The Gedoilim BANNED his Brissim!

Keep microphone on loud to hear everything-The end of the video displays some of the Gedolims letters.
There is yeshivishe Mohel by "Bais Hatalmud" that doesn't believe in the Mesorah of "mezitzah", Yet bais hatalmudnics use him?
All of the concoted stories from Rabbi krohn as to why he does the cold blooded murderous procedure is an outright lie that he could sell to the gullible.Anonymous said...
I, R"L saw Pesach "wednesday eyes " Krohn do his horrible work in a shul in my neighborhood.
I turned to ask my Rov to please stop the torture, but my Rov was hurrying up the aisle away from the Horror. I wish I had left before my ROV, The scene just viewing it,still causes me great anguish.
The clamp is an idiot proof technique, requiring no follow up visit. It's easy, and lazy to use a clamp.
Seems like it was invented By Dr. Mengele. I can not understand how a Mensch can put this torturous device on a human being, Kal V'Chomer on a fellow Jew. I am shaking my head in disgust at krohn.
Mon Dec 28, 10:52:00 PM 2009
Hi,We saw your blog about Paysakh Krohn and are absolutely sick. Our son was circumcised by Paysakh Krohn in April
(at our Chabad with dear friend Rav Mendy Herson) and we had a similarly horrible experience. We all (including Rav Herson) deferred to Krohn's method assuming he had the credentials and experience to know what was best. The brit was barbaric and traumatic for all who attended. We've been wondering back and forth if we should do anything about it, and if we were just overreacting as first time parents. But seeing your site and the outrage from the community confirms our fears.There was much mention of the Poskim banning Krohn from performing circumcisions. Can you direct us to the specifics? Krohn told us he didn't use a Gomko clamp, but a device INVENTED BY HIS FATHER! From his email: "> the instrument is the circumceps which my father invented." This is particularly disturbing. We never would have allowed him to perform the bris with a device that hasn't been tested and approved by the FDA.Your blog mentions that your brother is a respected mohel. Might it be appropriate to have him look at our son? His pediatrician acknowledges that the circumcision looks strange but says they can all look different, so we're not getting a committed ruling from him either way. We are completely disgusted and now feel compelled to get to action to prevent this monster from torturing more children. Please do get back to us. Regards,
All of the concoted stories from Rabbi krohn as to why he does the cold blooded murderous procedure is an outright lie that he could sell to the gullible.Anonymous said...
I, R"L saw Pesach "wednesday eyes " Krohn do his horrible work in a shul in my neighborhood.
I turned to ask my Rov to please stop the torture, but my Rov was hurrying up the aisle away from the Horror. I wish I had left before my ROV, The scene just viewing it,still causes me great anguish.
The clamp is an idiot proof technique, requiring no follow up visit. It's easy, and lazy to use a clamp.
Seems like it was invented By Dr. Mengele. I can not understand how a Mensch can put this torturous device on a human being, Kal V'Chomer on a fellow Jew. I am shaking my head in disgust at krohn.
Mon Dec 28, 10:52:00 PM 2009
Hi,We saw your blog about Paysakh Krohn and are absolutely sick. Our son was circumcised by Paysakh Krohn in April
(at our Chabad with dear friend Rav Mendy Herson) and we had a similarly horrible experience. We all (including Rav Herson) deferred to Krohn's method assuming he had the credentials and experience to know what was best. The brit was barbaric and traumatic for all who attended. We've been wondering back and forth if we should do anything about it, and if we were just overreacting as first time parents. But seeing your site and the outrage from the community confirms our fears.There was much mention of the Poskim banning Krohn from performing circumcisions. Can you direct us to the specifics? Krohn told us he didn't use a Gomko clamp, but a device INVENTED BY HIS FATHER! From his email: "> the instrument is the circumceps which my father invented." This is particularly disturbing. We never would have allowed him to perform the bris with a device that hasn't been tested and approved by the FDA.Your blog mentions that your brother is a respected mohel. Might it be appropriate to have him look at our son? His pediatrician acknowledges that the circumcision looks strange but says they can all look different, so we're not getting a committed ruling from him either way. We are completely disgusted and now feel compelled to get to action to prevent this monster from torturing more children. Please do get back to us. Regards,
Please list the g'dolim who assur his brissim.
Here he goes again..........
there is a great ahyka on him period!
The gedolim who asser are the ones who asser the barbaric Gomco clamp, which is all of the gedolim.
Well said!!!
Shayla Shmayla, he's a great entertainer, in the league of Jackie Mason!
If you are going to be oyver on letzonus already, Jackie Mason is at least funny. And Mason would never mutilate a baby with a sadistic instrument.
