Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Consumer kashrus scandall is currently in the making- "Shai'yish-Bet-Yosef" beef- It's a straight fraud!

The up and coming "Shayish-Bet Yosef" is a total fraud, confirmed by Rav Machpud.

It's a result of the Bet-Yosef Scandal.

The Solomon's regular non-bet yosef, is a higher Glatt standard than many of the so-called Bet-Yosef.

I could be contacted at

Update: We don't recommend SBD meat for Sfardim.



Anonymous said...

Dear Rabbi Shain עמו״ש
I live in Lakewood, (near you), and I had to travel to Chicago for a few days on business. When I got there, I found a shul that had quite a few minyonim. I inquired as to where to buy some deli and meat, and the universal answer was one particular sausage co. When I inquired about the kashrus, they all laughed. I asked what’s so funny. They all said that the mashgiach/menaker as no equal when it comes to being a yiras shamiam. As I was leaving, one yungerman pulled me over and said “I can tell from your accent you’re from out east”. He told me that this menaker/mashiach is without a doubt not only the finest menaker in the country, but absolutely trustworthy enough that I should have no fear whatsoever in buying their sausage and meat.
I’m writing to you because you should know that there are still some yirai shamaim left in your business. כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Yudel Shain said...

send me his name,
I'm looking for those erliche people.

Anonymous said...

Chicago is like New york, etc, where the "kosher" standard is "Allah".

"Allah" essen, so it must be unquestionable highest most reliable.

"Allah" trinken, most kosher whiskeys.

See the Kav Hayashar.

Anonymous said...

It may be the Romanian with F.Z. as the Mashgiach.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! I know that menaker-mashgiach!
He is unreal! Erlich doesn’t begin to describe him. He is the most trustworthy yid in the meat business. Even you Yudel would eat from him.

Anonymous said...

I also assume he is referring to Romanian.

I believe the owner is a Chicago Telsher talmid. Everyone in Chicago says he's the best. From the Telsher's to the Chicago Briskers. (Their products were always available in Yoshon even before it was in style because the Chicago Briskers were always makpid.)

Agav, they're products are also better quality and taste than anywhere on the East Coast. Nobody makes hotdogs like they do!)

A lot cheaper too!

(Somebody opened a website where their products can be ordered, but the prices are higher)

Anonymous said...

To 11:59 pm.
“The erlicher” is the mashgiach. Not the owner. And yes, everyone (Telzers, Briskers, Chasidishe) all will eat from him. No questions asked.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to the Erlichkeit of the Owner and Mashgiach,
There is a lot of issues that may be existing prior to the Menaker/ Mashgiach's impeccable Erlichkeit comes into play.

If there are fatal flaws in the schechita or Bedikas, the greatest menaker can't do anything about it, it retains it's fatal flaws.

By Shatnez, if there are shatnez flaws in a garment, a good shatnez expert can usually be minaker the garment and make it 100% kosher, not by meat or poultry.

Chicago was not known for the greatest reputation in their Shechitas and Bedikas.
I'm sure it improved greatly- but a requirement for "Bikur" is in order.

Anonymous said...

Are the Sfardim that Gullible to be taken for the "Shai'yish" roller coaster ride?

They have been taken for a joy-ride, (including by their own Rabbonim) on their current Bet Yosef beef.

This has been observed by experts over the past 25 years, and we see how low others have stooped all for the Franklin$.

Anonymous said...

To 8:12 am. I am the original commenter. What I was told by the local Rov is that for many, many years, the nikker here in America is so bad and hefker, that it’s basically non existing. What he told me was that the mashgiach is the only person that re-treibers the meat that comes in kashered already to his standards.

Anonymous said...

Please get and pass ALL information to Hagoon Hoorev Reb Yehudah Shalit”a.
He will decide for the East coast, the West Coast and all coasts in between.
The Goon is the Poisek achron. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

He is fixing up the nikkur after three days, who would accept that?
If there was cheiliv left, even soaking for a half hour is unacceptable.

Is he taking any product from Agri- he can't that up- Hebrew National would not use Agri as it doesn't meet the Hebrew National's kashrus standards.

Is he taking any Rosenblatt with Star-K? Shain has as letter from Reb Moshe Shternbuch, not to rely on Star-k, especially on Shechitas.

An erlicher Minaker can't fix those things.

Let him stick strictly to Solomons beef, and he'll have the best of both worlds.
Gut shabbos

Anonymous said...

