Thursday, July 04, 2024

All Grapes have mites on the outside. Must be soaked and rinsed in soap water a few times



Dont know much about Geography said...

This is for grapes sold in Yerushalmi markets that are EY & maybe also Europeyisher grown. Where do you see it's the same problem for grapes grown in the Western hemisphere?

When Rav Falk came out with his sefer on insects he admitted that America-Canada was in a better position that what he poskened on in the UK

Anonymous said...

Mites on Grapes in the USA is well known for the past 5 years already, Israel is just behind the times.

Reb Moshe Vaya has been publicizing the issue for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear Grapes can have mites, thrips, aphids, phylloxera and worms. Phylloxera commonly found in California brands.

Anonymous said...

Thu Jul 04, 01:28:00 PM 2024

This is how they recommended years ago to clean Strawberries but then they changed their minds. Thus, I would put grapes in same level as strawberries. Why wait a few years and find out you were eating bugs all these years. Even on Yudels/Vaye Cheshbon.

Fun Troiben ken men oich machen vein said...

Many grape species are immune to phylloxera fly infestation

Anonymous said...

In theory, but when checking multiple grape brands from California and finding Phylloxera it’s hard to ignore what’s in front of you.

Anonymous said...

Bluberries are the same issue so basicly stay away from grapes blackberries rasberries strawberries melons are fine pineapple as your rav kiwi is fine . So basicly a real kosher fruit platter looks real biring