Greek Culture creeping into Reb Ahron's Lakewood Shtut? YES!

The "MIS'YAVNIM" must be uprooted, the job is not finished yet.
They are
introducing their Greek-culture to Lakewood?
via -The Lakewood Scoop
Ductor Kasriel may be causing tremendous harm to the Lakewood Jewish community in particular and to Klal Yisroel in General.
He darshaned with chutzpah with full impunity, in the BMG tent, against what the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Ahron Kotler set up the "Kollel programs".
So what that he gave a big local Yeshiva a million dollars, therefore he is justified to trample on the Torah, Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Yungerleit, Balei-Batim, etc.
Reb Noson Zvi Finkel, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, (he may have not taken the gelt in the first place, due to the source-aledgedly blood-money) would have given the Ductor Kasriel back his Million dollars, told everyone not to use his Kolel, Shul, etc. Banned all from attending his Chol Hamoed carnivals and his other entertainment, publicity, AKA= Hellenism, etc.
He is to understand as Reb Shneuer said, "Judaism religion is not for sale".
I never took a cent & bedavka avoided his carnivals but the Dokter Am Haaratzer still trampled on me
No question az er iz fun dem vos gelt & koyach gait tzum zein kop
"against what the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Ahron Kotler set up the "Kolel programs"
They should make Richie Rich a columnist in the Jewish Fress that has been attacking the mussag of kollel since the days of the founder Shalom Klass. That worked out really "well" for the Low Klass Klan. Shalom took an eidim bdavka not in kollel & the next thing you know Shalom's daughter complains to NY Magazine, proving the point of batoloh mayvee lidei shiamoom, that her non-kollel husband chases her around blozing a shofar in her ear. Then the daughter from that tzebrochenna shtub joins the Chen cult with her own non-kollel husband, where they take Shalom's great-grandchildren & beat them with hammers into brain damaged human vegetables, R"L!!
It's a "good" thing Richie Rich is "smarter" than the gedolim fun doros tzurik & has got it "all figured out". The way to run a kollel you see is to make up your own shtick as you go along. Isn't there already a monetary prize for whichever yungerleit by Richie say Umein yehei shmei rabba the loudest? Maybe he can also award a big stuffed animal for whoever says it the quickest.
On this site only the truth is posted, cited and deceminated.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Never never anything else.
The word is disseminated, not "deceminated".
And yes those Klass items are documented in countless newspapers from police files.
Did you say newspapers ? As in fake news ( & fake reporting and reports?).
Police reports? Any Tom dick and Harry can file a police report.
Hope this blog is more truthful then that.
The ones going against what Rav aharon ztl stood for are his own 2 grandkids who run the Bmg University. Don't blame anyone else
Especially in NJ the Lawsuit Capital of the World
It's pitiful, how a measly few dollars can have them all sell out their entire principals to the "Mis'yavnim.
Or they had no principals other than the almighty dollar?
OH, that says a lot about (you fill in the blanks).
Shalom Klass's granddaughter was convicted - follow the links here for Michal Shenbaum in the convicted section
Tekias shofar is one of my favorite sugyos!
Maybe Shalom Klass's eidim takka did not chase his wife around the dira while blozzing in her eardrum. Does that make Fri 9:40 am happy? Because that would just make Klass's daughter a lying reshanta who creates chilul Hashem through sensationalist slander on the front page of New York Magazine.
R' Avrohom Yehoshua would not dignify the JP on any level so he was not goress them.
But heyos it's a problem for Amerikanner reading such trash, Rav Gifter told some clueless guy asking a shaylah that the nidun is not if you can take that newspaper into the bais hakisay but whether it's mutter to remove it from there!
קצת דברי נחמה על טרגדיות של זמנינו: -עם סיפור שהיה בשנות האריז"ל
יום אחר יום לצערינו הרב הלב נקרע לגזרים, כאשר שומעים על האסונות הנוראיים המתרחשים בעת האחרונה, בפרט בשנת תש"פ עם הילקחם למרומים במיטב שנותיהם של אבות ואמהות, ות"ח צעירים, ובהם מרביצי תורה ויראה, כמו גם חתנים וכלות שכבר זכו להתארס עב"ג, ולא זכו לבוא בברית הנישואין. גברים ונשים, בנים ובנות, תינוקות, וכו' הלב נקרע לגזרים, ואנחנו עומדים ותוהים עד אנה אנו באים. איפה הקב"ה בתמונה???? איפה אבינו מלכנו???
