Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Who is legally a pedestrian, a vehicle, a bicycle. etc

 Supreme Court of New Jersey Opinions

Goyco v. Progressive Insurance Company

Docket: A-12-23

Opinion Date: May 14, 2024

Judge: Solomon

Areas of Law: Insurance Law, Transportation Law

In November 2021, David Goyco was struck and injured by an automobile while operating a low-speed electric scooter (LSES). Goyco filed a claim for personal injury protection (PIP) benefits under his personal automobile policy with Progressive Insurance Company. 

Progressive denied the claim, arguing that Goyco's LSES did not meet the definition of an "automobile" and that Goyco could not be considered a "pedestrian" under the New Jersey Automobile Reparation Reform Act, commonly known as the No-Fault Act. 

Goyco filed a complaint, asserting that LSES riders should be considered "pedestrians" entitled to PIP benefits under the No-Fault Act. The trial court denied relief to Goyco, and the Appellate Division affirmed.

 The Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed the lower courts' decisions. The court held that an LSES rider does not fall within the definition of "pedestrian" for purposes of the No-Fault Act. 

The court found that Goyco's LSES was a "vehicle" that used a rechargeable electric motor and was therefore "propelled by other than muscular power" and was "designed for use on highways, rails and tracks." 

The court also rejected Goyco's reliance on a 2019 statute that provides that an LSES should be considered equivalent to a bicycle, stating that the statute was not intended to have any effect on the No-Fault Act. 

The court concluded that Goyco was not a pedestrian entitled to PIP benefits under Progressive's No-Fault insurance policy.



Anonymous said...

If 'Goyco' had 'Geico' then all would be good!

Josh said...

Actually, if 'Goyco' had 'Geico' then all the state would be in good hands!

Anonymous said...

What if he had a gomco

Paysach Krohny Watch said...

"What if he had a gomco"

Kol hakuved!

Anonymous said...

You mean a gomco
Bris ???