Thursday, June 06, 2024

A Cardinal Halacha is שמוע בן אחיכם

DE JA VU !!!!

We have recently seen again a letter signed by numerous Lakewood Rabbonim that may very well lack the cardinal rule of שמוע בן אחיכם.

That invalidates every one of the signatories from ruling or commenting on any of those issues.


Anonymous said...

FYI- The Hatzolah of Central Jersey Rabbinical Board also violates the שמוע בן אחיכם.

It's ingrained in Many of the Lakewood Rabbonim.

Anonymous said...

Yes it's true by the Rabbonim of Lakewood and even the Botei Dinim.

The reason is that they are all beholden to the Vaad.

The Vaad, we all know is the .....

Anonymous said...

The good thing is that most of the names on the paper didn't actually sign, so they weren't oiver anything. The whole letter is a forgery by Hatzala.

When they are forced to use those tactics, you can be assured there is a reason they are so afraid.