As an old timer I know the history and current events of Chicago meat & poultry.

I get my meat from Solomons, I don't use the holy Chicago supplied meat for too many reasons, so fellas-don't toot your horns too loud.

Anonymous said...

What are all of his sources for his meat and poultry?

Nikur? may be too late in the game to solve the real issues.

Let's hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

Who remembers the infamous Sinai meats fin deh heiligeh chicagau?

Anonymous said...

SBD's Rabbi Hatchual wouldn't let in Rav Shain to his Shechita. We know why!

Reb Moshe said it very clear, why.

Anonymous said...

All fix-up done on Nikur of chelev issues, is done after three days and after chelev was absorbed via the salting, no further explaining necessary why it's a fatal flaw.

Anonymous said...

Instead of people putting down a mashgiach trying to do good, isn’t anyone worried or concerned that people might be eating Dahm Or Cheilev that is ossur? R’Yudul?!?….. hello

Sefardi Beit Spin said...

It's a badge of honor when Rubashkin and his co-conspirators like Hatchu-bad snub R' Yudel because they have something to hide

Yudel Shain said...

Hello, he should take in sides of beef that is not menukar, not salted before three days and do his own nikur mehudar and salting.

By taking the over three day meat and fixing the nikur, they are missing basic halachas in the poiskim-sorry

Anonymous said...

Just curious, did anybody here, including the Rosh HaBlog, bother do speak to the butcher and verify the facts?!?

There are some very reliable and trustworthy people who know all these issues and vouch for this guy.

He and they all know the 3 day thing. Do you even really know what or how he does nikur?!?

First find fast, then rip everyone apart.

Spotlight on the Queens Vaad said...

Rabbi Barry Kornblau of Young Israel of Hollis Hills, Queens & ex-RCA staffer, lost trust in Trump

“I was with Sebastian Gorka,” recalls Kornblau, referring to President Trump’s ex-aide. Kornblau was lobbying on behalf of the OU Orthodox org

He doesn't remember exactly what Gorka said, but recalls “a combo of nationalist fanaticism & charisma” the ex-Trump staffer spoke. “I was appalled he was in the Trump administration. “I decide I won't engage this administration”

Kornblau kept his word. Over the last years, he persistently spoke vs Trump anti-immigrant rhetoric & encouragement to white supremacists by the president

The rabbi wrote an op-ed in NJ Jewish Link: “Why Orthodox Jews Must Vote for Biden”

The lengthy piece cites Trump’s pandemic response: Trump “turns public health partisan, calls a disease expert an idiot & reduced confidence in vaccines. Trump’s unparalleled greed, hedonism, narcissism, dishonesty, abusiveness, misogyny & corruption, disgrace the office held by Washington & Lincoln.” The letter cites similar criticism of Trump by Modern Orthodox rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

Kornblau bucks Orthodox trends: As per a survey by charedi Ami Magazine, 83% of Orthodox Jews said they'll vote for Trump, to just 13% who support Democrat Joe Biden

Orthodox voters are hawks on Israel, appreciate Trump moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem & scuttling the Iran nuclear deal. Trump ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is a member of Long Island’s Orthodox & prominent supporter of settlements. Orthodox voters like conservative social issues like funding private school, and law & order rhetoric Trump directs at cities with Orthodox clusters

Kornblau says Orthodox support for Trump is misleading as he personally knows “many” prominent rabbis deeply critical & fearful of Trump, but unable to voice their opinion due to affiliation

Notable silence of centrist Orthodox leaders supporting Biden — made dramatic by loud support of Trump on the right — is a “fundamental conundrum” of modern rabbis

“You’re employed by institutions & unless willing to risk your job, your hands are tied. To alienate your community” is too pronounced for pulpit rabbis to speak out

Orthodox communities enforce conformity. Kornblau received a letter from an Orthodox young lady who said her matchmaking prospects wilted due to her Democrat tilt. Others write of personal-religious ostracism by the Orthodox monolith pro-Trump stance

“It’s hard to be told you’re not frum if you don’t support Trump,” quotes Kornblau. “It's much easier to leave the frum world." When a majority tout Torah values & GOP politics together, it's a wonder how you stay part of a community like that. If these are Orthodox values, it makes more sense not to be Orthodox. We pay a high price for gross politicizing of communal life”

