Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Israeli Rabanut's letter re: concerns of cross contamination of their kosher meat with the non-Glatt SBD & MEALMART BEEF.

 26 Iyar 5784, Monday, 03/06/24

To the Honorable Rabbinical Committee Members:

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlit"a Rabbi Yitzchak Ralbag Shlit"a Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weiss Shlit"a

CEO Rabbi Yehuda Cohen y”u Legal Advisor Mr. Harel Goldberg y”u

Subject: Plan for the "Les Feyder" Plant in Uruguay

Due to the unique high speed of slaughter and inspection at the "Les Feyder" plant, which operates at approximately 120 to 140 animals per hour, a request has been made to establish a program that adheres to the stringent standards of rabbinical kosher supervision while accommodating this high speed.

At the committee’s request, I have formulated two possible plans, with the second being preferred according to kosher standards:

  1. Approved speed up to 120 animals per hour.
  2. Five knife inspectors with the following roles:
    • Two slaughterers alternating, each slaughtering one animal per minute, including washing and preparing knives for the next slaughter.
    • Two simultaneous slaughterers.
    • One additional knife inspector to support and handle knives that need adjustments.
    • The inspectors must remain in the slaughter area throughout the entire process, except during factory breaks.
  3. Two internal inspectors checking alternately, each inspecting their designated color-coded animals.
  4. Two external inspectors working simultaneously, each focusing on their color-coded animals.
  5. The team leader will replace the external inspectors every 40 minutes.

Important Note: This plan can only be executed if all team members adhere strictly to the outlined procedures. If not followed precisely, significant kosher issues could arise. Based on past experience, it has been proven that the speed of slaughter and inspection can reach up to 140 animals per hour in this plant.

To avoid problems and ensure proper adherence to kosher standards, I suggest the plant operate with six slaughterers divided into two teams of three each. Each team should consist of two slaughterers and one knife inspector, with an additional inspector for marking and handling non-kosher or kosher animals.

Additional Notes:

  1. There must be a supervisor present in the room where heads, tongues, and cheeks are processed, ensuring proper preparation and sealing of the boxes for transfer.
  2. Past infractions have shown that soaking and salting times were not adhered to properly. It is essential to ensure these processes meet the required durations.
  3. The water temperature for soaking must not drop below 7°C.
  4. Due to morning slaughter by American teams, the plant must prioritize the Rabanut’s kosher certification process, ensuring thorough cleaning before Rabanut kosher beef use. In order to avoid cross-contamination of the American beef with the Rabanut’s beef.
  5. The plant is equipped with security cameras; it is advised that the rabbinical team should have access to these cameras to monitor all workstations.
  6. The plant must send an official letter, signed by a notary, committing to work according to these guidelines in both slaughter and inspection processes.

In prayer that no mishap will occur through us,


Rabbi Avraham Buchbut Director of Meat Processing Plants and Butcheries



Heimishe Shgooche said...

Vus zugt der Nirbater?

Anonymous said...

Their kashrus guide is Benjamin Franklin only

Anonymous said...

MEALMART and SBD and NIRBARTER are all benefiting financially, the Rabanut is not, therefore al pi Halacha, we believe the Rabanut.