Monday, July 31, 2023

Sprite Zero Kashrus controversy-עבידא לטעמה, דרכו בכך אינם בטילים

Sweet N Low sugar substitute puts it in for taste, according to food chemists it adds a distinct taste.

Tartaric acid can be added to beverages for a few reasons:

  1. Flavor: Tartaric acid is a relatively strong organic acid and can contribute a sour or tart flavor to beverages. It's commonly found in grapes and bananas, and is one of the primary acids found in wine.

  2. Acidity Regulation: It can be used to regulate the pH of beverages, which can impact flavor, color stability, and microbial stability. Acidity can affect how other flavors in the beverage are perceived, and can also inhibit the growth of certain microorganisms.

  3. Antioxidant: Tartaric acid can act as an antioxidant, which can prevent or slow down oxidation, improving the shelf life and quality of the beverage.

  4. Chelation: Tartaric acid can bind to metal ions that might otherwise cause off flavors or speed up spoilage reactions.

  5. Stabilization: Tartaric acid is important in wine production for its role in the formation of potassium bitartrate crystals ("wine diamonds") that can be removed from the wine, thus preventing their formation after bottling. This makes the wine more stable and consistent.

So, while tartaric acid can impact the flavor of a beverage, its usage extends beyond just taste.

Sprite Zero was reformulated in certain Countries, i.e., Europe and South America, etc.

It contains Tartaric Acid, which is a derivative of Grape Juice.

Tartaric acid is naturally present in grapes and can be extracted from grape juice or grape pomace (the solid remains of grapes after pressing for juice). The extraction process typically involves clarification, filtration, and concentration.

To obtain tartaric acid from grape juice or grape pomace, the following general process is typically followed: Clarification: The grape juice or pomace is clarified to remove impurities and solids. This can be done through settling or filtration processes.

Filtration: The clarified juice is further filtered to remove any remaining particles or impurities.

Concentration: The filtered juice is then concentrated to increase the tartaric acid content. This can be achieved through various methods, such as evaporation or reverse osmosis.

Crystallization: The concentrated juice is cooled down, leading to the formation of tartaric acid crystals. These crystals can be separated from the liquid by filtration or centrifugation.

Purification: The obtained tartaric acid crystals may undergo purification steps to remove any remaining impurities.

Note: Halal bans fermented wine or derivatives, Grape Juice, etc is not fermented.

Monday, July 24, 2023

R' Efram Goldberg , et al has a Siruv against them-He thinks it's an attribute. Avi Kahan's Bais Din of New City, NY- THE SECULAR CHAREDEIM!

Rav Gershon Ribner re: Efram Goldberg et al

Avi Kahan heads this Bais Din Vaad Hadin V'Horaah, located in New City NY. Local Rabbonim say that they are just plain outright רשעים.

Litigants claim that they are snakes and Sadistic,  Beis Din.

Alert: read the comments below:

Rabbi Avi Kahan, you may in violation of interfering in a judicial proceeding:

Interfering with Judicial Proceedings is a Class 1 Misdemeanor. If convicted, you can be required to serve up to 6 months in jail, pay a fine of $2,500, and serve up to 3 months of probation. The Court may impose additional terms, like classes and treatment. Being charged with Interfering with Judicial Proceedings is not the time to challenge the validity of the allegations made against you in the Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Coalition for Jewish Values- Regarding President Herzog's speech to Congress

But in that last quarter, he put the lie to the claim by the progressive left that they merely oppose "certain government policies." If those leftists in Congress only objected to certain policies of Israel’s current right-wing government, then they would have attended and applauded yet louder. 

Herzog is a member of the Labor Party, a former left-wing legislator who would prefer Netanyahu fail in his quest to rein in Israel’s out-of-control Supreme Court. He highlighted the current street protests as reflecting Israel's democratic character. Others would describe them as an attempt by the secular left, defeated at the ballot box, to blackmail the rest of the country. So America's progressive left, those now trying to engineer a leftist takeover of the U.S. Supreme Court, should have proudly supported Herzog's message.

His last several minutes at the podium also saw the only one-sided ovation, when many Republicans stayed seated, and much to their credit. President Herzog touted Israel’s tolerance when “the sound of the Muezzin calling to [Muslim] prayer blends with the siren announcing the Sabbath in Jerusalem…” while “one of the largest and most impressive” Pride Parades was happening in Tel Aviv.

Sorry, but true tolerance does not require a celebration, and, not incidentally, would permit individual business owners to decline to support causes that violate their own beliefs. That sort of tolerance, of course, is lacking in many corners in both Israel and America today.

