Friday, June 14, 2024

OU summer kashrus training program



Anonymous said...

Is it a good training program or should one boycott it ?

Anonymous said...

Send everyone from KCL. From the top to the bottom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the OU just got demoted from headlines to the eighth page here on Yudels.
Why ??

Anonymous said...

There weren't that many hits, so it gets put lower, and the more popular ones move up.

Anonymous said...

Whose going undercover to the training program and then report to - you know who - to post some more nasty stuff ???

Undercover Brotha said...

Sounds like Fri 12:58 pm, the original 'You Know Who', is still smarting from the time that it was leaked on Yudelstake how Chaim Schwartz made a shoiteh out of himself at the AKO conference in Texas.

The name of yener's game is supressing all shmutz on OU & Queens Vaad, uber alles