Kale is now one of the most pesticide-
contaminated infested vegetables
- The Environmental Working Group, a watchdog group, publishes its "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" list annually.
- Kale ranks the third "dirtiest" produce item.
Queens Vaad restaurants are not satisfied with stam lettuce that's infested.
The more exotic the species of leafy green with more crevices & bugs, the merrier.
Could this in a way be a bigger Paskesz scandal than the Haribo treif?
Paskesz purports that it's "Wowzers" sour fizz chews are under the hashgocho of R' Avrohom Rubin's Badatz.
So you would think they are made in Israel, right?
Paskesz is trying very hard to conceal the country of origin which I initially couldn't find on the label. Because it is a Federal offense to omit this information completely I kept looking & finally found a cryptic remez in a hidden spot. Paskesz tried to sneak it in where there is a mention, completely unrelated to it's manufacture, of Antwerpen. But unless you read it about 5 times while already figuring something is fishy, Paskesz did an excellent job of fooling you into thinking this is a Belgian product.
Paskesz will only identify the mystery country as "IRP".
Across various industries, that is an abbreviation which is hardly ever used by anyone so it took a lot of searching to figure out that IRP is the ISLAMIC Republic of PAKISTAN.
Just one 'slight' problem with that which makes me wonder if this is a ziyuf of Rav Rubin's name & symbol.
The last time that it was public knowledge that ANY hashgocho sent a mashgiach to Pakistan was several years ago when an OK mashgiach was detained by Federal police before reaching the food factory & expelled from the country FOR HIS OWN SAFETY before al Qaeda or Taliban terrorists closed in on him.
Those roitzchim are crawling throughout that entire backwater country where any Yid would be a sitting duck.
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