Friday, February 10, 2023

Kashrus Alert: Raw Garlic has "Mites"- The Pidyon-Haben Sugar is sitting with Raw Garlic in the bag.

The sugar should be in separate bags from the Garlic.


Knobel said...

What about the roasted garlic cloves sold in all the heimishe gesheften for Shabbos nacht seudah, which the Chassidishe have made into a major minhag?

What about the pickled garlic cloves stuffed into olives?

Anonymous said...

Besides the Garlic for Friday Night, You get Protein also-Wow!

Anonymous said...

Most of them use Chinese pre-peeled Garlic, which only requires a rinsing from mites.
The fresh garlic pieces by the Pidyan haben are all American and heavily infested with mites, R"L

Anonymous said...

If it’s roasted the mites burn up and become less then ashes.