Monday, January 31, 2022

Sunday, January 30, 2022

An American Attorney / Toen Rabani wife asked him how can you advise a Yid to go to Court, not to Bais-Din?

 He responded, after 120 years the Bais Din Shel Maalah, will ask me that same question;

I would respond to them, tell me which Bais-Din"

 THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT, I have represented clients by all of them.

They don't even have the basic Appeal process by another independent Bais-Din that only does Appeals.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Chofetz Chaim, Rambam מה חובתיך בעולם הזה- re: the Walder, Meshi-Zahav, Berland, etc.

רמב"ם דעות פ"ו ה' ח'

אבל בדברי שמים אם לא חזר בו בסתר מכלימין אותו ברבים ומפרסמים חטאו ומחרפים אותו בפניו ומבזין אותו עד שיחזור למוטב וכו'

עין כסף משנה (המקור) "פשוט

חפץ חיים הלכות ל"ה  כלל ד'  ס' ז' ......לכן מותר להכלימו ולספר בגנותו בין בפניו.....צריך לשפטו לצד החוב...ולשפוך בוז עליו.. מותר לפרסמו ולגלות חטאיו בשער בת רבים וכו'

וע' עוד חפץ חיים הלכות ל"ה  כלל ד'  ס' י'  "לחזהיר בניו ותלמידיו" וכו'

ועין עוד בכתבי חפץ חיים – מכתב מ"ו- ע"כ הנני מודע בשער בת רבים
שבמקום הריסת הדת וחרבן הדת-נעשה כל זה כהלכה "מצוה רבה וחובה גדולה 
לעשות כל מה שביכולת לגדור גדר ולעמוד בפרץ , ואין בזה משום חשש איסור.
 ומוסיף הח"ח "ופליאה לי על כל גדולי ישראל, המחשים בזה ואינם יוצאים
 במחאה גלויה, וכו'
והמשגיח הוסיף שאנשים אלו שמפריעים ולא רוצים לסמוך עליך בכל ענינים   שידוע בעולם המומחיות שלכם בהענינים אלו, תדע שזה לא בא ממבקשי אמת ותורה וכו' רק רק  מהגאוה שלהם ומהס"א ודורשי שקר ואינם מאמינים בתורה מסיני ר"ל.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Update: Rebb Moshe Feinstein

בדבר חלב הקאמפאניעס אף שיש טעמים להקל ודאי שהוא רק במקום שליכא חלב ישראל שהוא תחת השגחת רבנים יראי ה’ אבל במקום שאיכא חלב ישראל שהוא בהשגחה וכדומה כל עניני חלב צריך להחמיר וכל שכן אלו שבבתיהם נזהרין לאכול רק מחלב ישראל שבהשגחה צריכין להזהר שהוא גם מחשש ענין נדרים, וממילא גם בהאספיטעלער המתנהגים במאכלי כשר שיש להם לתקן מה שאפשר להם בזה להשיג מאכלי חלב שבהשגחה כי בפה נוא יארק ליכא בזה שום דוחק.  ולכל הפחות ישיגו מאכלי חלב שבהשגחה לאלו שנזהרין בזה בבתיהם ולא לכוף אותם חס ושלום שיאכלו שם מה שנזהרים שלא לאכול.

נאום משה פיינשטיין


This article was written l’zecher Nishmas the author’s father-in-law, Rabbi Yaakov Hirsch z”l, whose 16th yahrtzeit is this evening the 23rd of Shvat.

Recently, an askan passed away and in his private papers – a letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l was found.  The letter was brought to light by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin of Borough Park. It seems that the askan had asked one of the Jewish hospitals as to why they did not provide Cholov Yisroel dairy meals to their patients.

The hospital administrator replied that they relied upon the leniency of Rav Moshe zt”l.  The Askan asked Rav Moshe directly about whether New York hospitals should be lenient and the following responsum was his reply:

Oct. 23, 1963,

Regarding the matter of milk from companies, even though there are reasons to be lenient, certainly these [leniencies] are only for a place where there is no cholov Yisroel available that is under G-d-fearing Rabbis.  But in a place where cholov Yisroel under supervision and the like is available all matter regarding milk one must be stringent.  Certainly, for those who in their homes are careful to only eat supervised cholov Yisroel, we must be careful – for it is also a concern of violating an oath.  It comes out that also in a kosher hospital where they serve only kosher – they should enact whatever is possible to obtain dairy items that are supervised [cholov Yisroel], for here in New York, there is no difficulty [in obtaining it].  At the very least they should obtain supervised milk for those that are careful in it in their homes and not to force them, Heaven forbid, to consume there what they are careful not to eat.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine

The conservative watchdog group Project Veritas claims to have obtained a damning report written by a U.S. Marine who formerly worked with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as the Commandant of the Marines Corps Fellow, on behalf of DARPA last year, 

U.S. Marine Maj. Joseph Murphy allegedly penned a letter to the Department of Defense Inspector General in which he expressed “great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and the mRNA vaccines,” according to Project Veritas.

The report is one of two DARPA documents that Project Veritas claims “were hidden in a top-secret shared drive.”

Re: peeled onion, etc. overnight


Sunday, January 09, 2022

Hope that they will put on the name of the chosson's aufruf- some are improving their invitations


Shatnez Alert: Still relevant


Sleep Apnea issues

 Sleep Apnea is caused by stopping to breath during sleep for various reasons.

Another sleep apnea is literally non having enough oxygen in the blood, which affects the brain etc. Anything below 95% oxygen saturation, would be a concern.

Generally, the only sleep apnea that is being diagnosed and treated is stopping to breath, not the low oxygen saturation.

Stopping to breath apnea is generally treated with a cpap type of devise.

Low oxygen saturation is treated with an oxygen concentrator.

Note a Cpap only provides air, no additional oxygen.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Rav Berkowitz, Weinroth Esq., Rabbi Eisman (Passaic) answers the Lashon-Hora-niks, re: Walder's act of narcissim

Rav Zimmerman 

Rav Berkowitz

Walders Lawyer retracts

The Short Vort
Good Morning!

Today is Friday the 27th of Teves 5782 and December 31, 2021

*yemach shemo-may his name be obliterated

In Memory of Shifra Yocheved Horowitz Zecher Tzadekes L'Brocha
Shifra was a victim of the vicious, pernicious, and malicious monster whose name I shall not utter.
Ms. Horowitz committed suicide this week as a result of the crippling abuse she suffered at the hands of cw.
Where were the throngs at her levaya?
I will no longer give this evil, demonic maniac the "honor" of upper-case letters; rather, he is lower-cased to cw.

And In Honor of The True Heroes- The BRAVE VICTIMS who came forward and as Shimshon did years before them, they showed gevura in the face of the multitudes who were against them.
Ultimately, they brought down the predator forever and prevented more boys, girls, women (and who knows who else) from being abused, humiliated, and destroyed.
We honor these victims of terror.
They are our heroes
We thank Hashem that cw can no longer continue his reign of terror against our people.
May the name of the evil rot

In this article, I will convey universally accepted Torah principles and present a true Torah approach to the disastrous debacle of cw.