הקב"ה נא ונא "תְּהֵא הַשָּׁעָה הַזֹּאת שְׁעַת רַחֲמִים וְעֵת רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ"
דווקא בתקופה כזו, כאשר הצרות תוכפות עלינו בצורה נוראה ואיומה מאין כמותם, מחובתם של ישראל מאמינים בני מאמינים להתחזק באמונה בהשי"ת, ולחזק בתוך לבנו את הידיעה הברורה שאף אחד מאתנו אינו יודע מה טוב לו באמת, ואם הקב"ה לוקח את היקרים מכל, ומעלה אותם אל בית גנזיו, צריכים להאמין – גם אם זה מאוד- מאוד קשה וכואב – שזו היא טובתנו האמיתית.
המעשה שייכתב כאן, עשוי לחזק את ההכרה הזו. רבי יעקב כולי, שחי בדורו של האר"י הקדוש, החזיק לפרנסתו עסק פלוני, והיה לו שותף לעסק זה, והרווחים חולקו ביניהם חצי-חצי.
יום אחד גילה רבי יעקב ששותפו גנב ממנו סכומי כסף גדולים מאוד, ונעלם עם הכסף ואיננו... נאלץ רבי יעקב כולי לספוג את ההפסד הגדול, ומכיוון שלא ידע אפילו להיכן נעלמו עקבותיו של השותף, לא היה בכוחו לעשות מאומה עברו- חלפו שנים, ורבי יעקב התאלמן מאשתו, וזמן-מה לאחר מכן הציעו לו אשה לזיווג שני. המשודכת היתה הרבה יותר צעירה ממנו, וידועה כעשירה מופלגת ובעלת הון רב. ניגש רבי יעקב כולי אל האר"י הקדוש, כדי להיוועץ בדעתו האם לגשת לשידוך זה. האר"י זירזו לכך במאוד, ואמר שיעשה את כל המאמצים על מנת להגיע למקום מגוריה של האשה, ויינשא לה כמה שיותר מהר.
רבי יעקב עשה כדבריו של האר"י, והתחתן עם האשה הצעירה והעשירה. והנה, למרות שגילה היה הרבה יותר צעיר ממנו, קרה אסון נורא ו- 3 חודשים לאחר החתונה נפטרה האשה. הצער היה איום ונורא.
כשפתחו את צוואתה גילו שהנפטרת הורישה את כל רכושה לבעלה רבי יעקב, והזהירה את יורשיה האחרים לבל ייקחו מממונה העצום ולוא פרוטה אחת. הכל יהיה שייך רק לרבי יעקב. כשחזר רבי יעקב לרבו האר"י, וסיפר לו את כל הסיפור, גילה לו האר"י שהאיש שעשק אותו התגלגל שוב לעולם בדמות אשה, כדי שיתחתן איתה, ותוכל להחזיר לו את כל הכסף, וזה יהיה תיקונו של העושק. ולכן זירזתי אותך ללכת ולהתחתן עם האשה ההיא, אמר האר"י הק'.
נמצאו למדים כיצד כל ענייני העולם מנוהלים על ידי מי שאמר והיה העולם, ויש בכך כדי לעודד את האדם ולנטוע בו שמחה ואמונה, בטחון ותקווה, ובכך שיידע שגם כל ענייניו- הוא, וכל האירועים המתרחשים עימו, בין לטוב בין למוטב, הכל מידו יתברך.
ומי שמכוון תדיר את מחשבותיו לערוצים שכאלה, לא יתרגז משום דבר, ויהיה מה שיהיה – אף אחד לא יצליח להכעיס אותו, ולא יעלה אותו על 'פסים רועדים'... בכל מה שיעבור עליו בחיים, והרי אין מי שעובר את מסילת חייו ללא צרות וייסורים, יהא באפשרותו של אדם כזה לתפוס את עצמו בידיים, להתיישב עם עצמו, ולומר: 'רגע, רגע, מדוע אתה כל כך מתרגז ומתכעס; מי הביא עליך את הדבר הזה אם לא ריבון העולמים; ומכיוון שכך, למה לך להתרגז ולאבד את שלוותך ולהביא עליך במו-ידיך את מה שאמרו חז"ל הקנאה והתאווה והכבוד מוציאים את האדם מן העולם'--- הדברים הללו צריכים להיות חדורים בתודעתו של האדם. ואולי יותר נכון: הוא צריך להיות עם זה!
