Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lakewood day camps kashrus ALERT-Are they using any S. American beef w/Alle/MealMart or SBD?

KCL certified Parve cholent may "not" be eaten with milk


Anonymous said...

This not written explicitly in the Torah thus mitav shyee-yee shogigin vahl yee-yee
Mayzeedin applies.
Women run most day camps - they may not understand or obey.
Yeedin darfin machin parnooseh may be another heimish reason - ahzoyvee es iz gevai in den alter heim.

Rabbeinu Bakshish said...

Does this include the complimentary portions for Wiesner?

Anonymous said...

we need a independent kashrus agency
that will do audits
for every agency
we pay good money for this

La Kosher Nostra said...

The audits are exactly what they are terrified of. Their gig is up with audits.

Why do you think R' Yudel had so much push back against him in the kashrus industry when he would just utter the word? They even bar him from coming to events in case his eyes & ears pick up on a few things.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the audit results may conclude that Yudel is pushing too far if not over the cliff. Then Yudel will have to close down this site or keep doing what he is very good at:
Bashmootzing the Audit.(BTW Bashmootzing can be the truth also. not all Bashmootzings are false).

Anonymous said...

For not being a relative - the Belz/Aidah Politics disappeared quickly.

Anonymous said...

We were given some new info. so It was put into draft mode, in case it goes back up.

Anonymous said...


"We were given some new info...."

You imply that all your information is second hand, from third parties. Thus when NEW information was heard you changed your tune although NOT completely as you say 'its in draft mode'.
We highly highly doubt that there is ANY allowance for Loshon Horah coming from a third party. One of the Halachic conditions for spreading LH is first hand knowledge. Second hand knowledge is NEVER exact thus can not be trusted or repeated.
The fact that you acted when you later heard NEW information is also halachalic troubling since that means:
1. You did not read the first LH information correctly.
2. You did NOT apply the 'Benefit of the doubt' rule.
3. There are many more LH rules broken here.

The above holds true even according to the Rambams you keep quoting (out of context, of course) and Reb Aron's LH rules as well as all the other sources you constanly quote.

The fact that you took it off your blog does not resolve the prohibitions violated or in any way undo it.
To finish off, you have no business taking sides when two accepted batai dinim or two accepted factions disagree with each other. Just because you decided who is correct does not in any way make it binding on anyone except yourself. Thus spreading your opinion on some elses expense is a negligent violation of all LH rules

Michoel Goodwin said...

3:47 pm, vos hockst du a tcheinik?

There are often rabbonishe observers at dinei Torah so how do you know R' Yudel didn't hear from one of them?

Is it because you are just another tcheinik hocker with an ANOICHEE complex that no one can be right except you?

Or have you joined the other couple of nudniks in the "Never Yudel" movement with their anti-Yudel derangement syndrome?

It's time to face the facts

like it or not - truth must be heard said...

"There are often rabbonishe observers at dinei Torah so how do you know R' Yudel didn't hear from one of them?"

In most people's book the above is second hand news. Not acceptable to repeat as far as LH rules go.
Of course there are many many 'burning' urges and many many ignorant non 'mitzvahs' of why one MUST be 'm'farsame' third party news, nevertheless they violate basic LH rules.

Anonymous said...

Am Haaretz and/or Avaryan at 11:20 am, if a talmid chochom is rightfully concerned by something improper he saw at the din Torah & tells R' Yudel altz toyeles to prevent a pirtzah of ervah & mamzerus in Klal Yisroel, then it is a chiyuv on R' Yudel to help him be mefarsem. Only a dray kop or premeditated machtee es horabim would command that R' Yudel be muzzled.

Thank you for clearly demonstrating where you stand.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you for clearly demonstrating where you stand.'

May sound logical to a guy who has not studied the Halachos of
Loshon Horah.

But the Loshon Horah halachos are still valid in spite of these "good intentions"

Sounds like another reform movement is starting here. Right on Yudel blog.

Remember: Its second hand info even if he is a "Talmid Chochom" who knows nothing about shmiras HaLoshon.

Anonymous said...

גפני אחרי 30 שנה הגיע הזמן לומר די סיים את תפקידך גם לך יש מחליפים . מעטים האנשים שיודעים לומר סיימתי את תפקידי והגיע הזמן ללכת. כנראה גם גפני המשופשף לא מבין שתם זמנו. אילו היה מבין איזה אמבוש מחכה לו הוא היה מתכנן את פרישתו בכבוד. בטוחני שגם מרן הרב שך זצוק”ל, לא היה מאפשר לגפני לחמם את הכיסא 30 שנה בכפירה בקב"ה

אתם מבינים 30 שנה הבחור מחמם את הכיסא מדבר דברי גידוף נגד ד' ית' וחושב שכולנו מטומטמים? והוא היחיד שמציל את אותנו? מוישלה גפני יש יותר מוכשרים ממך!!! ותן לנו להשפיע ולהצליח. 10 אחוז מעריכים אותך על הכל* אבל הגיע הזמן לקחת פסק זמן וללכת הבייתה. לפני שמישהו ייאלץ אותך שתלך ולא בכבוד אלא עם פצצת סירחון שתריח הרבה מאד זמן. בשבילך ובשביל כבוד משפחתך אפשר לנו לא לפתוח את תיבת הפנדורה ולסיים בכבוד

בכנסת הבאה שבהמלצת כל הגורמים כדאי מאד למענך ולמען משפחתיך שלא ייאלצו לבקר אותך מאחורי סורג ובריח שתלך לכולל ללמוד כפי שהיה נוהג לומר שלמה לורנץ שהוא מתגעגע לכולל

מושי גפני: "נא" לֵךְ לְשָׁלוֹם, ארוז ציוד, תנוח בשלום, וסע לשלום, ואל תחזור לגדף, וכו'

Anonymous said...

If the talmid chochom who spoke to R' Yudel was at the din Torah then he is a 1st hand source for R' Yudel to use his information here.

Mr. Kvetch doesn't like anyone to be "confused" with the FACTS of Belz & Philly misbehaving.

He talks of Reform but his behavior alein is like the Reform rabbis who advise their flock to not speak to orthodox rabbis. Because the Reform rabbis are afraid that someone might become enlightened by the truth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Can any caterer truly make anything 100% parve ?

Anonymous said...

Why Not ???

Its like asking can anyone make anything 100% Kosher.

Anonymous said...

Parve from a caterer is not as simple. Especially without proper hashgacha

Anonymous said...

Vegan, Certified Vegan?

Infestation is still vegan?

Anonymous said...

Tue Jun 18, 02:03:00 PM

Especially ……. The hashgacha is not the issue. The equipment is the issue.if there is no parve equipment then you can’t make pure true parve.
In ones home if you don’t have meat equipment you can’t make meat dishes.
If in ones home there is no parve equipment then they can’t make pure true larvae dishes either.
The hashgacha does not play any roll in this issue other then lying about it.
All accepted hashgachas (even those not “reccomended” by Yudel) will put on the label “meat equipment” or “dairy equipment” etc ( yes we know DE sometimes means cholov “triefah”).