Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Matzos Chaburah from Romania, has chosen a Hashgocha that is not for serious Bnei Torah

 We are not phased at all by their Chimras and Hidirim.

Is that why they chose Minchas Chinuch Tartikuv?


Anonymous said...

Rav Shain has nothing in his home with Minchas Chinuch, for a reason-it does not meet the basic kashrus standards.

Anonymous said...

The Volover's son made made in Romania for two years, and it did not work out. Too many issues.

Anonymous said...

Kedassia is a great hechsher.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Sharf is not at Kedasia anymore, so who knows. But if the Minchas Chinuch has their Mashgiach or anything else to do with it, stay away.

Anonymous said...

If Mincha chinch is too hard for you try the Chinuch itself…..

Anonymous said...

The whole premise here is wrong.
I know nothing about these matzos, but if someone has a complaint, why can't they write it clearly? Stop with the 'true bnei torah' nonsense, what is the halachic issue with the matzos? Why shouldn't a person eat them on Pesach? Do you have any information at all?
The Kedassia was considered a reliable hechsher long before Rabbi Asharraff joined, and there is no reason to believe that the standards dropped.

How sad that people claiming to talk for 'true bnei torah' have so little to do with Torah that they cannot mention a single actual halacha if their lives depended on it.