In the matter of;_________________________________________
Our signatures below serve as 100 witnesses that we the undersigned
have accepted upon ourselves the following judges;
________________________, and_______________________,
To come and judge before them the matters between us,
We confirm with this (document) that we have accepted upon
ourselves to comply with the judgment that will come out of this Bais Din
whether it be based on pure law or on compromise that is close to law, all will
be based on the decision of a majority of the three (3) aforementioned judges. In
the event of Zablah Bais Din, each side will choose their Judge and the two
Judges will choose the third Judge. Bais Din does not have to record the
sessions. If any of the parties want to
record the sessions, they shall notify all parties at least three days in
The Bais Din should be able to explain its ruling. The Bais Din is
to issue its ruling in plain English language in a timely manner within 30 days of the
last session. The Bais Din may append, revise and interpret the judgment they
issue. If one of the parties does not
appear before the Bais Din, the Bais Din may reach a decision without their
The power of this Arbitration Agreement is in accordance with
Jewish Law Choshen Mishpat 13. This
Arbitration Agreement is valid according to the laws of the States of New York
and New Jersey (in NY CPLR Article #75).
The signatories accede to the abovementioned limitations apart from the
right to be represented by counsel (and aside from the rights that is
impossible to give up). The signatories may represent themselves if they so
The Judges shall each be paid for the hearings at an hourly rate of
______________. The amount of hearings shall
be not more than________. Each hearing shall not exceed _____hours.
This is a done deal. It annuls any claim of prior coercion. We
understand all risks involved with signing this form and we accept this agreement
as in keeping to other better and more productive versions of this form. This agreement cannot be disqualified due to
anything missing, added, erased or blurred.
We made a kinyan and testify
to this on date__________________
Signed: _____________________________Dated
/ /
Signed:_______________________________Dated / /
Signed________________________________Dated /