The progressives boycotted, because they do not care what Israel’s policies are, even when they favor leftist causes. All they care about is that Israel is the one place in the Middle East that protects the rights of religious and ethnic minorities, including JewsThe loud applause in the hall was an open repudiation of their hate.

So, all in all, it was a very good and helpful speech, and we look forward to being part of many more such events. Only with your partnership can we continue to expand and amplify our crucial voice. Thank you in advance for your support!

Yours sincerely,
Rabbi Yaakov Menken

Discover meat-free protein alternatives

 Discover meat-free protein alternatives

So before you throw a steak on the grill, think about incorporating more plant proteins in your diet. Many plant protein sources contain plenty of fiber, little fat and an array of vitamins and minerals — without the higher saturated fats found in many meats.

Getting enough protein through plant-based foods

The recommended daily amount of protein for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 gram (g) for every 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of body weight. So someone who weighs 165 pounds (75 kilograms) should get 60 g of protein a day.

Older adults should get slightly more protein — about 1 gram (g) of protein for every 2.2 pounds of body weight. In this case, a 165-pound person should get about 75 g of protein a day.

How does that translate into food sources? One 3-ounce serving of lean meat contains about 21 g of protein. Compare that with these plant proteins:

  • Beans, peas and lentils. A 1/2 cup serving provides about 7 to 10 g of protein. Use beans in chili, tacos, black bean burgers, salads, dips and spreads. Green soybeans (edamame) work well in rice dishes. And peas and lentils are great in soups.
  • Nuts and seeds. A 1-ounce handful provides around 3 to 7 g of protein. Reach for seeds or unsalted nuts instead of chips for a crunchy snack. Use soy nuts or slivered almonds as a salad garnish, or throw chopped nuts on your cereal.
  • Tofu. A 1/2 cup serving of tofu has 10 g of protein. Use it in stir-fry, add it to salads, or mix it into smoothies.
  • Hummus. A 1/3 cup serving of store-bought hummus has 6 g of protein and comes in versatile varieties like peanut butter or roasted red pepper.

What are some economical fish to purchase? Sides of Salmon at Aldi's with skin on, no kashrus concerns, rinse and use

The price of fish can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as the region you live in, the current season, the demand and supply, and the quality of the fish. Some examples of commonly available and generally economical kosher fish include:

  1. Tilapia: This popular, lean white fish is generally affordable. It has a mild taste and is very versatile in the kitchen.
  2. Herring: While often consumed in pickled form, fresh herring can also be very affordable. It's a small, oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Mackerel: This oily fish is typically more flavorful than herring and is usually quite reasonably priced.
  4. Pollock: This white fish is often used as a cheaper substitute for cod or haddock. It's commonly used in products like fish sticks and imitation crab meat.
  5. Sardines: These small, oily fish are often sold canned, which can be a very economical choice. They're also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. Carp: This is a common freshwater fish that can often be found reasonably priced. Carp has a stronger flavor and is traditionally used in dishes like gefilte fish.

When purchasing fish, remember that the price per pound is not the only factor to consider. Ease of preparation, yield (how much meat you get after filleting and deboning, and personal taste preferences are also important. Consider canned or frozen options for some species, which can be more affordable and have a longer shelf life. Always ensure any fish you buy is fresh and high-quality, even if you're trying to save money.

Top of Form


The Political Rise of Ultra-Orthodox Jews Shakes Israel’s Sense of Identity-That is the only real issue for the Anti-Reforma demonstrations

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Update: Solomons increase in meat prices

As an asides; Why is Skver and now Klozenburg using only the Fishel's brand of Solomons?

Fishel's brand is always Bais Yosef, leave it for the Sfardim. We understand the Skver Kehila gets a cut from the Fishel's brand sales, but they could use non-Bais Yosef.

Why is it that the non-kosher distributors can make a profit with a 7-8% markup, and the Heimish Distributors require a 25-40+% profit margin?

It may be time for the heimish consumers to do some diligent homework and use the "Orginitz'yehs" mehadrin products. There are hundreds of products that meet or surpass the Heimish kashrus standards.
Fishel's and solomon Bais Yosef is the exact same BY standard. Fishel's does not use the hangers, skirt nor past the tenth rib-Solomons BY does use it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Cage-free Eggs

The term "cage-free" refers to hens that are not confined to battery cages, allowing them more freedom to move about. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they live in an idyllic farm setting. They might still be housed indoors in crowded conditions.

