Every burp of the "Misyavnim" gets publicized at "the Lakewood Scoop" and on the Zev Brenner show- Shame on them.
Greek Culture creeping into Reb Ahron's Lakewood Shtut? YES!
The truth must be heard, Even if the public does not like the sound of it, Whatever the circumstances, regardless of consequences, The truth must be stated-loudly, clearly and unequivocally”. (Reb Ahron Kotler Z”l- Quoted by Bunim)
The "MIS'YAVNIM" must be uprooted, the job is not finished yet.
They are
introducing their Greek-culture to Lakewood?
via -The Lakewood Scoop
Ductor Kasriel may be causing tremendous harm to the Lakewood Jewish community in particular and to Klal Yisroel in General.
He darshaned with chutzpah with full impunity, in the BMG tent, against what the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Ahron Kotler set up the "Kollel programs".
So what that he gave a big local Yeshiva a million dollars, therefore he is justified to trample on the Torah, Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva, Yungerleit, Balei-Batim, etc.
Reb Noson Zvi Finkel, the Mir Rosh Yeshiva,
(he may have not taken the gelt in the first place, due to the source-aledgedly blood-money) would have given the Ductor Kasriel back his Million dollars, told everyone not to use his Kolel, Shul, etc. Banned all from attending his Chol Hamoed carnivals and his other entertainment, publicity,
AKA= Hellenism, etc.
He is to understand as Reb Shneuer said, "Judaism religion is not for sale".