Camps and the Bungalow colonies likely will be told by Governmental Authorities to remain closed for this summer season.
Schools, Yeshivas, etc. will remain open straight through the summer with no Bein-Hazmanim, which will make up for the lost time of the current lockdown.
At least one haymishe girls school is giving much more work during the "break" now than there is during full session! This is thanks to the limudei chol Menaheles, a Modern Orthodox woman who's long been a tyrant.
The camps still can make money buy making Havdalah before the Zman.
If the Yeshivahs stay open through the summer:
1. Rabbayim will lose a lot of cash.
2. Parents will save lots of money.
3. The camps will stay open though Chanukah.
4. The young counselors, waiters, and other support staff will have to collect unemployment etc.
5 .the Yeshivahs won't be able to afford AC so the kids will get restless and won't learn anything anyway.
6. The talmidim will stay local and that very very not good for tzniut and/or Shmiras Einayim.
There is plenty more fallout. will get to it another time.
Don't you suckers see what's coming?
We are sending you the phony letters how we are working with government officials & the national camp association to be able to open up.
This is mamash brilliant on our part because when we can't open we will pull the same excuse out of our hats as the Pesach hotel operators that we invested much time, koyach & gelt into trying to open, so memeila we have no chiyuv to give you your money back.
The first question beis din will ask is if there was any reasonable expectation we were soimech on to think we might open. We are covered thanks to the phony politicians who keep making empty indications of opening the economy so that citizens don't get restless, only to keep pushing off the date. Everyone knows this is just politicians being phony politicians, but try proving it in beis din while we line our pockets with your hard earned money!
Reb Noson, Z"L said don't be a "nahr mit a shtar".
Get an enforceable written guarantee of a return of you deposit, etc.
The politicians aren't planning any permission for thousands of people, kids, etc in the bungalow and camp areas of the Catskills.
they will play can & mouse.
Amusing parody from "Greedy Fresser" as to what may be coming. Such a fishy letter was takka issued from Machaneh Ploni & people do have a bad feeling about yener out of place Passaic resident who walks around rural yehupitz in the vochens with his gold cuff links like he should have never moved out of Boro Park. What mamash justifies the worry? Have you ever seen his wife all bent out of shape when they are mechuyev to do something, even inexpensive, but she is having an ugly fit trying to figure out how she can instead keep a few extra dollars in her pocket? And they are rather wealthy at this point that she stoops to this nickeling & diming. Of course if no one challenges her, she doesn't break out with the scary snake like behavior. She just goes ahead with defrauding you on the quiet. That's exactly what happened last year when they were decamping after first half. It was one of the hottest days in history when the bus arrived with broken down air conditioning. But why should she inconvenience herself & front some more money to procure a new bus? The simple solution is to just cram all the kids on the bus Aktzion style and hope that no one dies or passes out by the time they get all the way to Lakewood. The Health Dept or Police would have zicher brought these chayos up on child endangerment charges with the DA if they knew.
Some say that: "The fact is that this ‘mageifeh’ is a bio-weapon and not an accidental outbreak, especially targeting the religious communities. The Kedoshim who died/murdered by those who spread this coronaviru"...
BUT They've got it all wrong no Yidden were murdered!!!
It's all in Hashems hands!!!
Hashem will NEVER allow any Yid to leave this world before their Tafkit is complete. All of the Kedoshim who have left us (that we miss dearly) have already for-field their full obligation in this world. Now it's time for their Neshomos to receive the tremendous reward waiting for them in the world to come.
Hashem in in the driver’s seat and He knows exactly what He is doing! Hashem has no reason to avenge their blood. If you want to do something to help elevate their Neshomos you can give Charity in their memory and/or learn Torah in their memory etc.
May we all be Zocha to many Simchos BeKorov.
אשרינו שיש לנו [ליהודים הכשרים] "הלכות בשולחן ערוך" ולא צריכים חוקי סדום של הציונים הארורים של ממשלת "ש מ ד". וד"ל...
אשרינו שיש לנו [ליהודים הכשרים] "הלכות בשולחן ערוך" ולא צריכים חוקי סדום של הציונים הארורים של ממשלת "ש מ ד". וד"ל… כי ד' אלוקיך מתהלך בקרב מחניך להצילך ולתת אויבך בידך – (והתנאי:) והיה מחניך קדוש, קדוש ממש.
