Sunday, May 26, 2024

CONSUMER FRAUD! After Moshiach the Chazer (PIG) will become MUTTER, not the SBD's Beef, Veal, etc.

The Rabanut of Israel on this past Monday put out a חרם Haram, Fatwa on SBD meat products
Download it using this link.

After 120, when you are asked why did you consume these questionable items? normally, you would respond "I didn't know", 
Now you can't answer that, and they'll send you straight to

Whoever used SBD kosher certified meat, veal, etc. is advised to kasher their utensils. This includes grills, ovens, etc. Regardless if any other hashgochas are present.

For a copy of the report, email (subject line-SBD report) or download it using this link.

All approved by KCL Kehilas Hachareidim at Jerusalem Glatt etc.

Recommended to kasher all equipment


Mabrouk said...

Are there any hashgochos not allowing SBD product in their supermarkets & catering halls?

Anonymous said...

What happened now

Zolel Vesovaya said...

Any SYs reading this? Is Rabbi Hatchuel still working under the auspicies of the Harari-Rafuls like when SBD first launched?

Anonymous said...

SBD is still an extremely trusted hechsher amongst SYs

Anonymous said...

Can you please say what are the problems with Agri meats / Weissmandall.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

SY's are eating treif?

They ate for Pesach SBD veal that was not even glatt, shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Who is worse Kveens or SY Hechsher.
Didn't the kashering reccomendation for the kveens shgoocheh. Or is kveens beyond kashering or maybe no one knows how to kasher there ???

Anonymous said...

I thought Reb Dovid Thumim was very very midakdik in kashrus, how could it be that his son fell so low to be machshil Adeireinu yingerleit?

Anonymous said...

A Rosh yeshiva or Mashgiach in Eretz Yisroel was asked, I'm from Lakewood where we have the Yeshivas KCL Kehilas Chareidim, I'm makpid to eat from their hashgochaas, wha Hashgach should I eat in Eretz Yisroel?

His response, I'm very familliar with those hashgochas, you can feel comfortable with the Hashgochas in Eretz Yisroel.

But I'm a mehadrin person?

Ok, So you should be Mehader by eating regular Rabbanut.

Tirza Swift said...

With all due respect, and ultimate Kovod,

R' Yudel - you are sitting in Lakewood hocking and spewing, and R Hatchuel is running a successful operation. Perhaps try and enter the field yourself, so you dont need to get busy with all this nonsense.

The Chasam Sofer was againt being MOtzei Laaz on Klall Ysiroel

Anonymous said...

A successful non-kosher operation, and you fine with that.

Timtum has really overtaken you, big time-nebech.

Anonymous said...

non nebech, but chaval is what you say to a sfardi who's being sketched.

Anonymous said...

Is SBD such a big threat to the cartel?

eddie said...

Rav Yudel,
we still dont know what YES to eat. which meat is good? From where? Provide details. so far cant eat anything!!

Anonymous said...

Eddie, Solomon By

Chuchem fin der Mah Nishtanah said...

"such a big threat to the cartel?"

What a dumb question. Since when is R' Yudel in lockstep with the corrupt cartel?

Chuchem fin der Mah Nishtanah said...

@ Tirza Slow Poke

Moish Finkel was even more successful than Hatch Well. Now go 'knock yourself out' trying to find a Chasam Sofer vos meh darft shveigen!

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Hachuel is the real deal. I don't believe any of this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds Like Reb Yudel is waiting (as in Achakeh Lo) to be the first to give his hechsher on CHAZZIR. Lama Halach.....