Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Matzos Chaburah from Romania, has chosen a Hashgocha that is not for serious Bnei Torah

 We are not phased at all by their Chimras and Hidirim.

Is that why they chose Minchas Chinuch Tartikuv?

Rav Breuer, Z"L on Kashrus


Background: When Rav Dr. (Levy) Yosef Breuer, Z”L, announced the establishment of the highly respected KAJ Kashrus, he stated:

“I am founding a kashrus organization that will adhere to basic kashrus standards, without chumras or hidurim.”

He explained his reasoning:

“If one focuses on chumras and hidurim, eventually, there may be nothing left of basic kashrus.” 

Then the Chumras and Hidurim are irelevant. 

Today, Bnei Torah and Yeshiva Leit seek high-quality products with a reliable kashrus standard—one that maintains authenticity without unnecessary chumras and hidurim.

Tartikuv Minchas Chinuch stands out stands out very much in this are of Chimras/Hidirim, but no basic Kashrus.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

ALERT: Brown Eggs- Kashrus dilemma

 Brown Eggs have a tendency to have more blood spots, brown or red. At times they have what is called in Yiddish a "gersh'tel", also a problem.

Very often they are Cage-free, and there are roosters.

The blood-spots are a ד'אוריתא.

All Amish country eggs have roosters.

Usually at least 3-5 eggs out of a dozen have an serious kashrus issue- THEREFORE COOKING THEM AND NOT CHECKING IS not compliant with THE HALACHA.

There is no Heter for a Non-frum to check eggs, even if they get paid for every one they find.