*איך יתכן ח"ו מהפך כזה של 180 מעלות במחשבתו של בורא עולם, להפקיד כביכול את ההצלה והגאולה של עם ישראל, בידי חבר אנשים רשעים, שלא פסחו על אחת ממצוות התורה לרומסם בראש חוצות, ובמזיד, באותם ימים ראשונים לא היו אלו תינוקות שנשבו, אלא אנשים שגדלו רובם ככולם בחממות החינוך היהודי המסורתי ופרקו עול שמים.
*איך יתכן ח"ו שהם הם פתאום הפכו לשליחי ההצלה של עם ישראל, וזאת כמה שנים בודדות אחרי, שעצרו הם עצמם כל יוזמת הצלה אפשרית של אותם יהודים אשר ניסו להמלט מלהבות הכשנים של אירופה ?
איך יתכן שתוצאות הגאולה הפלאית הזו, והתקיימות דברי נביאנו (ועוד ציטטות מוזרות מעין אלו) תוביל במישרין ליצירת מפלצת חטאת שכזו המכשירה כל צרוע וזב, אשר שליחיה מחללים קברות אבותינו בכל מקום שהם – קברות אותם נביאים עליהם מסתמכים חוגגי הגאולה הציונית המדומה ?
*איך יתכן ששליחי אותה גאולה מתפרצים כחיות טרף לבתי כנסיות בשעת התפלה, על דברים של מה בכך, ונאלמים דום לבפתחי מסגדים ומנזרים בהם מתנהלים פעולות לתכנון מוות וטרור לבני העם היושב בציון ?
*איך יתכן שאותם שליחי גאולה, מייבאים לארץ מאות אלפי גויים טמאים, מזרע עמלק, וגורמים להתבוללות עצומה בעם ישראל, במטרה מוצהרת להקטין את ההשפעה האלקטוראלית של יהודית דתיים וחרדים בארץ הזו?
והרשימה עוד ארוכה ועצובה – עצובה מאוד, והכי עצובה לראות את האנשים היקרים הללו – אחינו אנשי המזרחי לשבטיהם, לא מבינים ולא מפנימים אף על פי ולמרות הכל, נאחזים בשארית כוחם בקרן השור עליה חרוט בדם: *אין *לנו *חלק *ונחלה *באלוקי *ישראל ח"ו. השם ישמרינו מהם
No reference was intended to any camp actually named Bei Kayta. The headline is just using the lashon Chazal for structures that are not in gantzen winterized to live in year round. The camp in question is the one that over the years has started drawing increasingly from the materialistic, more modern 'yeshivish lite' shnit.
Thought you were going to be nice about a certain camp. But in the last sentence you blew it big time halachackly. I hope this is just a bad dream and not really real.
The Times of Israel is reporting that even if the camps can get around all the government hurdles, there are many places in the Western World, including large parts of America, where due to pandemic panic hoarding there is a shortage of flour & yeast, and thus if camps cannot even bake bread & mezonos, for that reason alone they will not be able to open.
The report, which focuses on freya camps, did not take into account that Catskills camps are in a better position to source flour. But there are fort plenty of yeshivishe & heimishe camps in areas outside the Catskills.
I haven't looked into it lately but a month ago there was also a nationwide shortage of bread machines and other bread making equipment.
If you want a "guarantee" for anything with all camps - they'll be more then happy to comply BUT you won't have a guaranteed slot for your "sheifeh'lleh" in Camp. In most camps there is more demand then space available.
Indication of some swift, slimy moves to come with camp itself?
At least one camp was in a huge hurry to ship out - the minute Pesach was over - all the branded clothing & personalized items that they charge a fortune for.
Chalila they should give anyone a chance to say stop the order because I'm not coming to camp - which would prevent a few dollars going in their pockets while they stick you with worthless merchandise.
This was possibly in cahoots with a certain contractor for specialty camp item manufacturing that is based in the 14th St area of Lakewood. So there may have been multiple client camps pulling the same stunt.
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