When you got the estimate did you tell him that I’m looking for an estimate among other venders? Did you have a tree to cut or were you just shopping for prices so you can post it ?
The local society has moved south as far as possible, now it's straight democrat, as Rab Avigdor Miller says that only Apikursim (heratics) vote Democrat. They sell all of their Jewish values for a few dollars that the democrats promise but don't deliver.
Wow! R' Yudel is trying to generate parnossah for a Yid but the above Tzorus Ayin-nik is so full of sinah that he wishes he could obstruct it! I think it was R' Elya Lopian ztl who said that with all the Torah learned in yeshivos there are fort SICK people coming out of them.
How much would Glassman charge to cut down the high perch that Avi Schnall is sitting on? Major intervention is required after that outrageous misrepresentation & chilul Hashem at DNC Chicago!
RM Genack is not just a major fundraiser but a delegate to the DNC and appointed to panels to push for anti-Torah Democrat agendas. 'Nice' to know what kind of hashkofos are at the helm of the velt's largest hashgocho - even if he doesn't have those varmeh 'run ins' with Hillary. Has he seriously been rethinking the Ruach Shtuss after visible Yidden were harassed this year in Chicago by the Arabs & radicals?
Most of the many times that Mr. Holier than thou (Mon Sep 09, 12:52 PM) appoints himself as the Lashon Horah Police on Yudelstake & other blogs that he apparently has lots of time for during the hours at his Queens "kollel" and "job" as a "mashgiach" for a large certifier, he is just trying for his own corrupt, selfish reasons to silence information that is a chiyuv or at least mutter tze mefarsem zein. Now compare him in his Police hat to when he himself writes countless attacks full of motzee shem ra on the blogs against many, many people & mosdos that he dislikes!
We all look in CC. But unlike Sep 12, 8:48 PM aka Sep 09, 12:52 PM , we pay attention to all of it. We don't ignore & double down against the inyanim that the CC says tze mefarsem zein, precisely because the types of corruption that the above naysayer is trying to protect must be eradicated.
How much does he charge ???
very reasonable and competitive with others, I tried his estimate.
When you got the estimate did you tell him that I’m looking for an estimate among other venders? Did you have a tree to cut or were you just shopping for prices so you can post it ?
6:22 pm is a classic case of someone who has nothing to do
Wow you're obsessed with this one!
....nothing to do except to allow the public to violate genaivas Daas.
The Geneivas daas must be a democrat, join Aguda or Bmg's VAAD
You can move a bit south and join the 'genaiva daas' club.
The local society has moved south as far as possible, now it's straight democrat, as Rab Avigdor Miller says that only Apikursim (heratics) vote Democrat. They sell all of their Jewish values for a few dollars that the democrats promise but don't deliver.
@ Wed Aug 21, 9:35 PM
Wow! R' Yudel is trying to generate parnossah for a Yid but the above Tzorus Ayin-nik is so full of sinah that he wishes he could obstruct it! I think it was R' Elya Lopian ztl who said that with all the Torah learned in yeshivos there are fort SICK people coming out of them.
How much would Glassman charge to cut down the high perch that Avi Schnall is sitting on? Major intervention is required after that outrageous misrepresentation & chilul Hashem at DNC Chicago!
How Does Lakewood like being USED by the Agudah FERD?
Look in the mirror
Agudah are Roi'dfim al pi Halacha. According to Rev Avigdor Miller, Z"L anyone that votes Democrat is deemed to be an apikorus.
Can a Shoitah, be deemed an Apikorus? Rav Eliyashev says, yes.
All of those that were part of the biggest chilul Hashem and voted out a good republican ad put in a snake oil salesman in the Democrat NJ Government.
Which Democrat fundraiser are you calling a heretic???
Schnall zet ois vee Jerry Nadler mit a yarmulka
RM Genack is not just a major fundraiser but a delegate to the DNC and appointed to panels to push for anti-Torah Democrat agendas. 'Nice' to know what kind of hashkofos are at the helm of the velt's largest hashgocho - even if he doesn't have those varmeh 'run ins' with Hillary. Has he seriously been rethinking the Ruach Shtuss after visible Yidden were harassed this year in Chicago by the Arabs & radicals?
Monkey hear
Monkey say
Monkey posts
R Grnack is a huge Talmud Chacham and that’s why He, not others, run this huge Kashrus org.
Be careful who you criticize.
Ho ho ho huge as in phony, probably ought to be lecturing in JTS
Or for his liberal buddies at the Clinton homestead
There are people with more collated information than him,some aren't even Jewish
what title you grant them
Judaism is little more than ritual to these sorts
All of Sept 8 ,comments are straight out of the Chofetz chayim Moitzee Shem Rah section.
Love the way some prepare for the yom Hadin....
Most of the many times that Mr. Holier than thou (Mon Sep 09, 12:52 PM) appoints himself as the Lashon Horah Police on Yudelstake & other blogs that he apparently has lots of time for during the hours at his Queens "kollel" and "job" as a "mashgiach" for a large certifier, he is just trying for his own corrupt, selfish reasons to silence information that is a chiyuv or at least mutter tze mefarsem zein. Now compare him in his Police hat to when he himself writes countless attacks full of motzee shem ra on the blogs against many, many people & mosdos that he dislikes!
At first we thought you may have taken a peek in the CC lechovod the yomim. Noraim, but you blew it at the end, with your mitzvah stuff.
We all look in CC. But unlike Sep 12, 8:48 PM aka Sep 09, 12:52 PM , we pay attention to all of it. We don't ignore & double down against the inyanim that the CC says tze mefarsem zein, precisely because the types of corruption that the above naysayer is trying to protect must be eradicated.
Does anybody know where the great, big Machooh/Hafgonoh/Atzeres Tefilo is going to be in Lakewood this Sunday?
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