Thursday, May 30, 2024

KASHRUS ALERT: Any beef, veal, lamb, etc. that has SBD label affixed to it should not be consumed-regardless of what other Hashgocha is on it.

 NOTE: The frummer SY's at ATERET TORAH haven't been using SBD for years,

They use SYL.

We don't know why Jerusalem Glatt, doesn't discontinue SBD  and change to Solomons BY or 

Birdsboro BY brand. 

SBD from N.America or S. America is not acceptable


Anonymous said...

What's SYL, who is behind it and why are they better? Rabbi Hachuel is part of Ateret.

Hocker said...

The frummer in Ateret do not eat SYL. SYL doesn’t exist. Do your homework and come back and report properly. There is a name close to SYL but the mere fact that you are misquoting the name is a Raaya that you exaggerate largely over the top

Anonymous said...

You say it's kashrus, they say it's politics.
Who do you believe?

It is said some chashuva rabbonim eat SBD - eid echad neeman be'isurin.

Anonymous said...

When in doubt
Follow the money.

Reb yudel says, Videos don't lie, people do.

Anonymous said...

Please clarify; so all Alle/Meal Mart N. American beef is good. But the moment they put on SBD tape on it, EVEN THOUGH ITS THE EXACT SAME MEAT, now all of a sudden it’s unacceptable. PLEASE PLEASE CLARIFY!!!

eddie said...

who sells birdsboro beef? who sells birdsboro BY beef? what is the hecsher?

Anonymous said...

Bingo butchers only Birdsboro beef.

If you need BY, look for the BY label.

Other supermarkets may carry BB beef, ASK THE BUTCHER FOR BB BEEF

Anonymous said...

I smell that the ALLE brand since they hooked up with SBd, it's also a no, no.

Go to Solomon or Birdsboro, they did not go BSd.

I heard that regarding veal before Pesach, all/nirbater notified sbd not to put their name on the sbd veal, so they saw it coming.
De Ja Vu?

Anonymous said...

Why should someone want to eat questionable kashrus meat?

They must be sick people, so wait for moshiach and you could eat כלדי דחזירי

Tirza Swift said...

Will all due respect and Kovod,

how on earth to you have credibility to spew and discuss what the Frummer in Ateret are using ? there is no SYL Hechsher, it is BYL and has been around for a few years already.

You really have no toeles to the posts!

Everyone should be made aware

Anonymous said...

The Frum SY's aka the black hatters are using BYL not the SBD.
The ones that still use SBD are being sketched big time.

Anonymous said...

I don’t think Ateret is a proof for anything as they also use Hayyat under OK Hechsher which has very weak Mashgiachim and they choose to close their eyes on that. Kashrus isn’t their strong suit. Poor education system for kosher food.