Sunday, June 16, 2024

Are camps safe? Remember Camp Agudas KOLKO (cocoa) club-How many kids were molested?



Anonymous said...

So you have one camp we’re a serious activist has a serious issue.Does that mean all camps have issues - as the headline implies ????

Anonymous said...

I believe it's essential to address the issue of concealing negative incidents in the past. This practice is prevalent among all communities, including frum, not frum, and not Jewish. However, promoting transparency in such matters could serve as a deterrent for future incidents. It's important to acknowledge that things have happened in the past and, unfortunately, there is a possibility that they may continue to occur.

When something detrimental occurs, individuals in leadership positions should take responsibility and resign. It is an honorable course of action to acknowledge that leaders can make mistakes or prove less effective than anticipated. I believe it is reprehensible for leaders to prioritize protecting their own honor or that of their friends over the well-being of the community. It is essential to prioritize the greater good and future prosperity of the Klal over personal interests. I urge leaders to do the right thing by willingly relinquishing their positions of honor or even their friendships, if necessary.

Rabbi Shain's writing style may come across as caustic to some, but I believe he provides a valuable service by disseminating information that should be known by the entire community, not just a select few. In doing so, he allows the true leaders to emerge and rise to the top.

Anonymous said...

KCL resign!

Anonymous said...

Sun Jun 26, 01:26:00 PM 2022

Aye. It 'Why You' and 'Techailes'. He/they decided that this is what actually occurred even though the is no statue of limitations in NY State anymore

UOJ Gets Results said...

To answer the question, Yudi Kolko is known to have molested a minimum of 100 victims.

The first known molesting by Yudi Kolko was when he was Mirrer yeshiva gym teacher & dorm counsellor in the late 1960s. The Mir did not know about it at the time & did not find out until 40 years later when a former talmid who is off the Derech from the molesting went public about it.

Kolko was then molesting in Stolin & was quickly thrown out by Rav Dishon.

Then commenced more than 35 years of molesting under the protection racket of Margo at the misnomer called "Torah Temimah".

Kolko was also molesting at Camp Agudah under the protection racket of Belsky & the Agudah Fressers, mah she'ain kain the "Club" from which Kolko was forced out.

Even after Margo was forced to remove him, Kolko was still proctoring tests at YOB. And Kolko was still leading trips of little kiddies in bathing suits to Lake Compounce water park until journalists informed the gentile owners who Kolko is and he was banned from the property.

It is suspected that a high ranking Fresser askan from Agudas Fressers of Williamsburg who molested many boys, counts Kolko & Belsky among his victims. The askan is related to other Fresser askanim who have a vested interest in keeping the gantz historia under wraps and for years would not even allow mention of the word molestation.

Yossi Kolko groomed by zein fetter continues the family "tradition" but he is currently on sabbatical in tefisah at "the Cheder".

It's a joke that the Kolkos even ended up in the Charedishe machaneh after it became in style. The original Kolko patriarch who came to America under murky circumstances (they claim he owed everyone money in the Heim, but who knows what the rest of the story is), was a not very frum Tzioni in Upstate Rochester.

Al kol ponim, many choshuveh gedolim were fighting to stop Yudi Kolko, not that the American Agudah Fressers really care about daas Torah.

Anonymous said...

UOJ for does not care about the Torah . Period.
As us well know, they do what they want and pay, shop, bribe or otherwise hound their so called "rehbbis" to say what they want.

Anonymous said...

Tue May 23, 12:41 PM is tzedreit! In the same breath that he accuses UOJ of not caring ki hu zeh about the Torah, he says that several rabbonim agree with UOJ but only because UOJ shtups them with shoichad. That's a false accusation that even the most corrupt of the Agudah Fressers trying to knock UOJ would not make because they want to create the illusion that all gedolim are on their side. They try hard to conceal that any gedolim or rabbonim are against their cover up mehalech. 12:41 pm might think he's with the Fresser cover up "program" but he doesn't have a clue on how to run an effective cover up!

Anonymous said...

