Tuesday, July 16, 2024

LAKEWOOD- Wake up, smell the coffee



Anonymous said...

I personally know of three girls and 2 boys who were out of school this entire school year

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

R' Shlomo Yehuda was misinformed about just "a few kids" in Monsey which has a much bigger problem than Lakewood. And Moish Finkel's old haunt YSV is the worst behaved, the most sadistic of the mosdos in this tragedya.

Anonymous said...

You still couldn't you tzatzkeh in any school and its all YSV's fault ?>!!?!?!

What happened? They didn't believe your tuna beigel bubbeh mayselach ??

Kuckoo Gardens said...

There goes 'You Know Who' - AGAIN - sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, allll the waaaay from Qveens. Condemning YSV means supporting a Yudelstake agenda, any Yudelstake agenda, which he won't stand for, so he tries to destroy the credibility of the reporter, painting him as a specific shnit, despite having no idea who or what he is. I recall the Monsey readers disputing his frequently rehashed "Tuna Beigel" conspiracy as totally inaccurate as there are many known cases of Litvish families being mistreated. This is besides that the Monsey readers have cited YSV policy to not even grant interviews to Tuna Beigels so there's no way a Tuna Beigel could have interacted with YSV.

'You Know Who' also gets his seepuk in rejoicing over the kloin & misfortune of others, as is certainly well known (even to non-meyvinim!)

Anonymous said...

You know who tried to give the Tuna Zaddik the benefit of the doubt.
Anyone else would get accepted anywhere as an asset to its school.
But some Yeshivahs cant decipher the new breed of Jews so they don’t accept them including YSV.
But some people have an old Cheshbon with YSV so they blame them for everything.
As they should give their buildings to other Moisdos. They should be the only yeshiva to accept kol zuv vechol tzahreeah.
They should only hire people who are not religious.
Plus much more. But any other Moses within 500 mile radius are exempt from these Yudel rules.
Of course this was all checked out ???? By the Yudel hand picked “pic-n-choose” gedolim” in Israel.

Kay Gee said...

That's rich that the Big Mouth in NYC's outer outer boro is not just doubling down on his insults against R' Yudel & most others, but is now adding this new twist to his pack of lies to protect YSV. If the hypocrite wants to talk about Zov & baal Tzoraas let him look no further than his own mishpooche. Who would take his nephews into a yeshiva besides the 'secular Haredi' Yankel Bender?


Anonymous said...

"out of school this entire school year"

What city? I thought the Lakewood Vaad, despite their stinky behavior, at least gets everyone placed at episs some point?

Gangsterei said...

Moshe Dovid Perlstein has a lot of fight in him this season. So far at least he's not hiding after massive backlash like he reacted when asking Yeshiva World owner Eckstein to delete his vicious attack on Rechnitz when Rechnitz originally gave Musser to the selfish yeshiva admins.


And he's not even hiding behind anonymity like he was doing just a week ago, threatening the Camp Malka victims that he & Hiller themselves created their victimhood.

No sir! Perlstein has now gone Full Monty on page 16 of today's Yated with one of the most ridiculous tirades you've read in a long time. He himself acknowledges he will be counterattacked for it! In the same breath he insists - please don't laugh too loud - that he's "not a fool".

Already in the very first word he has the gall to attack his Camp Malka victims as "insidious"! That's a pretty big word for him. Did he hire one of Ms. Dodelson's political strategists?

He doesn't wait long to promote himself & pat himself on the back as the baal chesed hador. This from a oisnutzer profiteer who jumped into a disaster as the ostensible hero but emerged just as repulsive as the original villain who both of them left a population of young girls without the most basic necessities of life, food, water, shelter, etc.

He lies to cover up for "VALIANT" (you read that right) Hiller that the Upstate camp was 'unavailable' only "last minute" (it was in fact prohibited to occupy the entire time).

Only a sick person could next write an attack on the parents, pinning the blame on THEM for notifying other parents of the dire chiyuv pikuach nefesh to save their daughters!

Perlstein continues lying that the parents focused all their energy on smearing him instead of doing something constructive to help the girls. As if rescuing the girls from sakonas nefoshos mamash wasn't constructive. Perlstein also pretends he was the only one who ferried supplies (which in his case were woefully inadequate while making a $mint!), makes zero mention of parents who sent large amounts of food & water at huge personal expense.

He spins the same slanderous attacks on the parents multiple times using different words to harp on it. Because it's all about him, he adds at this point, virtually painting them as Meanies with Black Souls, that they get Geshmack in publicly frying him on the internet. He's even slimy enough to insist that the youngest girls crying when camp was cancelled for their ages is 'proof' that the parents were making much ado about nothing just so that they can get their thrills bashing Perlstein & Hiller.

At the height of absurdity, Perlstein whines that if the mean spirited parents weren't upset at him & Hiller, the entire disaster would have magically bloomed into a Gan Eden. Perlstein captivates himself with hyper-exaggerated hyperbole like that the parents are hungry wolves jumping on him the prey to shred him apart. He knocks the parents as losers with low self-esteem who feed on him to make themselves feel good.

He refuses throughout to take any responsibility for his own actions but at the end finally hints that someone besides him (Hiller) may be a bad person (after first praising him as "VALIANT"), but that it's still no excuse to expose Hiller because it hurts the feelings of Hiller's mishpocho.

Smug Perlstein ends off that the way to bring Moshiach is, in a matter of words, to just suck it up to let villains like Perlstein-Hiller abuse anyone they want including your own children and that everyone needs to team up with Perlstein-Hiller to persecute anyone who dares host or write blogs & WhatsApps that blow the whistle.

He certainly did get to various blog & chat owners this past week who were pressured to remove any commentary not casting Perlstein-Hiller as Tzaddikei Yesoid Oilam!