Friday, August 13, 2021

Is a Kashrus dictatorship brewing behind the scenes?


Anonymous said...

Ah Bruch far Klal Yisrooel. They created a Kasrus "dictatorship and did NOT include Horav Hagaon Kvud Kedishas Reb Yudel Shlit'a.

Anonymous said...

As Lakewood and the Surrounding areas become more Chassidish
Things will change

Anonymous said...

What does that mean the Roshei Yeshiva won't eat if it is not under KCL
What do the Roshei Yeshiva eat when they go to a wedding or Bar Mitzvah or Dinner in brooklyn Monsey or Chicago
None of the caterers in these places are under the KCL

Anonymous said...

When Greenwald was under Rabbi Gornish Hechsher everyone in Lakewood and outside of Lakewood ate his catered food
Why does he feel the need to use the KCL

I am sure there are other Hechsherim acceptable to the Roshei Yeshiva besides KCL
Such as Hisachdus CRC Kehilos Kashrus KAJ Tartikov, Tarnopol, Volova etc.

SK said...

Yudel many people want to know if it was your fault that a certain livish poisek in Lakewood has long payos under his yarmulka. people say you convinced him back in Woodridge...

Anonymous said...

The Roshei Yeshiva threatened Greenwald that they will only eat his Catered food if it is under KCL!
Really ?
Is that true?
What do the Roshei Yeshiva eat when they go to a Catered event in Brooklyn or Monsey or Chicago that is not under the KCL?