Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Sleep Apnea treatment often misdiagnosed - don't need a Cpap or Bipap only 2 liters oxygen with a canula

                           Cpap V Oxygen Canula                                                                                  


BIG Doctor said...

It's a racket how the sleep centers manipulate the tests to make money. And you have to be careful altz repercussions from their guzmos & outright fabrications. There are jurisdictions where the government has access to these medical records & will asser you from driving a car because al pi vos shteit you will fall asleep at the wheel.

Shloffer said...

Where is the study that oxygen is genug?

Yudel Shain said...

we tested numerous people that were prescribed cpap or bipap and they couldn't handle it.

They got 2 liters of oxygen, and were tested for oxy saturation and sleep apnea, and it was improved substantially.

The cpap manufacturers pay the doctors to prescribe cpap and bipap, they don't make as much money on oxygen.

Anonymous said...

For the 'most respected' opinion on sleep and fress contact CCRC from Metro Ave or meet him him at bloomies for the most experienced non medical opinion about a good shloof and a belly filling fress.r

Anonymous said...

So now Reb Yudel shows he's not only an alleged expert in kashrus, now he's an alleged expert in medicine as well. What subject will he be an expert in next?

Anonymous said...

Just look at his long resume, beats any one else I know of.

He is the experts expert in many fields.

Chronicles of an OU Mashgiach said...

"For the 'most respected' opinion on sleep"

Uvayom Hasheviyi shovas - Darshent R' Chaim Volozhiner: Shovas is roshei taivos "shina baShabbos taanug"

But the OU mashgiach in Queens prefers to Fress a gantz voch like it's Shabbos at Shlomo Hamelech's tish and to bark all Shabbos afternoon about "Shain" & "Paul" and his other declared enemies instead of taking a shloff.

He's like the chutzpenyak bochur in Volozhin who told R' Chaim he runs a battolah session Shabbos afternoon instead of shloffing veil er darshent "sicha" baShabbos taanug. R' Chaim said back zeyer sharf az chochom lev beyeminoi ukeseel lev bismoiloi.

Anonymous said...

CCRC darshens the roshay Taivos in 70 drooshehs.
Shinah bshabos taanug
Shinah bchoil taanug
Soivay Shabbos taanug (as in zoilel vsoivay)
Soivay bchoil taanug
Soilel bshabbos taaanug
Soilel bchoil taanug
Soivay bechinum taanug
Soilel bchinum taanug
Surfing bchoil taanug

These are just some examples of his geoinus.

Cuckoo Clock Clucking of an OU Mashgiach said...

These are just some examples of his am haaratzus:

His attempted nursery school level rhyme does not fit the roshei taivos in the droosheh of Shovas with ois Shin because Zoilel is ois Zayin & Soivay is ois Samech