Sunday, July 09, 2023

Update: The intention may be "great", but the outcome (fall-out) may be very problematic.

 A Tzedakah Organization formed for Chasanim that they need some basics, etc. 

                                                         Great intention! 

They'll get them suits from establishments [i.e. His Place South] that have serious issues with Shatnez. [see the following article, the same unreliable Shatnez Center]

They will do a fund-raiser with food provided by unreliable food service establishments.

Their response (to the gullible) is oh, it's all politics, עד אחד נאמן וכו'

What are the chances that much good can come out of such an arrangement?


Anonymous said...

Let’s do some ancual real Mitzvah by posting the name of the org plus all involved in this “want to do good” org.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Zichron Matel Shadchanim Tzedokah.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Yudel,
You write "They'll get them suits from establishments that have serious issues with Shatnez."
Why can't anyone bring their suits to get checked by competent people who check for Shatnez?
Then you write "They will do a fund-raiser with food provided by unreliable food service establishments."
Do you know where they get their food from? Do you know that they personally don't have their own mashgichim? Seems like you are just assuming...
Finally you write "Their response (to the gullible) is oh, it's all politics, עד אחד נאמן וכו'"
Have they responded in such a way to you? If not, why do you lie?
So here's an idea. Why don't you find something good to do with your day and stop bashing people who actually do good things with their time.

Anonymous said...

Let's get this straight. 3 days ago you post that there is problem with His Place. Let's say there really is. Are you really gonna bash tzaddikim running a tzedaka with no personal benefit, because they are 3 days late on alleged shaatnez hock?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's his AI Shadchanim raising money for AI. Is this a possibility?

Anonymous said...

They also have treif entertainment and maybe treif speakers too.
Aye. Why are you lying ? Does it make a difference this lie or the other ?

Anonymous said...

I thought Shadchanim are impartial. Having an organization that supports only the boys, does that mean that Katz and co. are biased towards the boys? What about the boys that turn down their proposals? Do they get supported the same way? Something smells fishy.