כי מי שהדברים מצויים רק במחשבותיו, לא יוכל במרבית המקרים להשתמש בהם בפועל. כאשר תוקפת את האדם צרה, חלילה, הוא נזקק בעיקר ל'והשבות אל לבבך'; ה'השבה אל הלב', ההרגשה החושית, עד כדי כך שיהיו הדברים אצלו בגדר מציאות של ממש, היא-היא זו העשויה לחלצו מן המצר של זמנינו הכי קשים ... "תְּהֵא הַשָּׁעָה הַזֹּאת שְׁעַת רַחֲמִים וְעֵת רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ"...
Its Yudel's take on Pay for Play. Put him on your payroll to be treated nicely
When they can't defeat what R' Yudel has to say, they always trot out the fake accusation that he's on the take $.
But just like the American public had no patience and no interest in the Democrat lies about "quid pro quo", the heimishe public is not goress fake accusations from the corrupt kashrus mafia az er nemt shoichad.
Look who's talking, all you corrupt hashgocho figures who turn a blind eye to violations abee that you can keep pulling in those big fees $$$. Kaching goes the cash register $$$!
When is Richie Rich going to invite Bernie for a tour of BMG?
Bernie pulled ahead of Biden today in the polls so Richie may be in a hurry to jump on the bandwagon. Richie halt zich der velt's mumche on convincing soneihem shel Yisroel to become pro-Israel
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) uses a torch to light a menorah during a lighting event at the Chanukah on Ice campaign event at Brenton Skating Plaza on December 29, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa.
I'm mocha on kovod Hatorah
The 70 names of klal yisroel
The misyavnim could very well be this blog....
Who is to judge......
I'm also "moche" on bizayon haTorah! It's one thing for one who is mechalleil Shabbos and eats pork to attempt to "reconstruct" the Torah.
But this all pales in contrast to one who has used his long-standing position as "rosh yeshiva" in a perverted attempt to be mattir an eishes ish to the public!
A decade ago we all would never have believed that such a travesty could ever occur in "our circles" - especially when Rav Yosaif Shalom Elyashiv (among ALL the rest of our recognized gedolei haposkim) had CLEARLY made his protest against this hefkeirus!
We must remember that even in the days of Moshe Rabbeinu we had Korach, Dasan and Aviram, and the mraglim - who managed to pull away even prominent members of the Sanhedrin with them. Later in history we had Doeig, Achisofel, Yeraveam be Nevat, Yochanan Kohein Gadol, Shabbesai Tzvi, and others. Whomever thinks that in our contemporary times we're "immune" to such defection is essentially hurtling down a SLIPPERY SLOPE!, r"l!
Yes - I'm also "mocheh" for Kavod haTorah - in the strongest terms!
RE: " Ananymous" Mon. 10:48:
Regarding your "interesting inquiry":
- I reiterate and re-instate the above with absolute ZERO DOUBT!
By contrast - REAL misyavnim are perpetually plagued with doubts, as are the rest of those (basically the world population) under foreign influences.
As we know; "Amaleik" has the same gmatria (240) as "safeik".
"Shabbesai Tzvi"
If there was ever a dangerous personality cult in this dor, it is Philly yeshiva.
The talmidim who idolize the late RY along with the current one R' Shmuel would no doubt shave off one side of their payos to follow the leader. The older talmidim mit veisseh berd already launched a poison pen attack befarhesya being mevazeh all the gedolei Eretz Yisroel for daring to confront R' Shmuel for facilitating mamzerus.
There is an Acharon who learns that mechiyas Amalek is a certain middah ra that can be found even inside Yidden that must be eradicated. Amalek is able to do the worst evils because he is "Am molak" who separates his head from his body, pretending what he does is nisht geferlich. So too many Yidden have nebich learned that middah on one level or another. Certainly when a pair of father-son charlatans posing as roshei yeshiva will stop at nothing to create mamzerim they long ago separated their heads from their bodies.
