Thursday, March 07, 2024

The Shor Habor brand, which was Lubavitch Shechita, and other AgriStar beef and poultry will no longer be under the certification of CHK, rabbis of the Crown Heights Beis Din announced.

 Hebrew National has rejected the AGRI brand for a long long time

"As it does not meet the Hebrew National brand's kashrus standards".

KCL of Lakewood gets paid to accept the AGRI brand.

Do utensils have to be koshered?

KCL, Rabbis Fund & Thumim say as long as the bakshish is current... כסף מטהר ממזרים


Anonymous said...

Chutzpah !!!!!!!!!!!!
On the cheshbon of yeshvaleit they give a low level of kashrus and lie about it

eddie said...

you already didnt see what rav wesimendal said back? surprised not posted yet here

Anonymous said...

Question- it says in the letter there were problems with the de-veining. Why are they waking up now?!? When they started doing beef years ago, they brought in a clown named Kashitsky as the lead menaker. Over-night, he stopped the treibering. So why are they waking up now? And what about the OU? How did they allow this to continue.

Second Coming of the Messiah said...

@ 9:30 am: Yeshivaleit shouldn't have been eating it to begin with

@ 12:02 pm: are you kidding where was the OU??? That's like asking where was the FBI when they had Hunter Biden's laptop computer! You can't even count how many layers of avlos the OU covered up in Postville, from ignoring that Rubashkin wore a Yechee yarmulka against OU policy to all the kashrus violations (nefulos, etc) & Dina Demalchusa Dina violations

Now go back to reading the Yated that Rubashkin is a martyr.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the tzetl from the bug-in-the-toilet about removing the hashgocho I thought Agri has finally realized there is more money to be made from heimishe and yeshivishe crowd than from a few hundred Botei Chabad. But it looks like they are just going to a new Lubavich hechsher. Is Hershy Friedman that much of an moron to put whatever left of Agri's reputation (not too much to begin with) at a mercy of internal machlokes of dead engineer's cult?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean!! Rubashkin is still running the show there. Together with Pinny hence the Philly yeshiva is there too and the Agudah and copycat dirshu is looking for some new kinyan to invent that you can have 1 pullka instead of 2 And make even more noise.

Anonymous said...

The kinah that yenner OU mashgiach has for the hatzlocha of Rav Hofstedter at Dirshu is Huge.

Although he can't hold back from attacking anyone who might compete with his beloved Agudah Fressers, how did he even manage to drag in Dirshu to bash them when the topic is a Lubavitcher hashgocho?

Anonymous said...

Fri Mar 08, 10:54:00 AM 20243

Thank you FFer for your musaaaar drooshah avout kinah, TAYVEH & KOOOOOOVD.
Did you have Shpigel ayeh this morning ? At Some Bris in you favorite Kailel ???

Vos zogt Horav Yudel? said...

Shippers of Lubavitch shechita & NY-NJ caterers being asked to use Lubavitch shechita are claiming to their Chabadsker customers that there is nothing available besides Agristar's Shor Habor. Whoever was nervous about CHK throwing Agri out is giving in.

Tell me if I'm right that something doesn't smell right. Could the vendors be lying because there is bigger profit margin with Agri?

What happened to Springfield shechita? What happened to Rav Feigelstock's Argentina shechita that has long been available in Crown Heights? When one nervous shaliach I speak to pressed a caterer about Rav Lesches the response was "what? he still does anything with Rockland Kosher? How many years old is your information?"

Anonymous said...

Why won’t the Lubavs eat other Chassidishe shechitos unless possessed by a meshugass? Even if the Rebbe demanded Chabad shochtim only, which is not klor, would any Rebbe have a leg to stand on to insist that only a single Chassidus is acceptable, all the others are not?

Carnivore said...

I thought Rockland Kosher has an entire wall of fleish for the Lubabs. So IF there is a problem - a BIG IF - it would have to be a recent development.

Didan Notzach? said...

Why not? They have a special kind of arrogance that they are the only ones k,eelu who get Yiddishkeit "right".

Someone in Brooklyn who knows Shas b,iyun was once accosted by a Chabadsker ignoramous who pulled away his Gemara, shoving a Tanya in his face, huffing "here, learn some 'real' Torah!". The Shas Yid called him apeekoiress & grabbed his Gemara back!

Anonymous said...

Brand new chk shechita run was produced this week at Solomons.

Anonymous said...

CHK 2 shoichtim, not boidkim or any others, on a Sunday.

Did Solomon kosher the plant afterwards?

Gut Gefregt said...

Did Solomon kosher the plant afterwards?

Trrrust Us said...

NY-NJ caterers being asked to use Lubavitch shechita are claiming to their Chabadsker customers that there is nothing available besides Agristar's Shor Habor.

Der Vant said...

Yes there is a wall in Rockland Kosher - the one being referred to is all frozen meats - but it is no longer strictly for Lubavitch and currently has precisely zero items under Rav Lesches. There is a bunch of David Shmelliot poultry. And something I've never seen until this week, another Wise division called Rachel's that's organic stuff under Star K & Satmar.

In the fridge cases Rockland Kosher is selling Shor Habor deli which I don't think they carried when Rav Lesches was active. If I was Hershey Friedman I probably would have sent a little bucksheesh Rockland Kosher's way to squeeze out Rav Lesches. B"H I am not Hershey Friedman!

Anonymous said...

Hebrew National has rejected the AGRI brand for a long long time
"As it does not meet the Hebrew National brand's kashrus standards

So did yudel reject AGRI due to HIS standards.

Its funny how Yudel 'plugs' Hebrew National as if is one of the heimisheh meaat suplliers.
Its like saying that Yudel also rejects Empire And Perdue in one breath.

Solomons said...