As for the presence of roosters, most commercial egg-laying operations, including cage-free systems, typically do not include roosters. There's no need for a rooster to be present for a hen to lay eggs. Hens will lay eggs without fertilization. The roosters are necessary only if the eggs are intended to hatch into chicks.

In most commercial operations, male chicks are separated and culled shortly after hatching because they don't lay eggs and are not the breed used for meat production (egg-laying breeds differ from meat breeds). This is a controversial practice in the industry.

So, in general, you wouldn't expect to find roosters in cage-free egg-laying operations. However, the situation might be different on smaller or non-commercial farms, and roosters could be present.


Stop Trafficking Enablers by Identifying Them

 Stop Trafficking Enablers by Identifying Them

28 Tammuz, 5781 °° Parshas Mattos-Masei °° July 8, 21
Opinion and Perspective by Binyomin Feinberg

Near the beginning of this week's Torah portion, the premier Biblical commentator Rash"i (Bamidbar 30:16) quotes our Sages in the Midrash "Sifri" that one who causes another to sin takes his place in receiving Divine Retribution. [That's not to absolve those who actually commit the transgressions in question from whatever responsibility they themselves have - see Ramban there.] When community leaders urge people to vote - without providing guidance about the primary moral threats facing us, and their relevance to the candidates - they abuse their positions of influence.

What these "get-out-the-vote" advocates often do is tout their own issues of priority - generally government funding. Thereby, they convey to the trusting masses that those are the primary criteria for supporting a candidate. These "leaders" thereby seek to dupe the public into enabling some of our worst-human-rights abusers - by electing [or re-electing] them. Said "leaders" also are exploiting their public trust and access to media to dupe the community that has benefited them with their trust.

Additionally, they signal the elected officials that they're able to manipulate the community, to encourage political powers to throw more government money their way, to keep the manipulated masses of voters in line, forming a vicious cycle (although a cycle easily broken through with proper information and guidance).

We've previously addressed NJ's much-contested proposed abortion-expansion legislation s3030 several times, e.g. How many times did said "leaders" - ostensibly so concerned about the community welfare - even mention this legislation - or other LGBT, abortion, and trafficking threats? If we can't stop such overtly depraved legislation - even in an election season - precisely what good are elections?

Do we even deserve elections, if we allow them to be exploited to elect more and more of the New Barbarians (of both parties)? And, seeing Divine Wrath all around us, precisely how long do we expect G-d to tolerate our relentless communal wickedness?

As Jews, we bear a greater responsibility to stand up for morality and decency, and against the mainstreaming of sheer barbarism - especially when perpetrated by our own elected officials. In Zechariah 14:2 we read about the terrible things Gog seeks to perpetrate against the Jewish People at the end of days. How can we expect to be saved from such evil acts if we allow those who falsely speak in our name to dupe our communities into passively or actively enabling that very same type of iniquities?

How is it that we countenance people who expend great effort on soliciting community input and resources to ostensibly "fight antisemitism" - while they themselves feel very comfortable enabling elected officials who do far more actual harm to tens of thousands of vulnerable individuals - and to our communities - via legislation than any domestic terrorist organization or individual?

When Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if we should "forgive" those responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, he reportedly replied along the lines of: "Forgiveness is for G-d -- our job is to make the appointment." Those politicians - and the community organizers - who knowingly enable government-mandated human-trafficking, mass LGBT-indoctrination of children in public schools, LGBT celebration of rebellion against G-d in Education and everywhere else, transgender lunacy, molestation-enabling "bathroom bills," mass-abortion, assisted suicide, stealth euthanasia, etc. will have to answer directly to G-d. Our job is to identify and impede them. And if we truly try, we can hope for Divine assistance far beyond our expectations.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

FYI Re: Aisle 9 Supermarket


There are lady cashiers there that have too much open on top, and it’s disgusting.

The lady closest to the exit this morning was very inappropriate. 

Please see if you do something to rectify this.


Update: The intention may be "great", but the outcome (fall-out) may be very problematic.

 A Tzedakah Organization formed for Chasanim that they need some basics, etc. 

                                                         Great intention! 

They'll get them suits from establishments [i.e. His Place South] that have serious issues with Shatnez. [see the following article, the same unreliable Shatnez Center]

They will do a fund-raiser with food provided by unreliable food service establishments.

Their response (to the gullible) is oh, it's all politics, עד אחד נאמן וכו'

What are the chances that much good can come out of such an arrangement?

