Wednesday, May 08, 2024

UPDATE Re: sour dough (is an Heirloom) must be burned and may not be sold with the חמץ-

Hisachdus Harabonim says that any one that kept their sour dough by the "akum" and sealed it, is משום דרוצה בקיומו , therefore it's חמץ שעבר

שו"ת ערוגת הבושם אורח חיים סימן קיב

בחודש ניסן יזכה לראות ישועות ישראל והרמת ניסן, כבוד הרבני החסיד המופלג מו"ה ישראל יעקב טערקלטויב בק"ק וואלאווע יע"א: 

אודות שאלתו על אחת מי"ב חלות שהי' מונח על שלחן הטהור של כ"ק אדומו"ר הרה"ק ר"י מבעלזא זי"ע, וניתן לו והוא חביב בעיניו עד לאחת, יותר מכף מלא נחת, ונפשו בשאלתו אי רשאי למכרו עם החמץ בשטר מכירה, 

הנה שאלה כיו"ב נשאל הפרי"ח והוא בסימן תס"ז על גרעון חטה אחת שלתתוה במים וכ' עליו פסוקים ובעל החטה כשהגיע פסח הניחה בקרן זויות מן השוק משומרת שלא ימצאנה אדם ואחר הפסח חזר וזכה בה, ואסר הפרי"ח מכמה טעמים וחדא מנייהו משום דרוצה בקיומו ע"ש

מ"מ בנתנו לעכו"ם מכירו וידוע שלא יגע בו התיר אעפ"י שדעתו לזכות בה לאחה"פ לפי שכבר נכנס לרשות אחרים הו"ל חמצו של אחרים, א"כ גם זה מותר, אמנם לפי"מ דמבואר בסוף סי' ת"נ במג"א ס"ק י"א דאפי' חמצו של גוי אסור להיות רוצה בקיומו, א"כ גם כאן אסור והגם דהפר"ח שם חולק על דין זה וס"ל דרוצה בקיומו לא מיתסר בחמץ, מ"מ הא תברא לגזיזי' דבסי' תס"ז קאמר בהדי' דאסור להיות רוצה בקיומו ע"ש, ובישוי"ע אוסר למכור שאור לגוי אדעתא שיחזור ויקנה ממנו משום דרוצה בקיומו, ולפי"ז גם בהנ"ל איכא למימר דרוצה בקיומו, 

אבל לדעתי אפי' אי נימא כהפוסקי' דרוצה בקיומו בחמץ לא מתסר, מ"מ נ"ל בהנ"ל איידי דחביבא הואיל והי' מונח על שולחן גבוה של מרן ז"ל נכון לקיים בו מצות שריפת חמץ, כהאי דאמרי' בברכות דף ל"ט בר"א ור"א כי הוי מתרמי להו ריפתא דעירובא הואיל ואתעביד בה מצוה חדא לתעביד בה מצוה אחרינ', בפרט לפי"מ שמתבאר בס' מנחת חינוך דלשיטת התוס' הו"ל שריפת חמץ מצוה שצריך לקיימו בקו"ע, ואי ל"ל חמץ צריך להדר אחר חמץ כדי לקיים מצות ביעור, א"כ בודאי נכון לקיים מצות שריפה במאי דאיתעביד בי' מצוה אחריתא כנלענ"ד נכון והשי"ת יזכנו לבער כל חמירא מבית ומבחוץ ולחוג את חג המצות בכשרות ודיצות, ונהמא דהימנותא יפיק רפואה לכל מכאובי נפשינו כנה"ר ונפש ידידו המברכו בכל טוב: 

חוסט י"א ניסן תרנ"ד: 



Anonymous said...

What should we do with cops pulling anyone and everyone over for any little thing?

Anonymous said...

It's about time the cops are cracking down!!

Careful Driver said...

Drive legally, and the cops won't have anything to pull you over for.

Bulvan and friends said...

Have any Lakewooders been bitten by the Monsey Bug? A lot of heimishe in Rockland have become completely out of control in the last year or two. They pull every illegal move to get in front & ahead of your vehicle. They look you right in the eyes while doing it. Even when it's physically impossible, there is no room to shtip zich, zei darfen probeeren just for the heck of it. Wasn't Monsey shtelled avek tze zein an Ir Hatorah? Where is the Derech Eretz? Oy, and the chilul Hashem because many victims of the beheimishkeit zeinen nisht fin inzerreh!

