Monday, June 10, 2024

בן בועט ברבו ובאביו, ר"ל

 "I rely on R' Sholom Thumim et al" because I know him. 

Reb Moshe Feinstein has a Teshuva that those people  are considered a פושע !!!


It's a well known fact that highly respected Mashgiach Kashrus for many years

Reb Dovid Thumim, Z"L claimed that the KCL is a מכשיל את הרבים של בני תורה.



Anonymous said...

Please remove pictures of people i do not think this is lshem shumeyim.

And a real motzei shem RA

Anonymous said...

He not with us you can say he said anything no one to deny it

Anonymous said...

He c an blame his uncle, Reb Osher Chaim Lieberman for the KCL kashrus disasters

Anonymous said...

Rav Forscheimer doesn't know what it means that he's on the KCL Rabbinical Board, he doesn't make any decisions at all.

Rav Osher Lieberman, also is clueless why he's on the kcl Board.

Anonymous said...

So all of the hard decisions are made by the "Franklin$".

Anonymous said...

Like all hashgachas

Anonymous said...

Is R' Dovid the Thumim who wore long and was nebich in a plane crash, I think on the way to a Bertram facility if I remember correctly?

Anonymous said...

He actually went in so he can shake it up and make it reliable and interesting short time that he is there he already accomplished alot , so I'm sure his father is very happy

Green Vald said...

One of Itche Meyer's Pesach hotels this year was supposed to be the dumpy Hilton in Woodcliff Lake. But he has just switched the location to the Malon in Florham Park, NJ, nearby Chabadskerville Morristown. The Malon is a combination hotel-kimpturin-nursing home owned by Satmar chevra.

It's frankly shocking that Itche Meyer took Eliezer Eidlitz as rav hamachshir here or for any location regardless of what kind of crowd goes to each location! That's really vild to take Eidlitz if you know his tzu gein in kashrus. He's only published by Feldheim because they are personal old friends.

Rubashkin Fresser said...

Special discount for R' Yudel

Shoin gekoift?

Anonymous said...

Shalom is dancing to the tune of Fund/Weisner heteirim.

Shalom even had the audacity to call a food service, "why don't you take kcl"?, you took a different Heimish Hashgocha. The owner threw him out.

Anonymous said...

Jealousy spurting out his ears.
I would go into the colorful woods and never emerge. You’ll feel at home there with all your Chaya friends.

Anonymous said...

In fafkoift. Yudel does not get stuck with bad merchandise ever.

Anonymous said...

The owner will soon come begging for the KCL just all the other chachoomim in town.

Anonymous said...

I never thought that people bite the hands that fed them but when they stop they always bite Yudel should learn from a dog maybe then he would wag his tale

Anonymous said...

... that the KCL is a מכשיל את הרבים של בני תורה.

And not Bnai taireh are not Jews?
Only machshil Bnai Tairah ??
What kind of talk is that from a great mashgiach ?
If the crowd is 'haimish' or 'Bnai Taireh' then its OK ?

We expected better then that on this KASHRIS site.