Sunday, July 28, 2024

CRC Hisachdus alerts

 CRC Hisachdus

Date: Chodesh Tammuz 5784 (Jewish month of Tammuz, year 5784)

Main Title: To the questions of the rabbis and the righteous from the CRC Bais Din. The following guidelines are provided for inspection of the produce.

Corn on the cob - קארן אויפן שטאנג

To inspect corn on the cob, one must open the husks and check for insects. If found to be infested, they should be removed by thorough washing. Only corn that has been inspected and found to be clean should be consumed.

Snow Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, Green Peas - שינייע פיס/שוגער שנאפע פיס/גרינע פיס

Snow peas, sugar snap peas, and green peas must be opened and inspected for insects. Any peas with signs of infestation should not be eaten.

Blueberries - בלובעריז

To check blueberries, place them in water to which soap has been added. Rinse thoroughly, and inspect each one under a good light. Any blueberries with signs of infestation should be discarded.

Peppers - פעפערקאַ

When inspecting peppers, cut them open and check the inside for insects. If there are signs of infestation, they should not be used.


CRC Hisachdus

Contact Information:

  • Telephone: 718.384.6765
  • Fax: 718.374.6510

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