Anonymous said...

What happen you scratched someone’s car so you blame Monsey ?
And why is YSV and Finkel not involved in this one ? How about Orzel ? Is he also ah vildeh trahbeh ?

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

YSV and Finkel not involved in this one ? How about Orzel ?

Rest assured that if one of the "elected" members of the YSV "Old Boys Network", sometimes known as the Board, owned a car insurance company, there would be pressure on the parents to buy those insurance policies. It would be like the scam with the utility company owned by a Board member that some parents are actually forced to switch to it from ConEd division Orange & Rockland!

Anonymous said...

You mean I can pay ConEd instead of YSV ? Thats very generous of the board.

Anonymous said...

This post is testament to the am haaratzus of the blog owner.

It doesn't say it 'must' be burned with the chametz. It says it is a דבר נכון. Someone who doesn't know the difference should not be giving opinions.

Anonymous said...

Is it only a very specific case of sour dough? Like the statrter batch as opposed to the toldos? Or only when choviv to a Rebbe?

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

What a farce how Ami Magazine surrendured a major Pesach feature to Sruly Orzel to cover up for himself & YSV. Here is the guy who covered up for Finkel on the YSV Board before eventually filling his filthy shoes as El Presidente. While Orzel might no longer be participating in attacks on the owner of this website now that Finkel is long gone, he is currently covering up the infamous YSV rishus of making sure kids have no yeshiva. You should read this Orzel-Faker presenting himself as the solution when he is a Huge part of the problem. And how he is supposedly the best friend of gedolim who in actulaity he is mevazeh when they try to be matzil the young neshomos!

Monsey Ich hob nisht eich gekent said...

Yes it is a big chutzpah that Yeshiva of Spring Valley's Israel Orzel pats himself on the back in Ami as the one mutching yeshivos to take in kids. There was no vaad all the years until now in Monsey except Rabbi Chill, who quit, because the arrogant mosdos - led by YSV - don't listen to him & don't listen to the gedolei hador. Orzel was always at the front of the line who not only ignored the gedolim but made bizyonos out of them. Derveil, whole rooms in YSV remain empty while NIMBY (Not in my back yard) Orzel advocates pestering other yeshivos who don't have the space to take in. And it's Rav Schabbes who rolls his sleeves up to call the yeshivos so it's in gantzen absurd that Orzel takes credit for anything. What Orzel needs is a Musser shmooz & a spanking!

Anonymous said...

YSV rishus of making sure kids have no yeshiva

Once again this 'root of all general evil commenter' 10:09 PM implies that in all of Monsey there is only one yeshivah who chooses their talmidim to benefit the other talmidim and the applying student by not letting him join a yeshivah thats not for him.
There are 100's of yeshivahs out there who all do the the same but only YSV is the root ...bla bla bla.
Its clear that this evil rooter has personal issues with life in general, maybe religion, maybe shoolim Bayis maybe worse.
Time and again with the same signs telling us all that he has major issues.

Anonymous said...

It’s been explained more than once, in this inyan of pikuach nefesh mamash, why YSV is worse than other Monsey yeshivos who also don’t take in the kinder. But the big defender of YSV on the blog with his tent & Free YSV flag pretends like YSV is innocent while he throws around all kinds of extreme, made up accusations that YSV critics must be tzedreiter Tuna Beigels and have OTD kids. You know the script. Now he’s got a new one that his sick mind imagined about Sholom bayis problemmen. This is all just a continuation of the same playbook where if someone knew YSV’s Moish Finkel was up to no good he is “obviously” a certified “meshugenner”. He’s looking for collaborators in his chant: from the Hudson River to Route 17, he wants YSV to be Free (of cheshbon hanefesh)

Yeshiva of Dingaling Valley said...

I borrowed someone's Ami shmatta after the tip off that Frankfurter let Yisroel Orzel dictate a Puff Piece on himself-YSV. That's interressant that after not exactly an early shacharis & washing down his high calorie danish with a coffee, he rolls into YSV every late morning before going to work so he can micromanage as Finkel's big shot replacement.

This puts the constantly referred to rishus in a more defined context. When Yiddishe mammas stumble in to the building crying rivers that their children have nowhere to go while YSV pooh-poohs the gedolei Eretz Yisroel who are mechayev them to make available whole empty classrooms, we now know who Yudi Frankel was chanfening when he met the tzebrochent mammas with his stone cold eyes & threatened them that they'd better not return tze veinen. The big overweight coward Orzel was there, hiding behind Mrs Spivak in the reception window. Agav, Mrs Spivak's husband had a lousey hashgocho for many years on Bassar Bassar places. Another YSV "contribution" to the kashrus industry landscape.

