Thursday, April 04, 2024

All Botei Dinim that alienate children from a father is done ONLY to "force a get", which of course is therefore an invalid get.

Always put in the arbitration agreement "the Bais Din may not alienate the children from a parent". (Per Reb Shlomo Miller and Reb Elya Ber Wachtfogel)


La Kosher Nostra said...

Kirsch took over Belsky's Kangaroo Court for making mamzerim, financial shakedowns & intimidation gangsterei. Sometimes he joins forces with Notis from Lancaster to double deck the victims.

Anonymous said...

Love the internet mavinim and rating system of many established Rabonim.
Which is all based on the “tasters” likes and dislikes.

Anonymous said...

Which rating system have you got better!? Nepotism?

Aless abee mattir zein said...

3:17 pm wants the corrupt ones on the billboard to be the collective posek basra because they are up his alley to sanction all the shmutz he's into.

Mamzer Machers said...

In the infamous promotional interview that Chabadsker Tuna Beigel "Larry" Gordon conducted with Mendel Epstein, in the issue of 5 Towns Jewish Slimes that hit the newsstands a few hours before the FBI had Mendel in handcuffs, Mendel was boasting that some ra-bonim give their haskommos on his faminist mamzer maching gangsterei. They are:

1. Peretz "der Sheretz" Steinberg of Queens Vaad who has collaborated with Mendel's & Belsky's financial shakedowns too.

2. Hershel Kurzrock who is Mendel's somewhat senile stooge at Iggud Haganovim. Many corrupt shakedowns via Iggud that have hazmonnos with Kurzrock's signature are the product of Mendel Epstein concealing that it's his personal shmutz. R' Kalman Krohn had warned many people about this Kurzrock front for Mendel Epstein who would also try to enrich his son Yonason Epstein by pushing him as the to'en on the client paying for the gangster services.

3. This Moshe Bergman from Flabush who Mendel & Larry tout as a "prominent mesader gittin".

(Not to be confused chalila with Rav Moshe Bergman the great-grandson of Rav Schach ztl who is night seder shoel umeyshiv at Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah in Ramat Beit Shemesh)

Anonymous said...

If you going to use use your rating system based on what you like or not then you can’t complain when others with other “tastes” rate your holy Rabbnim not to your liking. You also can’t complain when someone with different taste buds uses nivul peh to curse out your selected holy poskim when they do not go along with his tastes.
It the classic all have a right to pick-n-choose their rabbis whether you like them or not.
What ends up happening is that the world accepted rabbonim also get rated and bad-mouthed.
Which what the world at large and this blog in particular specialize in.

Anonymous said...

It's always the same obsessed troublemaker sneaking on to these pages to grepps with his "pick n choose" vee a broken record. It's 'You Know Who' in Queens who has a pair of agendas with this. He's trying to delegitimize R' Yudel on his own blog since mouthing off against R' Yudel in Queens doesn't suffice for his sinas chinam. And he's trying to delegitimize all the askonim who have battled the corrupt, perverted relatives of 'You Know Who' al pi gedolei haposkim. 'You Know Who' is trying to convince you that he's the only one who knows how to properly consult with gedolim (which he doesn't do regardless while manufacturing his poisonous positions). If R' Yudel or anyone else he dislikes got a psak from gedolim, there is something "shady" about their process of doing so he would like you to believe.

Anonymous said...

Just like Reb Yudel got his (pickNpay or is it now pickNchoose) pesakim from his pnp/ pnc rabbonim so do the others get their peak from their pnp/pnc rabbonim.
Just because you are Reb Yudel or his receiver of Bakshish doesn’t make you more right then others except on this “once was legit Kashrus” blog.
And no one hates Reb Yudel. He is a nice guy ( outside of Kashrus). And a Monsey Rosie who did YSV the most wanted Yeshivah in monsey.

Anonymous said...

Blame it all on the qveens guy. As usual.

Anonymous said...

If one arbitrates with precondition it’s not arbortration. Period.

Anonymous said...

I can't read the names and I don't recognize many of them.

Anonymous said...

Be careful not to get ripped off.

There is a landscaping company owned by a yungerman, clean shaven & dark skinned but not a Sfardi, whose father owns a yeshiva. The family name interestingly enough is the same as the nickname that Yidden used in the alter Heim, Ukraine specifically, to describe someone with a dark complexion. The word is probably Slavic, not Yiddish

His crew of Mexicans are destructive. They literally do many things to be mazik, actually destroy your property. Perhaps they are anti-Semites or perhaps they are trying to hurt their boss. But he doesn't want to take the financial hit to make things right so he whines that they don't listen to him so vos ken Ich tonn? After the mechutzefdik con artist pretends he is pottur, he bullies you & blames you for the matzav.

Anonymous said...

So according to you Kirsch and Notis are good to go despite their maasim tovim, just because they are well established in their gangster business like belsky with the Rosho merusho Mendl Epstein Shem reshaim yirkav?