Vaad HaKashrus Belz USA
Rabbi Asher Eckstein, Dayan9/12/2019
Recall Notice
Please note: Tova Farms brand frozen Broccoli sold at Seven Mile Market with expiration date 12/20/2021 has been recalled due to possible infestation issues.
This was distributed mistakenly (but exclusively) to Seven Mile Market.
Anyone who bought it should return to the store for a full refund. This recall does NOT affect any other Tova Farms products, spinach and cauliflower are B”H clean
Can anyone 'trrrust' Rrrabbi Eckstein that his vegetables are clean of insects when he does NOT issue a once in a blue moon warning?
Nobody learns their lesson from all the previous bags with bugs from Star K.
A new substitute for Dole bagged lettuce called Taylor Farms is under Star K & currently being used in restaurants under various hashgochos.
But you know how it is, if the price is low enough to ensure the gesheften make lots of profit so that they can pay a nice fee, the hashgochos turn a blind eye to any previous scandal.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic currently spreading wildly again in Israel, the Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe has decided to take a more stringent stance than the government and instruct his Chassidim to close all of the educational institutions throughout the country in a similar fashion to how they acted during the first wave of the virus.
Reb Yudel Shlit'a.
Go to DUSIZNEIS and get the scoop on AMI & Reb EB Wachtfogel.
One piece on Ami and one on Ami & Reb EB.
Is this or is this not a 5 Towns repeat of administrators being held hostage, like Rabbi Eisen is, to allow infested fruits & vegetables for fressers?
The notice from Rav Echshtein says Broccoli.
The Yudel caption is: Cauliflower, Brocolli, Spinach, Strawberries.
Didn't know know that Cauliflower, Spinach and strawberries are subspecies of Broccoli !!
The 5 Towns pulpit rabbis who hold a gun to Rabbi Eisen's head to make sure there are infested vegetables are freaking out over this new hashgocho that threatens their cash cow.
Its all for business. The new hashgacha will have double or triple bugs for the same price as one.
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