Geferlicha Shgoocha said...

Why did YSV’s in house certification front for Moish Finkel, Rabbiner Breslauer, restart years ago to give shgoochos in town - after his shul made him give his word to be hands off of kashrus certifying???

Anonymous said...

Orzel is also one of the gangsters who threw out the founding family from YSV - the mishpocho of R' Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz ztl - after the mishpocho had put decades of shvitz, mesirus nefesh & their own money into the place.

The YSV Board Gazlonim then arranged that there are no real Board "elections" because no one is allowed to "run" except for handpicked cronies who they allow. Upgelernt fun Russia, Iran & Hamas.

Anonymous said...

RSF’s Mishpacha never put in a dime they used Leo’s money exclusively.
They also pushed in the skverer Kadish zoogeh because he needed a job.

Yeshiva of Gring Mutiny said...

Sun May 12, 11:18 AM has zero credibility. What years was Leo active or even alive? Not all the way into the 21st century when Orzel & the boys launched their overthrow of the administration. To say that the Mendlowitz-Greenbaum mishpocho never put a dime of their own money into the yeshiva they owned-founded is laughable & completely not plausible.

Yeshiva of Achzoriyus Valley said...

The "excuse" of Orzel & his band of gazlonishe gangsters is that the founding mishpocho was "out of touch" with the parents.

Apparently, their "heart warming" definition of being "in touch" is when parents - even existing parents in the school - stagger inside crying that some of their kids have no yeshiva, they are threatened by stooges of the gangsters like Frankel who tell them to get lost or else ALL of their children will have no yeshiva. Yudi Frankel has been in such a hurry to send them packing that the sobbing parents had no time to point to whole classrooms in YSV that sit unused. It's even easier to get rid of the gedolim who call from far away by simply dodging the phonecalls. And when the shlichei gedolim show up in person? a little bit more annoying for YSV that they have to sit with them in the Board Room, give them some phony lip service & then High Five each other when the visitors leave regarding how they will continue doing nothing to help! Eventually after various pressure tactics & the gedolim going public, YSV feifs on them that "privatta" mosdos (which the gedolim said there is NO SUCH THING) "don't have to listen" to any psak of gedolei hador.

Anonymous said...

Tue May 14, 09:17:00 AM 2024

YSV was around before Greenbaum and company took it over.

Anonymous said...

This is from whom the G.....s eventually took over YSV:

In 1943, Yeshiva of Spring Valley started in the basement of rabbi Soloveitchik's synagogue with four or five students learning from rabbi Shapiro, the town shochet (ritual slaughterer).

Who stole what from whom ???

Comon tell us some more tall tales...

The Contrarian strikes again said...

"Before (Rav) Greenbaum took over"

What a clown, who thinks you will fall for his fake propaganda that a shochet-melamed of all FOUR kids in the shul basement of the Bais Halevi's grandson carries all the weight vs Rav Greenbaum who was the first YSV Menahel, who called all the mishpochos in Rockland to recruit talmidim & who brought to fruition the construction of the massive 306-West Maple complex (today's Vilchovitz) & later move to a pair of even larger campuses.

(That big national hashgocho mashgiach 'You Know Who' is typing all this nonsense in support of the current corrupt YSV regime from the outer outer boro of NYC as part of his big denial binge that R' Yudel caught Finkel's treif fleish scam 8 years before the establishment did. In his obsessive sinas chinam he is against any position of R' Yudel, but some inyanim more than others. And he thinks he's some kind of authority on Monsey because he used to hock politics at Beis Shraga. Meanwhile he's grabbing at straws to redefine YSV history by looking for irrelevant factoids on Google which is from where he lifted that shul basement story.

Why doesn't he go back already to the 1800s when a melamed at the old Haverstraw shul was tutoring TWO kids?)

Anonymous said...

Wed May 15, 09:43:00 AM 2024

After his whole 'Droosheh and 'shalehSeedis' toireh he omitted the main theme that Reb Yudel himself was and is (alumni) of YSV, the root of all Evil plus some.
You know whois a defender of YSV and thus by the substitution rule he defends Yudel Shain as well.