Don't be fooled what the liars promised the gedolei Eretz Yisroel to back down. That was only to avoid being put in cherem & to fool the non-Philly yeshivishe velt so that their prestige & their yeshiva do not collapse. When the Modern Orthodox inquire about the zoyna they still voice their support that it's gevaldig she lives with a man who is not her husband.
You have to love these MACHAHHHS by anonymous surfers.
Could very well be one of Reb Yudels misyavnim poking fun of this whole issue.
If you want be mikahyem the mahchaa mitzvah ??? post your name.
Ah. Too much trouble to do that. Ah. Too much of a gamble in case they know who you are.
And you call this a maachah ?? not once but twice and maybe three times.
The gedolim already signed their names against the Kaminetzky fakers so who are we, except to back the gedolim and tzu moiche zein lmaan kvoid Shomayim?
"post your name"
Nice try by a Philly terrorist talmid to gather more names as targets for retaliation.
How's it going there on the sinking ship, Philly boy? Wonderful legacy that your father & son gurus will be historical disgraces alongside the pro-mamzer likes of Mordechai Tendler, Mendel Epstein, Sruly Belsky & Emmanuel Rackman.
When the Chazon Ish wrote sifrei halachah people wondered why he didn't write his name. He answered that Chaza"l say that every organ in a person's body tires out at some point - except for his tongue. (I.e. People will never tire of gossip.)
About himself he said, "I'm also lazy here, and I only write whatever is necessary - hence I left out my name."
If divrei emes are not "nikkorim" to you (as Chaza"l say) - then attaching my name here won't add anything to my words (unless of course you're some kind of troll who has to know).
Wed Jan 15, 01:19:00 AM 2020
Still no name.
Still no valid mahchah.
Still no miseras nefesh for "Whats 'K'loimar' right..."
Still not taken seriously in any way.
Still a torah hater.
Wed Jan 15, 08:46:00 AM 2020
....won't add anything to "my" words.....
You really think your "wooooorrrrrddddds" means something.
You really think your today's Chazon Ish. Of course you do.
Another Yankee doodle at play here.
(Do you at least have money? Maybe a nice house or car? something to give us a 'makom' to be dahn you l'kaf Zechuoot).
Yanky, give it a rest already. Everyone knows it's you acting contrarian on the blog, trying to mock R' Yudel, and with your endless, garbage arguments against whoever makes a peep to oppose corruption. And VEISST MEN DUCH why these protests bother you so much!
Hypocrite! You spent years blogging attacks from your cell phone on dozens of rabbonim who fight molesters and who are oisek in any other endeavors that are problematic according to your krumma, farshtunkenna kop.
If nothing else will keep your yapper shut, go down Mertropolitan to get a bagel mit a shmear or for a messy jelly doughnut on Lefferts and we will have a few minutes of quiet while you do your zolel vesoyvay thing.
If the Agudah is truly serious, the repudiation should be signed by their own honcho, RSK. Vehamayvin yovin!
How does Zvi Bloom have time to accommodate the Philly mamzerus scheme? He was already busy with the investigations into Torah Umesorah giving tzedaka gelt to a ponzi scheme on advice of a convicted criminal Board member.
and lately he's been busy up to his ears with fraud investigations into the fishy "collapse" of Seasons Supermarkets where he was the figurehead President & shlock shammass.
Over here they equate a imaginary mamzairus with serious Loshon Horah.
And this a gohr ah frimneh shvontz.
Sat Jan 18, 09:33:00 PM needs to go huddle with Avi Shafran because it's obviously more important to him to cover up for shmitzik establishment guys than to make sure mosdos are run al pi Hatorah. The Chazon Ish & other gedolim posken this overrides lashon horah. There is even a bfeirush Gemara-Rashi Yuma that fakers need to be exposed.
"imaginary mamzairus"????
The zoineh is living with a man she is not married to. Are you saying she underwent a surgical procedure to prevent her from having kinder?
Even if that was the case, it's still even more treif than a DA cow because a rosh yeshiva who is the choimetz ben yayin son of a gadol from the last dor approved the scheme, which is exactly what all the gedolim the world 'round are shreying is a pirtzah in Klal Yisroel that can cause many more such episodes.