Kornblau in a Jewish Star interview criticized national Young Israel supporting Otzma Yehudit anti-Arab Israeli party. He's of a small group of Young Israel rabbis critical of the org’s right-wing advocacy. Otzma Yehudit is “the straw that broke the camel’s back”

NCYI president Farley Weiss clarified the statement didn't represent NCYI, was his view & only to defend Bibi from criticism merging Jewish Home party with Otzma Yehudit

Asked why he's increasingly vocal, Kornblau cites tradition

“In a place with no man, strive to be a man,” a Mishnaic aphorism by Hillel

Kornblau's been contacted by “Orthodox Jews whose lives have been damaged because they don't support Trump. Our community will pay a steep price for this”

Anonymous said...

What should the Rosh Hablog ask the butcher?

The lakewood comentor praised the trustworthiness of the butcher, mashgiach, menaker, etc.

But he missed the foundation construction, you could have the most high class skyscraper but if the foundation is not constructed correctly, it has no basis.

The Rosh Hablog brought out some fatal flaws with the system, re-read what was brought out by him.

Don't brush off the Rosh Hablog, Rav Belsky addressed him in a letter as the "Yochid-Mumcha" in kashrus.

Anonymous said...

יישר כחך! Well said

Anonymous said...

I just sent you the “DO NOT PUBLISH” comment. If I may be so bold, I would suggest you publicly apologize to this fine yid. It’s Elul.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you just got introduced to this site

Anonymous said...

Thought CoiCooRiCoo was once again rejected from a Erez Shabbos BBQ or got kicked out of Bloomies.
But it seems like they already trained him to keep away from where he don’t belong. But gave the Moderneh Coffee guys a shot and they booted him as well thus the. Vent post above.

Qveens said...

That's the most 'geshmake' raid from Kornblau since the time he joined the Open Orthodox to promote toyevah!

We know the drill.

The moderner dokter-rabbiners on the Queens Vaad are dancing the Hora that Kornblau had the guts to be publicly poretz geder.

Chaim Schwartz is squirming, wondering how he's going to shut Kornblau up before the watered down yeshivishe in KG-KGH get upset. Kornblau was forced to remove his signature from the toyevah campaign but it's a bit more tricky making online newspaper articles disappear. Sweeping Kornblau's corrupt hashkofos under the rug is part of keeping up appearances for the 'mehadrin' hashgocho, where the kashrus, in reality, is equally as bad as the hashkofos.

The OU mashgiach from KG will start blogging denials and insisting der oylam esst "kusher" under Schwartz.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget there is one and only one "thing" eating Kosher in the whole of Queens AND the 5T.
That is the one and only KooKooRiKoo (the K's stands for Triple Kosher - No Vaad - No Supervision - No interest in Kosher)

Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that everyone agrees the mashgiach is a true yiras shawmsim. Wheather you agree to his “derech” is a separate question.

Kefuyei Toiv said...

What kind of "rabbi" repeats obvious sheker from the Democrats that Trump "sabotaged" vaccines & supports neo-Nazis?

There have been published reports about the Queens Vaad protecting it's corrupt members, but why is the OU doing it? Oh right, because Genack was mechabek umenashek Hillary Clinton on live national tv. So then what's Young Israel's excuse that Barry Kornblau holds one of their pulpits?

Rav Hutner warned in a teshuva that some frumma make a political party into an avoda zara. Here these Lefties are with their Democrat getchka, smearing the President who was the biggest oihev Yisroel in American history.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Shain: So what you’re saying is that it’s better NOT to even touch or fix up the problems. Just accept the hefkairus as is. Yes?
Please respond.

Anonymous said...

A non Sefardi recommending what sefardim should or should not eat.
There is always room for new fads.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yudel; guess where I made my meat order for Pesach this year? That’s right, from Romanian. It was worth shlepping the order back to Lakewood because of their Mashgiach/Menaker. (All of my guests for Yom Tov said he’s the only one they’ll eat from)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Horav Machpud is the sefardi version of the Ashkenazi Horav Shain.

Anonymous said...

Reb Yudel spoke to Rav Machpud with another Sfardi Rav on the conference, and Reb Yudel questioned Rav Machpud re: his Bet Yosef.

After getting all of the facts from Rav Machpud, Reb Yudel told him they are selling with his "Choisum" of Bet Yosef, and according to his explanation of his standards it's Glatt Treif, and he is being fooled big time, R"L.