי - בטלי אמגושי, דכתיב (ישעיהו א כה) [ואשיבה ידי עליך] ואצרף כבר סגיך [ואסירה כל בדיליך];

אי בטלי דייני בטלי גזירפטי - דכתיב (צפניה ג טו) הסיר ה' משפטיך פנה אויבך [מלך ישראל ה' בקרבך לא תיראי רע עוד] .

אמר רבי מלאי משם רבי אלעזר ברבי שמעון: מאי דכתיב (ישעיהו יד ה) שבר ה' מטה רשעים שבט משלים?

'שבר ה' מטה רשעים' - אלו הדיינין שנעשו מקל לחזניהם;

שבט משלים' - אלו תלמידי חכמים שבמשפחות הדיינין.

שבט מושלים = מקל אגרופין של מושלים, היינו דיינים רשעים שתלמידי חכמים שבמשפחותם להם למקל ולאגרוף: שעל ידיהם היו מעמידין אותן, ומחפין עליהם, ועושין סניגרון לדבריהם

מר זוטרא אמר: אלו תלמידי חכמים שמלמדים הלכות ציבור לדייני בור.

אמר רבי אליעזר בן מלאי משום ריש לקיש: מאי דכתיב (ישעיהו נט ג) כי כפיכם נגאלו בדם ואצבעותיכם בעון שפתותיכם דברו שקר לשונכם עולה תהגה?

'כי כפיכם נגאלו בדם' - אלו הדיינין;

'ואצבעותיכם בעון' - אלו סופרי הדיינין

'שפתותיכם דברו שקר' - אלו עורכי הדיינין;

'לשונכם עולה תהגה' - אלו בעלי דינין.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Coaching Vs Therapists

Coaching vs. Therapy

A common misconception is that coaching is the same as therapy, when in fact they are quite different. Therapy is intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. Coaching, on the other hand, is intended to help normal, healthy individuals achieve personal goals such as increased happiness, weight loss, improved work-life balance. etc.

The table below shows a quick side-by-side comparison of coaching vs. therapy

Coaching and Therapy

Coaching Therapy
Client is emotionally and psychologically healthy Client is emotionally unwell and in needs healing
Focuses on the present and future Focuses on dealing with the past
Driven by goals and taking action Driven by unresolved issues and feelings
Works toward a higher level of functioning Works to achieve understanding and emotional healing
Results-based and focuses on exploring solutions Explores the root of problems and offers explanation
Asks, “Where would you like to be and how can you get there?” Asks, “How did that make you feel?”
Acts on information Absorbs information
Done over the phone, internet or in person Done in an office setting
Coach and client collaborate on solutions Therapist is the ‘expert’
Contact between sessions expected (accountability and wins) Contact between sessions for crisis and difficulties only

Lakewood שלום בית-Therapists (terrorists) are not the solution, they are the root of the problem!

Advice on Responding to a Restraining Order

Unfortunately many women are receiving bad advice from therapists, attorneys and Pseudo Rabbonim who know nothing about Halachah. Their only interest is to pander their client and keep them satisfied. They will never advise their client to do the proper thing according to Halacha, when the client will not be happy with this advice. 
               The result has been a large increase in the issuance of RO’s to Yeshiva Leit. The proper response is to go to Bais Din and request that they commence proceedings to render the sender of the RO a מורדת. If the Bais Din sees that there is no justification for the RO and the issuer does not retract they will commence with the proceedings. The details of what Bais Din has to do are described in Even HaEzer Siman 77. 
As more women get declared a מורדת the reputation of the advisors will deteriorate since we can now quantify that they are giving bad advice and it is producing negative consequences to their clients.

A second benefit is that after the proceedings are finalized there are financial advantages such as no KESUBAH (see Siman 77 for more details)

A third benefit is after 12 months you can give a GET on your terms, and remarry according to most Poskim without a HETER MEIOH RABBONUM if she refuses to accept the GET (see Siman 77 for more details).

A fourth benefit is public relations “He left her because she was a מורדת sounds better than “she threw him out”.
I hope and encourage anyone who has received a RO to go forward with this advice and may הקב"ה give you ס"ד to end these issues with Shalom.

                                                                   Lakewood- שלום בית
Therapists terrorists are not the solution, but the root cause of the problem.

Update: Re: שלום בית issues: Lakewood "therapists & Mentors" are רודפים

Lakewood "Therapists & Mentors" just broke another family!!
Protect our children?

Don't push "Ritalin" on them like lollipops.
Ritalin? sure! so the School administrators can provide paying clients to their therapists.

Don't let Therapist [Terrorists](backed by Rabbonim) to break apart families. [Their success rate in at 99%]
Don't let the Rabbonim and therapists run for restraining orders against their husbands, who happens to be the father of her children.
She is throwing her children to the dogs. That's what revenge is.

Don't work in unison to support financially the therapists, by sending the parents, the children, etc. to therapy.

That's perhaps why children lost their respect for Rabbonim!

Don't allow the מקוה to break families. Terrorists & Rabbonim do it constantly R"L

מקוה schedules in WG are by pay-for-play? 
Get rid of the ones in charge, from the Rabbonim down. Get rid of the corruption in WG.
Don't play dumb.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Lakewood - the-rishus-continues-when-will-it-end- The therapists, etc are the group responsible- Sidom at it's best

The Lakewood therapists, etc and their Rabonim etc ( a mafia style) are the group responsible for shalom Bayis issues, separations, divorces, breaking up families, etc.

We have been monitoring the methods and results of these so called therapists, etc for the past  few years.

It's not as bad as you think, it's much worse!. 

"Rishus" is too mild of a description.

Guest comment. [Hefker velt]

Its a Hefker velt, thats exactly how to describe what goes on when dealing with the sensitive issue of shalom bayis and  R'L divorce. There is no responsible system set up, no trusted agency al pi Torah and halacha. 

No communal standard that everyone adheres to, or even a bes din to turn to. Its unfortunate that so many homes are shattered as a result of total incompetence, inexperience in dealing with the issues and problems of shalom bayis. 
Its a Hefkervelt when any Askan, therapist, social worker or Rav, can do what they want with no accountability for their actions. They get away with it time and time again. There is no mirsas, no fear, no repercussions its do what ever you please. They dont have to answer up to anybody. 
Take one side of a story, give bad advice, dont do basic homework or due diligence its only nefashos were dealing with. So what if you have no experience in shalom bayis issues, who says you cant take it on all by yourself? no one is stopping you. No guidelines set in place making sure all