Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A federal or State law that School bus drivers get paid by the HOUR, not by the run- thereby preventing accidents, wild driving, etc

On a Dash-Cam- Jays Bus # 330 goes right through solid Red Light 

 Observed going East bound on 14th Street, crossing Forest Avenue.

In the past six months alone 

I, Yehuda Shain have emailed  to the LSTA, Lakewood police, school bus coordinator, etc serious safety violations

With bus numbers, times, etc. They did nothing to correct any of the issues.

They must pay drivers by the hour not by the run. 


Anonymous said...

Did you write your name when telling them of problems?

Anonymous said...

You have no permisson to put stuff with even a mashehu of pritzus - as this video has. It is also assur just like bugs and maybe worse.

Anonymous said...

On this site there are only two problems: being a democrat and having a Hechsher. Any other aveira is mitzvah.

Anonymous said...

And the OU mashgiach in Queens only holds by 3 dibros of his eigenner avoidah zarah:

Thou shall not criticize corrupt esatblishment organizatzias (especially OU-Queens Vaad-Agudah)

Keep child molesters Holy & Wholly protected as an extra safety layer for mechuton Bryks.

Thou shall not allow the free exchange of ideas from "WORSE THAN HITLER!" figures such as Yudel and Feivy.

Anonymous said...

You woke up on the left side this afternoon?

Anonymous said...

*Follow FAA's WhatsApp Status*

Anonymous said...

You, Yudel Shain keep reporting troubling stuff thus we keep on ignoring you,

Lakewood Police
Vaad of Lakewood
All Lakewood citizens.

Balti-Moron said...

The latest edition of Star K's Kashrus Kurrents magazine, tucked inside of Pinny's paper today, is touting "New Sabbath Mode" which implies a "new & improved" version. They are further using (tricky?) wording that would make you believe that it's packed with hiddurim that surpasses what the gedolei haposkim hold! (That'll be the day!)

Anonymous said...

Another posek who does not follow Horav Yudel Shlit”a
also he has forgiven the bowmore rabbi for not offering him water at a failed meeting. Coining him as a moavi.