Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Anonymous said...

It's up to HKBH who stays safe.

If the shvartza rotzayech from Jersey City yms was at the Indiana school, the glass is bulletproof but could he not use his AR-15 machine gun to shoot off a classroom doorknob?

Anonymous said...

It's embarrassing when someone who seems to have little understanding of how guns and bullets work or how a shooter acts starts asking silly questions. By the way, an AR-15 is not a machine gun. It's a one trigger pull, one shot semi-automatic rifle.

Eisav said...

Maybe not an AR-15 but there are guns that will take out a door knob.

Anonymous said...

OLnce again woman picture uncalled for on this holy kashrut site.

Anonymous said...

Chazal call him a חסיד שוטה

Welcome to society, time to check into an asylum institution.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like CCRC just looked in the mirror and saw the Classic CHASID.

The article is great. The photo could have been omitted or blocked.

Feel bad for the women who is in trouble with CCRC around. He just be a molester al pi his halachic interpretation hell be a rap....

Anonymous said...

Yudel Shain should be embarrassed of himself. Claiming to care about Kashrus while the last few weeks couldn't resist posting videos of Nashim (not tzidkaniyos). He learnt from Paul and his cronies.
Shem zich! You fake frumak!

Anonymous said...

You seem to not know a simple mishna while pouring whatever criticism you could out of your sleeve.
Did you learn the Chazal inside or did you just read it somewhere on a blog?

Anonymous said...

Just shows you how holy it actually is.

Contrarian Insanity of an OU mashgiach said...

The issur is only histaklus benoshim which means staring for a while, unless if someone is such a menuvol that he can't control himself even from a glance.

The crazy kanoyim who get very upset, even violent, over anything female, and who participate in the destructive behaviors at Yerushalmi Shabbos hafgonos, are the biggest menuvolim themselves and do not even believe in the ikkrei Dos as they are mechalel Shabbos to prove their "point" and are sometimes caught doing kol davar assur in ervah.

You don't have to shlep zich to Meah Shearim or Willy to find members of Vaad "Hatznius" who are guilty of the above. There is a deranged nudnik OU mashgiach in Kew Gardens who keeps crowing right here on every page of this blog with his delusional rants & raves. This page's edition is of course his latest phony excuse to try to rake over R' Yudel, and to falsely accuse others of being perverts & molesters - one of the mashgiach's many smoke screens to deflect attention away from all the infamous menuvolim in his own gantze mishpooche.

Cohen Y said...

Ar-15 is either . One switch could make it automatic

Cohen Y said...

Everything In terms of security absolutely this district had and still happened

sorry guys
gun control is normally necessary
Americas crazy

Cohen Y said...

Both Buffalo shooter and the Texas shooter were 18 years old. At least access to guns should be difficult as illegal as access to alcohol. Many states that's 20 or 21

Anonymous said...

Its alright to be a strong conservative and still admit that many things are out of whack with the movement and the GOP

For a start the old West. When they forced the unruly Cowboys to hand in weapons gun violence went down
Out of the US? There are many examples
Australia quarter century ago

Anonymous said...

Someone is in looking in the mirror and thinks it's a window.

You just showed your true colors.

Anonymous said...

When someone has a real problem with שמירת עניים, he likes to play the "frumie card".

They'll convince the yeshiva to post signs not to have your wives pick you up near the yeshiva even in inclement weather, etc.

There are enough sicos out there.

Anonymous said...

The Woman - NU. But the Sheitle Gevald !!!

Yudel approves these langeh Shaitlach that ALL of HIS pazenlicheh Poiskim (the ones that talk to him privately) ASSARED Yehag Val Yaavor. And now it gets posted - left on even when brought to his attention.

Gevald. Gevald.

Voz is Reb Shragah Feivel doing now with such 'looseness' ??

Anonymous said...

Baruch Hashem there are still "sickos" out there. Mutav Sheyiye Shota Kal Yamav.

And regarding your weather issue, if your problem is the winter weather, fyi there are Gemachim in Lakewood that provide excellent coats for extremely cheap. You may want to do your research on that.

Here is your Research said...

Litvisher are not mechuyev to cave in to Chassidishe chumros. The Mashgiach ztl R' Nosson went to mixed seating chassunos in America because when bochurim got married in the Haim from the alter Mir & Kelm, the seating was mixed.

The misguided kanoyi proposing a new wardrobe from a bedbug infested gemach can either jump in the lake or take over the shteller of "Mendel the Coat Rack", a mentally ill man who used to roam Boro Park, Flatbush & Florida, wearing many layers of filthy coats, even when it was 100 degrees Farenheit.

Mendel constantly screamed the same thing which is good advice for the kanoyim: STOP HARRRRASSING ME!" He had the Trrrust me havurrreh veil er hoht amol gelernt in Tzeilem Willy.

Anonymous said...

It's time for your nap.

Pitter Patter said...

R' Nosson at one point started feering zich with the Chassidish seating chumra but stopped when an alter Frankfurter reminded him of minhag Lita.

Chassidish squawking made BMG do away with the USDA donated butter that was mattired by R' Aron Kotler. The yeshiva didn't have money to buy it as cholov Yisroel so that was the end of breakfast butter in Lakewood. There were Brisker chevra who wanted to complain to the roshei yeshiva that this is a bizayon of the alter rosh yeshiva ztl but they didn't go through with it.

The same anti-putterists were also trying to force Litvisher bochurim to hide the vein bottles under the tablecloths even if the bottles were dark tinted, so that the Poilisher shkotzim in the dining room should not be able to see them. Azoy veit the yeshiva asked politely but did not force it. The squawkers then tried to intimidate the bochurim into complying but were only successful about 50% of the time.

They thought that after they conquered Beis Hatalmud & Stamford that they could also conquer BMG. Boruch Hashem for the quota system. They get to drive cars & all kinds of other freedoms not available in their own yeshivos & yet they want to force all their shitos on us too? Let them go back to where they came from.

Anonymous said...

The Mashgiach ztl R' Nosson went to mixed seating chassunos in America

Thats what they taught him in his first yeshivah - dort in manhattan....

Anonymous said...

Pitter Patter said..

You mean Pitter Farbissen...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your rant.

Btw I know where Reb Nosson came from. But where do you come from?