For what concerns the "anonymous" naysayer:
No - I don't live in any fancy house (or any house for that matter. Here, most of us live in apartments). No - I don't own a fancy car (or ANY car for that matter). What's more - I forwent all of this when I came here to Eretz Yisrael…
If some "Yanki dude'l" from over the Atlantic wants to discredit my previous words - that the truth of Torah doesn't require that one patent his words to his name - I will tell him that he ought to hold a mirror to his claims (which I myself obviously see no basis to. Once more - "nikkorim divrei emes"). [I.e. Identify yourself first and check your own negiyos!]
In all seriousness - I have no interest in continuing here the constant stream of tit for tat comments, personal attacks, and the like. But when modern day misyavnim threaten to "reconstruct" our mesorah that is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT issue!
See the G'mara Yevamos 78: In Rav Ami's province there was a mamzeir, and Rav Ami publicized him as such. He cried over this. Rav Ami told him, "I gave you life!" The G'mara explains there that a known mamzeir has a tikun. An unknown mamzeir hasn't, and he will eventually be removed from this world...
It should be quite evident to the unbiased layman that when ALL of the recognized g'dolei haposkim state specifically that we CANNOT be m'vateil someone else's kiddushin (nor can one be m'vateil their own kiddushin even l'mafraia), and when one rosh yeshiva got "stuck" with the issue (after allowing a band of thugs to beat up a man whom he knew almost nothing about in order to elicit a GET ME'USEH from him - totally oblivious to the fact that his wayward wife ran away from the Beis Din which they had adjugated, and then filed divorce in a SECULAR COURT) - suddenly he digs up a non-existant "hetter" from some backwater town guru (whom had himself claimed that he was prodded by the former to do this)... obviously - one is playing with fire here!!!
Aside from the attempted character assassination/get me'useh/retzichah which was employed in this case; - entire sections of the Shulchan Aruch here are being THROWN OVERBOARD in this one man's anxiety to clean up the mess he did, and only after five some years pass without the issue becoming neglected and "forgotten" does he show any (partial) sign of submission to the g'dolei haposkim!
Bushah uch'limah to whomever calls this gilui arayos travesty "imaginary", and bu'shah uch'limah to whomever is "mocheh" on the imaginary "kavod hatorah" of the distorted misyavnim of today!!!
Sun Jan 19, 03:45:00 PM 2020
For a guy trying to be ah Israeli your doing a great job.
‘Yakking’ about how everyone lives.
‘Yakking’ about how everyone should live and which Rabbonim to follow.
’Yakking’ about unconfirmed so called pesakim that probably applied to a single incident IF indeed the psak ever was uttered.
’Yakking’ about how I’m greater, better, frummer,
(Krummer) then all others including all in Eretz Yisroel.
‘Yakking’ about all the Kovod that should be coming to yourself (if not for that great fear of being outed and ousted of your own sh’chunah).
‘Yakking’ about what a GODOL I am.
Nebach Nebach Nebach.
Maybe the Gedolim around the the world should say a prayer for you.
After all the two faced double talk, the Agudah has now officially caved to Philly and launched a stealth lobbying attack that successfully killed vaccine legislation in New Jersey. So much for Rav Elya Brudny saying at the Fresser Convention that it's against the Torah, the gedolim, and that it's frankly insulting that there are haymishe Yidden in the anti-vaxx machaneh.
Agudah NJ Director Avi Schnall took a break from shoveling more kokosh cake in his mouth to tell the Jerusalem Post: "We are relieved that the majority of the state legislators were willing to be bold enough and strong enough to stand up for religious freedom."
Thank you Agudah FRESSERS for endangering immunocompromised kinder with yenner machala and for really endangering the gantzeh Klal at a time of rampant anti-Semitic violence no less. The Taz in Yoreh Deah 167:8 poskens that a counterfeiter of money who by definition is endangering the lives of all Yidden may be handed over to goyishe authorities who will execute him. He has a din roydef altz the anti-Semitism he causes. R' Moishe Shternbuch shlita in his written teshuva to R' Malkiel writes that unzerra anti-vaxx create chilul Hashem, getting the goyim upset at us.
The triple-header "Nebach Nebach Nebach" is on Sun Jan 19, 5:46 PM alein.
The Gemara Yuma, zogst du, was not meant ledoros - you are a koifer in Chazal!
