Thursday, February 13, 2020

Bais Horah has succumbed to the "unacceptable" Star-K in bedikas toi'loyim.


Anonymous said...

Posting the letters from years ago ( as is the norm on this site) does not provide the truth.
Why are you omitting THIS weeks letter ???
If you don't know about it, then all these posts are wothless.
And if you know about it then your stam deceiving your readers.

Anonymous said...

Letters from years ago?
Right- Every letter should be with a date of not more than a month old.
Every psak is only valid for 30 days.

Nothing changed, nothing will change.
When one doesn't have common sense, nothing will change either.

Anonymous said...

Why does Bais Hor'ah have Star-K people?

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Shain - I heard Zman Technologies is coming out with REAL Shabbos mode ovens under the OU - that you can actually open the door when the oven is on
Can you post more info about that??