Thursday, June 22, 2023

Botei Dinim encouraging Tenants to uphold דינא דמלכותא


Shpolter Shgooche said...

Can we see a copy of the Sachdis hasruah?

Anonymous said...

The חילול שם שמים ר'ל is unimaginable. If all involved were truly יראים they would figure out a way to resolve their discord.

Anonymous said...

Even if an aid din would off squeezed out a Heter to go to arkoois, the fact that “Adiray Tairah” quality yingerlaat went to court is an unanswerable and unfathomable Chilul HaShem in greatest proportion. They are automaticly disqualified from the Adiray Tairah label and maybe even should leave any Lakewoid joules and go to goolis for a partial kapooreh.