Thursday, July 06, 2023

OU Kosher Alert Spring Valley Potato Blintzes

 JULY 5, 2023

Spring Valley
Potato Blintzes
MilMar Food Group, Goshen NY

We have recently been notified that some packages of Spring Valley Potato Blintzes contained cheese blintzes (non-Cholov Yisroel). This only applies to LOT# 1513MMR7831RE. This does not affect all packages in this lot, however, out of an abundance of caution, all packages from this lot have been removed from the shelf. If you have a package at home, please check it before preparing it to be sure it is potato and not cheese.  Corrective actions have been implemented.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

The only Community that doesn't take any handouts from the Government, etc 

The Only Community that Doesn't Take a Penny from "the Medinah" 

No SS, No Medicaid, No Medicare, No Health Insurance, 

No Fed Grants for Yeshivas..... 

Nada ..Gurnisht!

They don't apologize for not being doctors, lawyers or dentists!

Saturday, July 01, 2023

"TREIF "kosherica" tours R"L- Lakewood joins them R"L

WATCH: Kosherica launches ‘Yeshiva week’ "treif" cruise?

Kosherica cruises has been machshil thousands in not providing kosher according to any standards.

Why Do the  Rabbis sanction these non-kosher cruises? 
Isn't it embarrassing that all of the Miami, Lakewood,  OU affiliated Rabbis are allowing this scandal 

Can someone like Rabbis Weil (OU), Schneier, Riskin, Heir, Herring, Lipskar arrange an "OU" Hashgocha at least?

Why doesn't the "OU" send their own staff on the cruises to witness the kashrus disaster.

Herr’s Roast Pork Potato Chips Spark Un-porcine Kosher Controversy


Herr’s Roast Pork Potato Chips Spark Un-porcine Kosher Controversy

 Sasha Rogelberg

 Pork flavored Herr’s potato chips | Courtesy of Herr’s

On June 13, Herr’s released three Philadelphia-inspired potato chips flavors as part of its Flavored by Philly: Local Eats contest commemorating local restaurants.

Alongside a Korean BBQ and tomato pie flavor was a potato chip imbued with the flavor of a John’s Roast Pork sandwich. On the potato chip bag is a photo of a hoagie roll piled high with pork and greens, held together with melted provolone cheese. 

But something else on the package may catch the eye of Jewish Philadelphians less interested in the contents of an otherwise off-limits, non-kosher sandwich: At the bottom of the bag is a circled U with a D next to it, an Orthodox Union kosher certification.

A closer look at the ingredients supports the unlikely hechsher. The potato chips contain no pork — just potatoes, oil, seasoning, salt and cheese. 

But even with an ingredients list that supports a kosher dairy certification, there’s uncertainty about the true status of the chip’s hechsher. 

On July 12, a spokesperson from the OU told the Jewish Exponent, “Out of sensitivity to kosher consumers, we asked the company to remove the OU from this product.”

A spokesperson from Herr’s said, “All our manufactured products are either kosher pareve or dairy. It is a requirement of all new products to meet these standards” and that the feedback from the OU “has been reviewed and taken into consideration.”

So are the Herr’s John’s Roast Pork potato chips kosher or not kosher? As is typical in Jewish debates, the answer is yes, but it’s complicated.

“This is an old question in some ways going back several decades, in some ways going back hundreds of years,” said Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Rabbi Yonah Gross, kashrus administrator at Keystone K, a local hechsher.

Herr’s John’s Roast Pork flavored potato chips contain no treyf, and Herr’s facilities have been kosher-certified for the past 40 years, according to its spokesperson. Though the product may lose its hechsher, it may still be covered under the OU’s kosher certification and technically keep its kosher status. On the OU’s website, “Herr’s Roast Pork Sandwich Flavored Ripple Chip” is listed under “OU Kosher certified Herr Foods, Inc. Products.”

The potato chips in question may violate the Jewish legal concept of marit ayin, or appearance to the eye, the idea that because something appears to violate Jewish law — even if it technically does not — it should be forbidden for good measure.

The debate has recent precedent: In September 2021, OU did not certify Impossible Pork, a plant-based alternative to the meat product, as kosher.

“The Impossible Pork, we didn’t give an ‘OU’ to it, not because it wasn’t kosher per se,” said Rabbi Menachem Genack, the CEO of the Orthodox Union’s kosher division, in a Sept. 27, 2021, article. “It may indeed be completely in terms of its ingredients: If it’s completely plant-derived, it’s kosher. Just in terms of sensitivities to the consumer … it didn’t get it.”