Monday, February 10, 2025

The biggest Holocaust ever, is taking place in Israel by the Israeli leftist, chilonim, etc. Their fake Concerns about the Hostages?, only to take down the BIBI Government!

PS -Stop the Abortions, you'll have 30,000 soldiers annually, without the Chareidim at all.

Note: In the army, it's 100% abortions!

 Given Data:

  • Jewish births (mostly by the frum) in Israel in 2021: Approximately 135,639
  • Legal abortions in Israel (mostly by chilonim) in 2021: Approximately 16,508 (99.5% of 16,591)
  • Estimated illegal abortions in Israel: Approximately 15,000
  • Arabs don't allow abortions

Total Abortions (Legal + Illegal):


Ratio of Jewish Births to Total Abortions:

Ratio=Jewish births Total abortions=135,63931,5084.3\text{Ratio} = \frac{\text{Jewish births}}{\text{Total abortions}} = \frac{135,639}{31,508} \approx 4.3

Percentage of Abortions Compared to Jewish Births:

To calculate the percentage of abortions relative to Jewish births:

Percentage=(Total abortions Jewish births)×100=(31,508135,639)×10023.2%\text{Percentage} = \left(\frac{\text{Total abortions}}{\text{Jewish births}}\right) \times 100 = \left(\frac{31,508}{135,639}\right) \times 100 \approx 23.2\%

Final Results:

  • There are approximately 4.3 Jewish births from the Frum for every abortion (legal and illegal) mostly from the Chilonim.
  • Abortions account for approximately 23.2% of Jewish births in Israel.


Anonymous said...

Will have to wait for a Midah keneged midah sign from G-d and Yudel

Anonymous said...

And you should also mention the high abortion number from the soldiers in the army

Heimishe Shgooche said...

Red Snapper is not muchzok with worms in any ocean except the Pacific. So why are many gesheften mit heimishe shgooche making life difficult for those who are makpid on worms to davka source their Red Snapper from the Pacific catch?

Anonymous said...

Why are YOU being difficult and insist on RED SNAPPER when you know very well that its not available only from the :Pasific ?? Are you such a baal Tayvah that you won't stand for anyone who won't jump to fullfill YOUR holy taayvous ??

Anonymous said...

Those stats are overly simplistic

Snappy said...

‘You Know Who’ is snappy as ever in NYC’s outer outer Boro, busy making sure that no one can make a valid kashrus complaint on Yudelstake because it also raises questions about OU / VHQ integrity.

Red snapper is of course commercially fished in most of the velt. It has even migrated from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal & has been found in the Mediterranean since 1979

US Atlantic fisheries with red snapper output

Achad haAm? said...

Does Yitzy Frankfurter’s Ami magazine have anything in common with yener koifer? Let’s hope Yitzy’s not goirem too much Timtum with Whisk magazine which is part of the weekly Ami collection of magazines. In Whisk of 12 Cheshvan / Nov 13 on pages 20-21 there is recipe that its main ingredient is Goji berries. That berry is probably more infested than even blackberries!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That recipe is the ‘not recipie’ not meant to eat just to send to the shul you don’t go to.

Pod save America? said...

Move over, Rubashkin. Another former shechita owner & some of his relatives have been convicted of geneivos (not related to the now defunct shechita) and are going to jail. It's an outrage that one of them went befarhesya on a podcast which is a modern day type of radio broadcast show to admit it but blame everyone except himself & zein mishpocho, as if anyone told him to steal. The mechutzef blamed the Brisker oylam, BMG, etc

Kay Gee said...

Ooh Ah! Listen to 'You Know Who' knock Frankfurter that he's a meissis umeydiach for Gojis by yenem & yenem's shuls! 'You Know Who' must have some personal animus as usual! Frankfurter used to run Marcy's. That's the Boro Park shmattah gesheft with the BIG Zaftigeh suit sizes. Is 'You Know Who' upset that he didn't get a discount? Or is he upset that Ami didn't run any promotional articles on a certain (unlicensed) travel camp or a certain (illegal) basement store in the 'Metro' area farkoifing billigeh interhemd?

Anonymous said...

The Nebraska shechita? Did they actually supply any known players with that fleish?

Anonymous said...

who's shechita in Nebraska, details?

Anonymous said...

There may be some open shtellers in kehillas Otisville prison. Rubashkin was the baal tokeyah & Leib Pinter was the gabbai

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't solomons take over the plant, they are located in that area?

Anon said...

....was the baal tokeyah & ..... was the gabbai

Up there this anon will be both 'the Hot Gabbai AND the Hot Toykeya'. He'll only be able to "work" on Shabbasim when they turn down the heat a bit.