We are not phased at all by their Chimras and Hidirim.
Is that why they chose Minchas Chinuch Tartikuv?
Rav Shain has nothing in his home with Minchas Chinuch, for a reason-it does not meet the basic kashrus standards.
The Volover's son made made in Romania for two years, and it did not work out. Too many issues.
Kedassia is a great hechsher.
Rabbi Sharf is not at Kedasia anymore, so who knows. But if the Minchas Chinuch has their Mashgiach or anything else to do with it, stay away.
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Rav Shain has nothing in his home with Minchas Chinuch, for a reason-it does not meet the basic kashrus standards.
The Volover's son made made in Romania for two years, and it did not work out. Too many issues.
Kedassia is a great hechsher.
Rabbi Sharf is not at Kedasia anymore, so who knows. But if the Minchas Chinuch has their Mashgiach or anything else to do with it, stay away.
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