Sunday, August 04, 2024

Reb Eli Brudny says the Olam doesn't know ,

Adas Korach -עדת קרח 
had 250 heads of Sanhedrin ראשי סנהדרין
yet it was not דעת תורה



Anonymous said...

Yep.The Moetzes .Most of his insider RY. Love him personally,but his world is in his cloud

Anonymous said...

If Reb Elyahou says the Oulom dosen t know then they don’t know!!!
Make believe Reb Moishe Shternbuch Shlit’a or Reb Shragah Feivle Zatzal said it!!!!

Agudah Fresser said...

What are you getting at?

Anonymous said...

He is not. Rav Brudny probably dissed him lately. Maybe he didn’t offer him a drink or a water bottle. Veher vayse.