אנחנו צריכים לעורר את הלבבות, שלצערנו רדומים, כמו שהרמב"ם אומר 'עורו ישנים משנתכם ונרדמים הקיצו מתרדמתכם'. בעוונותינו הרבים זה המצב היום לגבאי גיוס השמד והזימה. נתאר לעצמו אילו בזמן החזון איש ז"ל כשהיה את כל המערכה נגד גיוס בנות, היה מישהו בא ונותן לו עצה, לדחות את הכל בשלוש שנים. מה החזון איש היה אומר לו? – בעוד שלוש שנים יהיה יותר גרוע, צריך כבר עכשיו לצאת למלחמה! צריך להילחם מיד ולהראות שאנחנו מוכנים למלחמה! אם הם יהיו בטוחים במאה אחוז, שאנחנו כולנו נהיה מוכנים למלחמה כפשוטו, כמו כשבן גוריון ימ"ח וזכרו שאל את החזון איש זצ"ל, יש לי צבא אבל מה יש לך? אמר לו החזון איש מול הצבא שלי שמוכן למסור את הנפש כפשוטו לא יעזור כל הצבא שלך! את זה אנחנו צריכים להראות, זו ההשתדלות שלנו וזו החובה שלנו, למסור את הנפש כפשוטו, למסור את הנפש כפשוטו על כל צעד וצעד
מישהו שמע מבתו של החתם סופר ז"ל, שאמרה בשם אביה, שפעם ידעו, הוא השטן הוא היצר הרע, הוא מלאך המוות, היה לו שמות, וידעו להיזהר ממנו. היום יש לו שמות חדשים, 'נשתנו הדורות' ו'אין ברירה'. וידוע שהחתם סופר היה זה שאמר ש'חדש אסור מן התורה', בתוקף ובעוז, ובזה הוא הציל את כלל ישראל
וע"פ הלכה ועל דעל כל גדולי ישראל אסור לנו להיכנע אחרי דברים כאלו של שמד וזימה בצבא, הם החילונים רק מחלישים, וגם הם לא נכונים, ברוך ד' צמח לנו כאן דור שבאמת מוכן למסור את הנפש ממש, וזה החובה שלנו וזו ההשתדלות שלנו, וכל אחד צריך להיות כמו רבי עקיבא שאמר 'מתי יבוא לידי'. כתוב 'על מנת כן הוצאתי אתכם ממצרים על מנת שתקדשו את שמי ברבים', זו התכלית של כל הבריאה
להשים לב שעד עכשיו הם ניסו להילחם איתנו רק בכוח, עכשיו הם מנסים בדרך אחרת, עכשיו הם רוצים להמית אותנו במיתת נשיקה, העיקר שנמות. אבל הם צריכים לדעת שכל מה שהם יעשו, אנחנו נעשה נגדם מלחמה, הרב מפוניבז' ז"ל היה אומר, למה אומרים בעל הניסים 'על המלחמות', וביאר שהיו כאלו שהתנגדו ליוונים, כגון שלא יצאו מהמערה בשבת עד שהיוונים הרגו אותם. אבל הגיע זמן שמתתיהו אמר שצריך לצאת למלחמה נגד היוונים, ועל זה גופא אנחנו מודים, שהקב"ה נתן בליבם שעכשיו הדרך זה מלחמה מלאה ממש עד הסוף
ד' יעזור לנו שבזכות מסירות נפש, והציבור הגדול והקדוש הזה שבא לכבוד שמים, נזכה בס"ד שיתבטלו גזירות גיוס השמד והזימה בפועל בצבא ואז נזכה לביאת משיח צדקנו במהרה בימינו
טוביה הלוי שולזינגר
בלאאמו"ר מרן הגר"ש רב ואב"ד קרית אתא
מח"ס טוב הארץ על הש"ס
ת.ד. 7 קרית אתא ת"ו
יום ד' לסדר אשר ייטב לך ולבניך אחריך יג' מנחם אב תשע"ח
הילד איננו ואני אנה אני בא
הלוא למשמע אוזן דאבה נפשנו, על בחור חמד מצויין גדול תושב העיר קרית אתא, הבקי בכמה וכמה סדרי מסכתות ואף נבחן על 400 דפי גפ"ת, שקדן עצום, תלמיד ישיבת בית הלוי בישוב ראש העין, אשר היה לאות ולמופת בשקידתו בתורה והיה לסמל של התמדה בימי בין הזמנים בעירנו קרית אתא, וכותלי בית המדרש יוכיחו.