It’s about time you admit that it’s not a cover up. Just plain old fashion true. They have a non Torah agenda. All the regular accepted poskim told them how to proceed IF THEY HAD HALACHADIK proof. But they did and do what they want. The Pope , the Techailes guy and that gang decided what is right and they fit into whoever they consulted AFTER they acted.
All the frum people know that. Only you holy moly super Modernah “Raabies” ( like the ones you accuse of controlling kashrut in this country) are behind this.

Daas Torah said...

Mon May 29, 2:06 PM 2023 needs to stop lying. There are several written halacha teshuvos from the gedolei Eretz Yisroel to call the police on molesters. Because the liar is personally against it (you have to wonder why!) he calls the agenda of the gedolim a "non Torah" agenda. Rav Elyashev wrote that the raglayim ledavar required is a low threshhold that is way below proof. These are not inyanei mammonos. It is the halacha of kol ervah which is different. One reason why it's different is because only a crazy person or an enemy would manufacture untrue accusations of molesting against someone innocent.

Anonymous said...

At Camps with no hashgacha Cocoa stuff keeps Reb SF Medelovitz already predicted. So the one and only way to stop cocoa stuff is by hiring a ‘Yudel approved’ Mashgiach. Period.

Kuckoo Gardens said...

"(you have to wonder why!)"

It's actually pushet. It's 'You Know Who', who would even belittle Moishe Rabbeinee if his beis din poskened against the molesters in 'You Know Who's mishpooche! On certain blogs, 'You Know Who' is a one man show behind all the comments defending molesters & attacking anyone opposing molesters.

Anonymous said...

Tue Jun 18, 12:56:00 PM 2024

How did REY resolve the issue that if they got the wrong guy or the molstee was lying then the former-accused is 'Done' For life ?!!?!?

Daas Torah said...

Rav Elyashev learns al pi teshuvos in RIshonim that heyos saving kinder from the roidfim is a bezundereh tikun oilam and a major churban to not do so, we can rely on the government to sort it out even though there is the very rare case of a false alarm even after the raglayim ledavar. To demonstrate that charges are possibly false there are 3 levels before anyone is "done". After the police investigation is the DA investigation & then the independent courts which the appeals process winding up to higher courts can be many more than 3 levels.

Anonymous said...

Reb Yudel, while I agree with you on most things, you have to educate yourself about the story in the posted Camp Kaylie letter. First of all, the accusation happened in the yeshiva this guy worked at, not in the camp. (He is a yeshivish rebbi in a MO five towns school for over 20 years). The "rabbi" who wrote the above letter is more of an activist than a rabbi, he would do anything to anybody if it meant advancing the cause that yeshivos are dangerous for children. After 20 plus years working as a rebbi in this school, someone came forward with an accusation about something he claimed happened over 15 years before, helped along by this activist from YU. The school put him on paid leave for a year while they did an investigation, he was exonerated by both the yeshiva and camp kaylie and put back in the classroom. The activist from YU was not happy that his own MO people, the five towns school, sided with a yeshiva guy from lakewood over himself. So a half year later he came forward and said that he has another accuser, but he refuses to say who this accuser is, and the school and camp must fire him. Now this guy can't even defend himself, because he has no idea who the "2nd accuser" is. And the YU activist has the chutzpah to put in his letter, as the only proof that any of this is true, the fact that there are 2 accusers! Of course the whole fact that there are 2 accusers is only based on his word! The school and camp are in a tough spot, so they had to fire him. And now this guy can't get another job. Reb Yudel, I believe we need to air these molesters out, but sometimes before posting something damaging like this, consider the source. You wouldn't eat in this Yu activist's home, don't blindly accept his allegations either.

The Halachic literature said...

There is grada a shita in Rishonim that just one accuser is enough to remove someone from chinuch. While we generally hold that more than a single accuser is needed I haven't seen anywhere in teshuvos that Rabbi Blau is mechuyev to release the identity of a terrified victim. Tell me if I'm missing something. Has Rabbi Blau ever been caught lying that 10:33 am suspects he is lying about Ungar? It is zicher not shver that a child victim represses the horrific memories of molestation for 15 years or even longer. This is a coping mechanism that Hashem puts in people. Besides that many do not even know what molestation is until they become more worldly.