"IF" the Chazon Ish ever issued such a psak being mattir it was only for a 'single' incident??? You have no emunas Chochomim as he wrote it directly in his pirush on Shulchan Aruch!
R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz wrote a halacha teshuva az nit nor az tziz mutter, ober tze doch a chiyuv to be mefarsem!
It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad that when the grandson of RSFM publicly distributed the teshuva from an out of print sefer, that was the makka bapatish that made the Agudah go beserk and attack him at their Fresser Convention. R' Chaim Brisker had said that in a few doros the Agudah will end up being run by a bunch of faker sekretaren who don't listen to Daas Torah. And when that teshuva made much of the oylam pull their heads out of the sand to see what kind of avlos the Agudah is takkeh behind, it was too much for the Agudah to hold back without exploding at the messenger from Bais Brisk & the other gedolim all the way back to Chazal.
....Reb Elya Brudny saying at the fressers convention....
Should pretty much define this Holy holy holy commentator.
Nothing else needs to be said.
Looks like the Mendelovitch Einikle is alive and well.
(Zaideh turning in his "Kever")
The Yakketty Yak is Yanky from KG with all his usual yakking points! (Yak is an Asian species of cow)
R' Elya Brudny did say that at the convention which they are now making choyzek fun em. And he is a talmid of R' Berel so he may know a little about R' Avrohom Yehoshua criticizing the annual Agudah event (in shiur noch) as the Fresser convention al shem the ikker avoyda & tafkid dort, many years before Mendlowitz was mechaven to it.
Ah. So now we got a hot briskeh fan.
Abusing the Brisk shita when it’s convenient.
Another day with deh Kranke.
Sun Jan 19, 10:21:00 PM 2020
One should rather FRESS & FRESS at restaurants or conventions or anywhere else and not engage in a SOFEK D'OIRAISA of Loshon Horah, Rechilus and Moitzee Shaim Rah, as is propagated on this blog..
We say SOFEK because in spite of this 'Avaryan's' blog, who quotes and ties in non-exsistant pesakim, we at least will give him the benefit of doubt (which is probably against everything Judaism stands for) it is in reality not even a Sofek.
If you read, listen or talk or otherwise propagate this info, you may as well fress at your nearest McDonald or Burger King AND you'll violate many LESS lavin and other Avairos.
"non-exsistant pesakim"
Yes, let's continue with our heads in the sand, refusing to look up the written psokim of the Chazon Ish & R' Shraga Feivel that corrupt "manhigim" need to be exposed.
Maybe we should even abolish Daf Yomi & all the FRESSING multi-course gourmet meals in the VIP boxes lest we learn the Gemara Yuma to be mefarsem against FAKERS.
I don't get it. R' Elya Brudny WAS a big Brisker at one point. But he is now part & parcel of the Agudah, and never missing an opportunity to defend them. The Agudah came under major fire over the Siyum this year, not just from Brisk, but also other segments of the yeshivishe velt for all that pathetic fressing with white glove waiter service in the VIP section that Ostrich refers to. The big kashya that was boilait was where did this fressing obscenity come from? Zicher not from unzerra zaydas in the Haim who were the epitome of adam ki yomuss baOihel! When Rav Brudny was confronted with this, he mached avek the concern, doubling down to defend the Agudah over it. The pillars of Tayreh, dehaynu Bais Hatalmud, the Mir, Fallsburg, etc, were already against the Daf before the fressing emerged. So he is making a big break with his roots.
There was agav an even earlier critic of Agudah fressing, nogeya the convention, way before the current rosh yeshiva in Brisk. R' Mottel Weinberg voiced his tzaar over how the fressing also creates a major problem in the halls of improper taaruvos. But how dare a gadol Batorah criticize the fressers? So Sherer cut the mic & didn't let him come back again.
Rav Brudny meanwhile was also the only personality who was not a robot programmed in Philly to sign the sick letter attacking all the gedolim for daring to demand that the Kaminetzkys stand down from producing mamzerim.
It’s 70 or so years since these gedolim are not with us.
How about getting poskim from today’s gedolim?
Of course that would not work out with this “GAON’S” agenda.
Nothing else need to be ‘sand’
Good idea to abolish the daf Yomi so all can join your “Loshon Horah/rechilus/ moitzee Shem rah” club and even get a “ kinyan” in these fields. If you can afford it you can also distribute tests and give the passing bums a stipend so that they help you expand this specialized Limud.