ובשנה האחרונה נפל בשבי האקדמיה והצבא, לאחר שפותה על ידי חבירו מישיבה קטנה, לעבור לישיבת כלאים באזור עיר חדרה, וכעת הוא בדרכו לשירות צבאי בצבא השמד. וה' ירחם כי מאז עבר למקום הנ"ל ירד מאוד מבחינה רוחנית.
אוי לנו כי חטאנו!
ובעוד הישיבה הנ"ל והעומד בראשה נמנים על עדת המשתיקים את גזירת הגיוס, וכתב ידו של ראש ישיבת בית הלוי יוצא במקום אחר בעלה נידף הידוע לשמצה [עיתון י.נ.] להכחיש את החי וכאילו 'אין כלום', וכפי הידוע לי כבר אירעו מספרים מקרים כיו"ב באותה ישיבה, אשר בחורים נפלו ממנה לצבא השמד.
בחורים מוטטו כושל בי להרב ושכינה הועלה מקרב וכשלו איש באחיו כמפני חרב, איך יערב לי אכול ושתות בעת אחזה כי יסחבו הכלבים את כפיריך [קינות לתשעה באב]
החותם בכאב ובצער
טוביה הלוי בלאאמו"ר מרן הגר"ש זצוק"ל גאב"ד קרית אתא
The 'Breedeh' must be slow these days.
Yudel, what happened to reawaken your concern? Did the magid mutilate his 10,000th Jewish child?
We really should get a list of all non accepted mesorah brissim and do them over - hatafas dam bris.
The expert on this is of course the one and only 'accepted by mesorah' mohel Rabbi Eli from Crown heights. Price is very negotiable.
First Krohn brings the Korbon pesach then he starts hgaddah. Isn't that in the Jewish tradition?
He is still as busy as any mohel's dream.
By posting your "Tochocho" on your blog you only draw more attention to him and that makes him
even more busy thus "MUTILATING" - did we say right?? - lets repeat it "MUTILATING" -"MUTILATING" -"MUTILATING" more Hailigeh Yiddisheh Neshomois. Oye Meh Hoyo Lomu.
Again, He is as busy as any Mohel's dream.
This explains a lot, as in certain Agudah characters and certain mosdos like Torah Temimah of Ocean Parkway and Yeshiva of Spring Valley where Moish Finkel was President, and where the current matzav is not much better.
The Divrei Chaim al pi Chazal: most rabbonim running mosdos before Moshiach will be from the Erev Rav. And same thing goes for most (seemingly) choshuve baal habatim.
The Gr"a & the Toldos Yaakov Yosef also bring that Chazal.
If there was EVER a nevuahdik Chazal that's plain to see!
You can even be MC of Agudah's biggest event & put your name just about everywhere else 'shebikdusha' while running around making babies from ainan-Yehudiyos.
Is there any bastion of sanity left besides Brisk that won't take gelt from filthy unter-mentchen?
Hope that by this coming ‘Tishah b’Av’ there will be a special ‘Kinah’ for this churbon.
The Monsey toishov would be a good address for composition such as these. He is well connected here and abroad.
Now for the YUDEL NO GOOD List:
No sheitels.
No Tzitzis.
No Apple juice.
No Vegtables.
No Nori.
No Star K.
No OK.
No Vaad Hashgachas - All of them.
No Hisachdis.
No Brisim (C"V).
No Boots or Slippers.
No cloths - all Shanetz.
No water - meters.
No fish.
No Hotels.
NO Milk.
How can one be a frum Jew without all these necessities?
Sat Mar 09, 08:17:00 PM 2019 forgot to give a krechtzt as tziz shver tze zein a Yid
Ober fort, that performance was spoken like a true Reformer, so bravo!
It's just like old times when we would mock the Chasam Soifer for making life "too difficult"
You sound like Satan who exclaimed that you may not eat from any trees in the Garden of Eden. That is not what Rabbi Shain has stated!
To: Anonymous Sat. 8:17 pm:
I have another seven "No"s to add to your list - that is if you've
ever read the Ten Commandments...
Nonetheless, the Torah teaches us to CHOOSE LIFE, and that it is NOT
EMPTY FROM US! If it does seem empty - we know that this came from us,
and we have only ourselves to blame. [Not my words, these are divrei
Love these anonymous “Chasam Sofer” (lehavdil bein elef elef Alfay alofim - and more Alofims) bloggers and comentators who are and side with self made poskim. In spite of the fact that most rabbonim disagree with these single noisemakers and “holier then thou” opinions.
Sun Mar 10, 09:55:00 PM 2019
If the ten Commandments are ten ( So most assume) why are you only into seven of them? What happened to the other three?
Maybe you ottah look in the mirror first before you comment on this most important'halachik update' blog.