The toireh zoogeh which includes movie history plus his bekius in Galoochim taireh and all auctions of the non heimish religions, Is the mimcheh here to zoog dayes for the 'blind' yudel fans and followers.

Anonymous said...

When was R' Yudel in YSV, in the books of Alumni he does't appear.

Anonymous said...

Finkle removed his name.

Bensonhoist said...

R' Yudel must have already been in Beis Hatalmud mode while still in Monsey. Who poses for class pictures?

(There is one Beis Hatalmuder al kol ponim whose unconventional eidim is pashtus in a class picture out where "there are no Charedim")

Filthydelphia said...

I was wondering why the YSV Vaad Harabbonim don't resign when the place does so many avlos. Then I found out who heads up the Vaad despite not living in Monsey ...

Briskeh said...

Tzvai dinim in YSV, before the hijacking & after the hijacking by the corrupt regime.

So who is the dishonest Finkel-Orzel defender kidding when he suddenly claims to be on R' Yudel's side after trying hard - for the last 15 years(!) - to dispute & undermine any position ever taken by R' Yudel?

Monsey Ich hob nisht eich gekent said...

It's sad & Philly doesn't just control the YSV Vaad but also the general Vaad of Monsey Litvishe mosdos, elementary level at least. After one Vaad meeting where a really selfish & bad idea was proposed, another Vaad member was nebich giddy that "R' Shmuel agreed with me! R' Shmuel agreed with me!" The next thing you know, someone ran to the gedolei Eretz Yisroel & R' Dovid Feinstein who put the kibosh on it, warning that the proposal is a disaster waiting to happen.

If Philly & their sycophants want to own all the Kuved, they also own that the tragedy of kids, multitudes of them, have had no yeshiva for the last decade, with Monsey being the worst in this regard, more than all other cities combined - including Lakewood!

Anonymous said...

Seems like you haven’t been to Lakewood.
Where schools constantly claim “your kid is too good for our Yeshivah”.
In monsey they go to all chasidish and other far-frimteh yeshivas and get rejected because their cloths are clean and neat etc. Then they go with crocodile tears to YSV and when YSV tells them that you kid will be a liability to the student body, this days-zooger who ploppels and sees only evil in everyone decides that the EY gedolim say that only YSV has to take them in.
Let them go to skver, Vishnu’s,bobov, Satmar just to name a few of the popular yeshivos in metro Monsey.
How much more proof do you need to figure out this plopplers “baayot” ??

Toishav Monsey said...

Not in gantzen a question of control. The local chadorim & BYs want all kinds of big name roshei yeshiva & rabbonim on their letterhead as a marketing ploy to impress parents & donors. Even when these vaadnik figureheads tell them what to do, the chadorim & BYs often don't listen. But agreed that all these vaadnik figureheads should resign. They do know that the baal habatim running these chadorim & BYs (with or without calling themselves "rabbi") are making choizek & bizyonos out of them.

As far as the high fiving at YSV there was indeed at least one such sick incident, figuratively speaking, after several rabbonim imposed an emergency meeting on them for the sake of all the little neshomos with no place. A YSV employee leaked to the gedolim how appalling it was that the top brass were smugly & cruelly laughing later that day that despite feigning rachmonnus to the rabbonim it will just be business as usual, obtuse & ohn ken hartz as it is. Another employee reported to a Rebbe how crying mothers dragging themselves into YSV are sadistically threatened to scram. The Rebbe said asidin litein es Hadin! And that while YSV are the ergsteh, the anderreh mosdos also have to answer.

Shumu Shomayim said...

The YSV protector is not only a rasha - he is nuts. Everyone knows that YSV will never take Chassidishe or Tuna Beigelach or ex-Chassidishe. The issue is with regular children. It's been pointed out many times by the commentators that other yeshivos are far from innocent, ober fort, YSV gets the prize for behaving like the biggest unterveltniks. YSV is gradda the only yeshiva that has lots of empty space to add entire classes. Some of the other yeshivos are prohibited by County Health Dept from adding even one more desk altz student to square feet ratio.

A Rav told me the agony he has that children with the door slammed in their face by YSV are ending up in the Modern Orthodox day school because the government will take them from the parents if they have no school. Some of these kids are no longer frum due to the bad hashpoah. 70% of teenagers at Modern Orthodox high schools, who grew up Modern Orthodox, are not Shomer Shabbos today. They are matzdik phone calls & interacting on social media.