Thursday, January 03, 2019

Don't ever alienate the children from a parent.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Progress bs'd!

I just concluded a call with Ms. Gamberg from the office of the Honorable Mr. Sean Kean. At the end of January 2019 a bill is to be introduced. Said bill would stiffen the penalty for any individual filing a false restraining order. A jail sentence of 18 months aside from the fine would be implemented. Notice, of the penalty would be printed on domestic violence forms.


Please continue advocating against child abuse in the form of false restraining orders leading to parent alienation r'l

Anonymous said...

Sholom ubracah,

A meeting took place at the Bais H'vadd in Lakewood NJ. As I was not there I am only repeating what I have heard. I'm confident that for the benefit of the tzibur charedi one can verify the information with the aforementioned.

Two attorneys licensed in NJ expanded on these two points of law.

1) Children are to be granted equal parenting time with each parent period.

2) Child support and alimony are separate issues from parenting.

I am not adding comment as I mentioned that I was not present at the meeting. Possibly Rabbi Wolfe of the Bais H'vadd would be kind enough to share the meeting minutes.

Bbirchas Hedyot



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Below is a draft of the bill being introduced by Assemblyman Sean Kean this Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Domestic violence - False accusations

The bill was introduced yesterday and the bill number is A-4979. In a few days you can go on the NJ Legislature webpage and search for the bill. It will include the bill text and what Assembly Committee it has been referenced to.