Is there a reason why it’s posted again or just a slow week in news
Paysach tries harder than most to fit in with the Fressers because the title of Sherer's book is "Bishtai Ainayim"
Now we need to prohibit signing the fake RCA prenup as stated well by this vlogger
Which gedolim said Yidden should always have their passports ready?
The corrupt Board just announced that Yudi Frankel wants to resign but they are begging him to hang on just a bit more until they get R' Yitzchok Grossbard from Detroit to replace him.
What happened? Is Frankel pulling a Shea Fishman after he was exposed on the blogs as a willing tool for the achzoriyus of the Board?
Did the Board already tell Grossbard or will he get the news after moving cross country that to be the YSV figurehead you must do the Board's dirty work?
If its really a churban then one only mourns that on Tishah B'av only - according to the Briskeh Rav. (it printed in Artscroll Kinos).
I'll just have to see if Groiss Bard passes my inspection. As President Emeritus of YSV, I have a say on anyone cruelly draying zich arum there who has a koyach to be, well, an achzor & tzedrayter.
That's how we like it in YSV, the crueler to certain mishpochos and the biggest lekkers to certain others, the merrier!
By the way, I've got a really amazing price on katchkas for Yomtov that I sourced in the Dominican Republic. Shoyn gekoift?
A new low for yeshivos following the Philly-Agudah pied pipers to make life MISERABLE for remote learners!
Never mind the fake frumkeit to asser dedicated video link that can't be repurposed for anything else. In some cases they are not even providing a phone hook up - AFTER they said they would! You see, IMPOSSIBLE is a dargah beyond MISERABLE.
For those not already brain dead, perhaps Philly-Agudah want to make sure so that no one dare question them?
Pope Paulie or the Highway would be more truthful.
Has anyone seen Paysach?
Shortcuts always help VHQ affiliates score that infamous LIVING WAGE. Whether it's Krohn corrupting Brissen, Zohn corrupting Chevra Kadisha, Bryks corrupting innocent children, Chaim Schwartz doing the kashrus violations dirtywork of his Modern Orthodox overlords.
And now the guy married to Schwartz's sister:
The owner of a real estate improvement company in Lakewood has been charged with allegedly running a scheme where he provided false payroll information to New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Group to try and get lower premiums on his workers' compensation coverage, Acting Attorney New Jersey General Andrew J. Bruck and the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor announced on Monday.
Zechariah Greenspan, 37, is the owner of Mulberry Management, L.L.C. (“Mulberry Management”) in Lakewood who was previously indicted on second-degree charges of insurance fraud, theft by deception and misconduct by a corporate official.
Greenspan was charged for giving fictitious and misleading statements to NJMIG to lower how much premium he legally has to provide to his employees.
AG Bruck said that in the indictment, Greespan committed insurance fraud with NJMIG at least five times between July of 2016 and March of 2018 when he submitted false documents, made false or misleading statements and omitted material facts, "that misrepresented the amount of wages that Mulberry Management paid to its individual uninsured subcontractors, and that Mulberry Management had paid an insured subcontractor - ZG Holdings, L.L.C. (“ZG Holdings”), which he also owns - for subcontractor work."
He made several efforts to not provide his employees with adequate premium insurance coverage by trying to lower it with the insurance company.
Greenspan would under-report his payroll to individual uninsured subcontractors, "and by submitting false records indicating Mulberry Management had paid ZG Holdings for subcontractor work and that ZG Holdings had sufficient workers’ compensation coverage for said work, when in fact, he knew that Mulberry Management had not paid ZG Holdings for subcontractor work and/or that ZG Holdings lacked sufficient workers’ compensation insurance for said work."
He is charged with misconduct by a corporate official for using Mulberry Management and/or ZG Holdings to commit his crimes and is convicted of the Second-degree crimes, Greenspan is looking at a possible sentence of five to 10 years in state prison and a criminal fine of up to $150,000.
Do I need another bris?
I think Keon did me.
Can the famous R Eli moihel from CH do it?
Maybe at no charge?
Some more VERY important “news”.as was asked before, Do you keep kosher? Or Shabbos? How about Taharas….??
Wasn't Greenspan once on the Lakewood Board of Education?
There is a hechrach for public officials to behave even more than stam people, to avoid chilul Hashem, because all the goyim know who they are
Yudel taught us that in public office one must make a fool out of themselves by promoting srange and fafsheedeneh tzrachim not to the interest of the klal only the yochid.
How come I don't see comments about, during the Millah is it a good idea to help someone make a Bracha??
When Churban Bris Mila fall out this year??
Can one call his brit survivors 'holocust' survivors ??
It's also assur according to the Rabbanim of the Rabbanut who are more Modox leaning so קל וחומר no one reading this should rely on _this mohel.
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