CRC Hisachdus has had numerous Parve/Dairy issues the past few years.
CRC/ Hisachdus Parve Chocolate from an East Greenville, PA manufacturer, which should be listed always as Dairy.
Their Pesach Chocolate made at the Barton's while chocolate covered Matzo was being made side by side.
CRC/ Hisachdus- Glicks Parve/Dairy chocolate made in Turkey- The Mashgiach was not doing his job. There were other distractions.
CRC/Hisachdus Bakeries often (we know of 3 times in the past year) send Dairy/Parve Danishes to caterers and affairs in not properly marked boxes and the Dairy ones were served after Fleshing's.
CRC/Hisachdus for years did a Lakewood production of "Parve" Chocolate in a facility that does Cholov Akum - with no Mashgiach at all.
Turkey is also a non-Arab Muslim country that sometimes hates Yidden more than the Arabs alein. If the mashgiach is useless ver veisst what else they could add to the ingredients, chalila?
Don't tell me they are sending mashgichim to hostile Turkey with the whole nine yards levish topped off mit a Satmar frisbee? Are they sending Tuna Beigels in jeans & baseball caps? That's the Star K shtick for toyeveh "weddings" at frei temples because they won't admit supervising such atrocities when all their competitors won't touch them.
This blog has at least 2 mouths that they speak from. Both are great and holy for specialty mitzvos.
Reb Yudel was complaining for years how the holy CRC never issues Kashrus alerts of mispackaged items. Finally they do an alert and all we get is how the Mashgiach was preoccupied with interests (Maybe he had to wash his Rabaunee Tam gatchgehs or he was doing Chok or his Hardin were not Yudels etc.
Yudel implys that at the OU or at Other privileged hashgachas things like a Mashgiach being preoccupied never never ever occurs. And the recalls are just a fluke nothing to do with the Mashgiach.
Thus the Two lovely mouth pieces at this blog.
Don’t forget anything and everything on this holier then you blog is a mitzvah rabba Geulah.
There's a nice size community there
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