Thursday, March 07, 2024

DE JA VU- Kehilas Chareidim Lakewood aka KCL's new Rabbis rulings

 At a recent Shabbos event the caterer  realized on Shabbos that they were running short on Shnitzel and some other dishes.

The caterer's employee took his set of keys to the commissary, and fried fresh shnitzel on Shabbos, and what ever else was required.

The Shor Habor brand, which was Lubavitch Shechita, and other AgriStar beef and poultry will no longer be under the certification of CHK, rabbis of the Crown Heights Beis Din announced.

 Hebrew National has rejected the AGRI brand for a long long time

"As it does not meet the Hebrew National brand's kashrus standards".

KCL of Lakewood gets paid to accept the AGRI brand.

Do utensils have to be koshered?

KCL, Rabbis Fund & Thumim say as long as the bakshish is current... כסף מטהר ממזרים

Wednesday, March 06, 2024