Monday, July 08, 2024

Vacation Hotels In Europe and surroundings



Heimishe Shgooche said...

Does R' Yudel trust any of the shgooches on Europeyisher resorts like the Biala Rebbe, Rav Breisch, Kedassia, etlicher dayanei Antwerpen & the Bnei Braker shgooches that go out there?

YU - Torah Madua said...

YU rosh yeshiva Marc Menachem Penner has been protecting Young Israel Woodmere menuvol Judah Karkowsky. This is the same Penner, head of the OU's rabbinical arm, who has been using his weight to normalize open toyeveh.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he trusts, Kedasia, Machzikei Hadas Antwerp, Rav Landau bnei brak.

Anonymous said...

there is no excuse
you can go to a hotel with kedassia from the highest standards of kashrus no need for sub par kashrus do your research you will find out that some of these european kashrus companies use kulos that if that food would end up in a pot in your home you would kasher the pot

Anonymous said...

in israel there is huge issues with kashrus from hotels evan hemishe ones

Anonymous said...

I think this letter irrelevant for anybody that eats KCL

Der oylam esst nuch kusher? said...

R' Yudel needs to speak louder to overcome the propaganda of certain characters who 'hold' (no matter what they know deep down) that establishment politics is the deciding factor, not any metzius in kashrus violations.

Hashem yeracheim

Kyle said...

You may not be seeing Aryeh Dodelson around in person but he sure has a strange way of flooding the internet with positive sounding stories to drown out the newspaper reports on him. This practice is known as Google-bombing.

All the items where he's pulling a Hunter Biden to present himself as an abstract artist farkoifing his paintings

are using the picture of relative Daniel Dodelson from Uruguay while under the name Aryeh Dodelson.

A press release for the paintings was even placed on Fox News with a Lakewood, NJ, byline. The PR firm handing it apparently does not exist except as a freelancer with a joke location claim. It uses the address of a Hipster bar called Goldy's in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The bar is owned by a company Ox Collar LLC. Aryeh worked for Oxxshot Capital. Coincidence?

Aryeh is even being passed off as an Astrophysicist at University of Zurich. The real Astrophyicist is relative Dr. Scott Dodelson who was at Carnegie Mellon for many years

Anonymous said...

This letter makes no difference to our feinschmeckers who must travel to ‘where you have not been to’.
The people who are this Rabbis Chasidim or follow what he says even if not his chasidim can’t afford to get on a plane unless it’s to America to schnorr for a wedding or other issue. Even then they borrow the fare and either pay back or let another gemach pay back.
So who is this letter for ???

Moshiach Now! said...

What happened to begin with?

Monsey said...

Now that Steinmetz moved to Arizona, he has some sons running the Monsey hashgocho & Spiegel is out.

Does this make it any better or worse?

Anonymous said...

What is this non sense story have to do with Yudel or this site ?

Anonymous said...

Some one not politically correct poured the water.

Anonymous said...

It depends how much moola arrives at 1140

Vos zogt Horav Yudel? said...

Shpolter Shgooche said...

Does Satmar agree with the Pupa narrative that Global Kosher is episs vee a Sfardi division of Sachdis?

Rabbi Tank claims elsewhere that Rav Ovadya Yosef & the Biala Yerusholyim Rebbe told him to start Global Kosher.

Global Kosher has a shechita in Florida that I highly doubt is Satmar standard.

Anonymous said...

Since when is Satmar Standards as high or on the level of YudelShain Standards ??