Monday, September 16, 2024

Some Upgrades to Lakewood's BMG's KCL

 They sanction having the non-Jewish employees on a Shabbos catered affair to go to the

caterers commissary to prepare and make fresh schnitzel, especially when there is a KCL  authorized Mashgiach on the job.

They sanction to have the Caterers non-Jewish employees act as a Shabbos goy, and go with his van to pick items from the caterers commissary or from a store, and deliver it to the Shabbos catered affair, especially with an on-site KCL Mashgiach.

They sanction at Shabbos catered affairs, the caterers manager (who has no interest in Hilchas Shabbos) to be the KCL Mashgiach.

All of the above, providing that the KCL receives their per-diem fee for each shabbos job.


Anonymous said...

Can we start naming the caterers that don’t care ?

Anonymous said...

So far you have identified many many issues in kashrut all over the country. Beautiful. But you have done nothing about it. You should start your own “basic” kosher hashgacha - no chimras - just basic haloocheh. So why don’t you.
So the answer is you tried and were not successful. Why not. Why are your issues not corrected ? Forget about the KCL or Whoever hashgacha. Is it the people are not interested? Is it the Rabbonim are not interested ??
Did you ever think about this ???
Maybe your position is not the accepted position?? (I think it is how things should be).
Make a cheshbon. You have been hocking and banging and making a lot of noise about kashrut for many years. But to no avail. Why Why and why.

Anonymous said...

In the Abyss, the catering will be under the KCL, especially for the Mizrach vant.

Ignore Sep 15, 2:56 PM said...

Talk about Hockers who get nowhere with all the noise they make! That was the infamous Qveens 'You Know Who' guy with his talking points who devotes much more time trying to undermine R' Yudel than he does watching the essen like he's supposed to for the big hashgocho. He knows darn well that R' Yudel has effected much change for the good by putting irresponsible hashgochos on notice. This really irks 'You Know Who', hence the denials & belittling!

Shpolter Shgooche said...

The most recent shgooche that Shneider's of France went under is Hisachdus.

They make this Minute Chef line

One of the selections is only under Star K with no Hisachdus seemingly because it's ingredients are problematic. But the oylam doesn't realize it and even Satmar supermarkets carry the whole line.

Anonymous said...

Yudel i saw someone with starbucks now. PLEASE POST AGAIN AGAINST CHALAV AKOOM and also the fact that they are all TREIFas

Anonymous said...

We need chizzuk now in אלול for chalav akoom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he missed either his FF or his Candies.