Sunday, March 06, 2022
Alert- before you donate, etc. see the comments--זה כלל גדול בתורה-וביערת הרע מקרבך, ואפילו וכו'
- Forshayer Ferd said...
The Bleich who is Lazer Scheiner's gabbai is reportedly brother of the "Chief Rabbi" (in quotations because Stolin put him in de facto cherem) -
Sun Mar 06, 09:19:00 PM 2022
- Context said...
The reason why such huge amounts of money are required now in Ukraine (even by those who don't outright steal it) is thanks to Agudah types who told everyone to stay, to ignore Ichud Hatzolah teams who came to evacuate them WEEKS before the invasion when a bus seat to travel across Ukraine was $800 a person. Now that the missiles & artillery are blowing everything up & Russians are shooting civilians, the Agudah types are trying to appear like heroes leading the way out when that $800 is now $12,000 a seat and sometimes the drivers stop 100 miles before the border & extort the Yidden for even more money. Two Agudah rabbonim in Ukraine even admitted they did not ask daas Torah for this particular event - they do not admit that they had negios of losing money & their kehillah if they left with Hatzolah. These geniuses also publicly brag if & when they manage to escape now, which is illegal, and which gets the goyim angry who mostly stay to fight the invaders.
And then there is something really "special" about Ukraine's rabbonishe "leaders" who tummel for others to save their flock when they are sitting in Monsey filling their stomachs mit taanugim - but make it sound on their YouTube updates that they are right there with their escaping kehillah. -
Sun Mar 06, 09:40:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
Another Narcissist, opportunist, Meshi Zhav, Chaim Walder, etc.
Thanks for the "rest-of-the-story".
Mon Mar 07, 08:29:00 AM 2022
- A bee meh Frrresst said...
"sitting in Monsey filling their stomachs mit taanugim"
They are noiheg in Brisk like the Gr"a to try to minimize the number of words while still adequately describing something.
A perfect shortcut in this instance is to just call them Agudah Fressers! -
Mon Mar 07, 11:54:00 AM 2022
- Anonymous said...
Sun Mar 06, 09:40:00 PM 2022
What a AGUDIST !!!!
A Yenteh Agudist !!! -
Tue Mar 08, 02:10:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
These Chelemeh Agudistin only can keep quiet from blabbeling their shtusim if you stuff their faces with whatever is available. Thus: Chelemeh Agudah Fressers. Thats what the WANNA BE agudists call them selves .
Tue Mar 08, 02:13:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
You bidavka don't post my comments but in bais din shel maalah it won't help you. I know this comment probably won't make a difference to you either realizing your low level of Yiras shamayim
Wed Mar 09, 08:26:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
Wed Mar 09, 08:26:00 PM 2022
Someone is really 'up tight' here. -
Fri Mar 11, 03:16:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
The Fallsburg Rosh Yeshiva and member of Moetzes, Reb Elyah Ber sent bochurim to Ukraine, etc.
You mean to say he doesn't trust Aguda Asskonim? -
Sun Mar 13, 11:05:00 AM 2022
- Anonymous said...
YU is also sending a group of students to help in Ukraine and to recruit some of the Falsburg Talmidim to learn in YU perhaps.
Tue Mar 15, 08:08:00 AM 2022
- Anonymous said...
A Chutzpah Gedoiluh to ask poor yungeleit to donate $500.00 each [even if they have to borrow] to the Ukraine matzav.
If any speaker "truly" feels for the tragic Ukraine Matzav, then they should do what every "true Gadol" would do. Get off your seat, and approach all of those making the lavish parties, simchas, etc, and to all of the Patrons of the high end restaurants, etc. and ask them for donations.
Sun Mar 20, 11:26:00 AM 2022
- Anonymous said...
We agree, let them get off their arm-chairs, and go out knocking on the dors of the ones that are living lavishly, but don't ever tell a yungerman to go borrow funds for an issue that the Gedoilim should undertake.
We are talking about all of them on the Moetzes as well.
The Motto should not be be do as I say, but do as I do.
We are waiting to see what the Gedoilim are physically doing to raise the money. -
Sun Mar 20, 11:30:00 AM 2022
- Anonymous said...
What a chutzpah to tell the "PNAI- Hador" that they should climb down from their high perch.
Sun Mar 20, 12:27:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
The schools have learned to "gouge" the yungerleit with their exorbitant charges for their performances.
The schools claim they need it to support their schools, it has a "ring" of the Zionists saying of רק בדם תהיה לנו הארץ
דמים תרתי משמע. -
Sun Mar 20, 06:04:00 PM 2022
- Anonymous said...
Zelensky is a Ukranian First, A meshumad second, Antisemit Third, the rest doesn't make a darn difference to anyone.
Mon Mar 21, 04:52:00 PM 2022
Yes, unfortunately our children attended Bezalel Hebrew Academy in Lakewood for 2 yrs. where the principal, a known molester who’d been fired from a prior position in Queens, was abusive and having an adulterous affair with the president of the sisterhood.
It took 2 years of ongoing abuse in addition to the years of therapy those girls from Queens needed, to fire him. His wife divorced him, but he is still on board with the OU and writes Divrei Torah for the Jewish Press!
It more than a ‘shonda’ to have every major Jewish organization posting this much needed fundraiser for the Ukrainian people without vetting the source. I took it down from my FB and posted a warning instead.
When Jews, known for our philanthropy, must first vett rabbis and fundraising sites for legitimacy, it speaks of whom really