Klal Yisroel's Torah goes strictly by "mesorah" as was passed down from Moshe Rabeinu.
Only the Apikorsim try to adjust the Torah to their wrapped minds and current Misyavnim.
Roshisheevah of PA already bahred and bahshmootzed by the internet bums.
Raboonim from MD already bahred and bahshmootzed by the internet bums.
Roshisheevah and Rabbonim of NJ already bahred and bahshmootzed by the internet bums.
Now starts a new chapter with Rav Brudny Shlit”a
The bums liked him at first but the Rav must not agreed with some bum issue so now he is on the ‘bahred/bahshmootz” list of these bums.
Luckily, all these Rabbonim and Rosh haYeshivos are real gedolim that know how to control their midos and really don’t care and are not interested what these ”internet/ straight to Gaihinom” bums have to say.
Yanky the OU mashgiach is all pumped up this motzaei Shabbos in KG at 9:18 pm. That over the top comment has got his fingerprints all over it, starting off with silly hyperbole to defend the zoken mamrei who all the gedolim signed against & ending with his usual climax, trying to be mekalel people he disagrees with to go straight to ****. He stopped ranting a while ago with his trademark "WORSE THAN HITLER" shprach because he finally realized it's an even bigger giveaway.
Yes, he is a very ill man but there are fort some methods to his madness.
If you take R' Shmuel K for example - when he's not busy shilling for mamzerim - he is the type of rosh yeshiva who guys like yener OU mashgiach need. When there are dangerous finsterre characters floating around with kids and grandkids in the shidduchim market, RSK is an eager volunteer to be at the top of the mishpooche's references. The oylam was recently mishtomem to see one such shidduch resume from the grandson of a rapist with RSK at the top of the tzettel touting the mishpooche as a gevaldige catch.
So without the likes of RSK & other cover uppers with Agudah affiliation, what would the mashgiach do to cover up his own dark secrets about the molester mechuton & the tatten fleeing the country after embezzling from clients? The cover uppers have the 'gold touch' to pretend criminal convictions & alle andrerre shmootz don't exist. That is the grand finale after the mashgiach spends years of his life babbling on the blog how everyone else are the "bums".
So stop throwing stones, as in the real ones you threw at Yerushalmi hafgonos after being meyached them erev Shabbos & the verbal / blogged ones that you regurgitate der gantze tzeit like a virtual terrorist.
At this point I would recommend that Rav Yudel ban Yanky dude'l's comments from his site (easy to spot up to now with the blaring spelling errors he intentionally inserted).
It's certainly bad enough that we are unable to remain silent over his blasphemous attacks - parading corrupted "rasha - shivos" over clear-cut Halachah - explicitly stated in Shas and Poskim (which has of course been verified by the G'dolei haposkim in our times); aside from this - the blabber continuously tries to drag all aboard into a never-ending spiral of tit-for-tat comments in response.
(Clear-cut violation of terms regarding the Chafetz Chaim's seifer "Shmiras Halashon" - as stated in your preface to this blog - is a mere drop in the bucket here!)
Thank you “Yanky basher” for the new info on your favorite Rosh HaYeshivah / Gadol.
Can you please post that resume so you can come up there to the Holy Chafetz Chayim and proudly tell him I finished the job for you.
Also ask him where the SHAS AND POSKIM dais is so you can squeeze in there right next to the podium.
Just ‘so lain’ to them all your good deeds. Otherwise they won’t understand how you ever got to their section.
His intentional spelling errors come altz a childish meshugass of purposely mispronouncing English language words. There is a tiny handful in the yeshivishe velt who are known for this. In their immaturity they think they appear cool & more yeshivish that way.
There was a za dray kop who was a bochur in my days who referred to Mesquite BBQ potato chips as "mosquito". And there is a certain rov who many call a clown for his constant silly theatrics like manufacturing inane shaylos to bother the gedolei Eretz Yisroel with. He actually spoke this shtuss borabim that he called a gadol to ask about fake pepperoni pizza, that he asked the gadol to please zeit moichel that he's not even sure how to pronounce the word (shakran & big baby!), that ken zein the word is "paparazzi"
Mon Jan 27, 11:20:00 PM 2020
Thank you for the Beautiful Droosheh.
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